Big Bud Grow Op


Well-Known Member
wow. I keep hearing people hate on big bud, i can't figure out why though...

your plants look great. this may well be what i end up growing with...


Well-Known Member
shit looks good man......i dont know how I missed this journal but im here now....a little late but none the less.........good job man


Well-Known Member
wazzup everyone??i love the chat pretty knowlegable amout the but but iv never actually had my hand at it and im tryin now...ok here what im workin with..i got five seeds from a smoke session of some pretty good budz..and they are currintly in a wet paper town which is in a zipplock pouch.iv got soil in a small paper cup waiting for seedlings..ive got a closet with about eight feet in hieght and 3 feet in width for space..plan on getting a high pressure sodium light soon (heard it could be used for vegetative and flower stages and still give a honerable yield..this correct??)..i was planning on putting aluminum foil in the walls for maximum lighting... let me know if you think my first time has a possibility of survival..(lol)
P.S. is there any kind of common or less expensive lighting i could use for this other than a HPS light??where could i get it?(ex>lowe's, home depot, walmart?)how long should seeds take to sprout in a paper towel..had them in for a day and a half and nothing..i should prolly just be patient..feed back is greatly appreciated..i respect expereince


Well-Known Member
so those last ones are now like 48d? they be looking pretty nice. I am 49d today with my bigbud....and they do not look like very cool man!


Sector 5 Moderator
Thanks guys!! The pix were of 55 days flowering Tahoe. I had to prop up some of the branches yesterday; the colas were about to snap them off. Well ok, pot branches don't exactly "snap" off; it's more like trying to break a rope, LOL. ...but it did bend almost down to the floor. BBBF, just paint the inside of your closet; it'll be better than the aluminum foil and will add resale value to your house. :) The HPS is great for flowering; about a 400w should be plenty for that small of a space. You might want to get a few CFL's for your seedlings; HPS can be pretty strong on the little guys. If you're doing a soil grow you won't have to be so fussy about the pH if you throw in some dolomitic lime; it helps buffer the pH to keep it much more stable. I just add about 10-12 drops of Advanced Nutes pH Down to 3 liters of water for my soil grow. Nat, come on down bud; I'll have your bribe cured in about 3 more weeks; just put one of the blueberries in a Mason jar yesterday (that reminds me, I have to go burp it!). It's been hanging up drying for almost two weeks but was pretty dry when I chopped it. I don't know if I've ever smoked any Big Bud but it won't be long til I do. One more week (approx.) til the chop. The big bud seems to be maturing significantly quicker than the blueberry. Looks like the blueberry might go another 7-10 days past the big bud.


Well-Known Member
hey PP....thanks for your reply. I'll be interested in your thoughts on the smoke and your wet/dry weight. I am prolly a good week or two behind you.....but close nonetheless. Thanks again man!


Well-Known Member
I Just made some cannabutter from about 2 ozs of bigbud trimmings. It was all leaf though some was leaf from buds I trimmed.
One thing I can say is I need to make sure I start off small next time. I used 3/4 of a cup of butter for the 2 ozs.. I got about 1/2 cup back.. I used that in a brownie mix.
When the 13x9 brownie was done, I cut it into 8 pieces. I my wife and I ate one.
2 hours later we were flying
3 hours later we were both on our bed, one leg on the ground, room SPINNING. Holy crap it has been a long time since I have been that stoned. Thank God the kids were at grammies.
SMALLER pieces next time..
I guess the moral to my little story is don't let people bad mouth big bud on you- there is plenty of good stuff in em.... I got lucky and have a really fruity pheno that is going into its 3rd clone..


Sector 5 Moderator
OMG Onehanded, that's friggin' awesome! I can't wait to taste mine. I chopped them today!! Day 59. Here are the pix. Tell me if you think the timing was right.



Sector 5 Moderator
By my best guestimate, about 75% were amber. I'm not sure about the cloudy part; they were all pretty opaque. I don't guess it matters much since they are hanging upside down in the shed, LOL.