Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership


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Oh and thanks for stopping by Ancap and smokedup 12 + rep and thanks for the info i really appreciate it.


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Also i changed the res two days ago should i ph some water and mix up some superthrive and put it in the res or should i just wait till next res change and add the superthrive then??


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Starting to flower either on monday or wednesday so then about 8 weeks. I heard they were 6-8 weeks for flower but then i did some research and read they were a 8-10 week flower so im guessing around 9 weeks and they should be cut down. So i still have awhile but it will be worth the wait they already smell so delicious and they are looking great so far. I never did the lst before and its turning them into bushes i hope i get around 2 ounces of each plant (im only going to keep the two big ones in there so they have more space to grow) Does anyone have any idea how much yeild i might get from theese? Starting to flower at around 12-14 inches and let them go about 9 weeks if i take care of them and use some big bud is 2 ounces dry per plant possible to happen? or good i even get more possibly?


Well-Known Member
looks good dood. that mothership is cool as hell. if i was in a confined space i'd be all over one of those. scribed...


Active Member
Thanks man ya it is cool as hell and its my first hydro grow. I got the thing for 650 bucks and it came with mh and hps light and all the nutrients and a bunch of other shit so i couldnt help myself i had to buy it. I have grown in soil a few times so im not a complete newb at growing but i am a newb at hydro and i still have alot to learn overall so any advice is appreciated. Im just my friends and i are just tired of paying 400 for a ounce of good herb so i am going to be there illegal caregiver lol. Everyone threw up some money for me to get the thing and some clones and everything else needed and they just want some product in return. So after this first grow everything is mine and its all paid off but im going to still hook them up for a good price. Anyway thanks again for stopping by keep commenting!!


Well-Known Member
i like your attitude man but remember this. risk = $$$$$ you're takin the risk bro so don't be too forgiving on the price.


Active Member
Oh def not there were 2 people who gave me 100 bucks so i figure ill hook them up with a half ounce for the 100 bucks which they said is cool after that im going to make my money but i am also not doing it just for the money i want really good quality herb for me and my girl without having to pay so much for it, and im a nice guy so 45-50 dollars an eight for my friends sounds resonable to me since it goes for like 60-70 so i will make my money and still help my friends out. As you see though i can only produce 4 plants and i will keep half the product for myself to hold me over till the next grow is done. How much do you think i can get out this thing if im vegging them for about 2 weeks and i lst them and everything turns out well? Do you think 4 ounces sounds about right? I dont know how the yeild with hydro works


Active Member
U should get 200 grams minimum. .5/w. If i mother ship uses 400w hps. these things like to triple in size so make sure u have the room. 10 inchs is almost max in the producer for flip. Ph 1-3 times a day for best results. Add supertrive. Do 7 day rez changes


Active Member
Once roots hit the rez your in bizness. Dont worry about the small roots coming out of the net pots the shrivil up and turn brown. Your plant will grow roots into the rez and kind of kill the useless shit it has


Active Member
Ok so will i get those 200 grams if i have 4 plants in there or will i still get it if i only have 2 plants in there? I was told to take two plants out and only leave to in there and i will get the same poundage since the 2 plants will get more light to them. I low stress trianed my plants and am going to keep the two biggest ones in there and there really starting to bush out. That would be awsome if i got 200 grams that is 7 ounces that means 3 1/2 ounces a plant. Your talking dry weight right? Also with the super trhive should i add some now or wait untill my next res change in 5 days??


Active Member
Ok so will i get those 200 grams if i have 4 plants in there or will i still get it if i only have 2 plants in there? I was told to take two plants out and only leave to in there and i will get the same poundage since the 2 plants will get more light to them. I low stress trianed my plants and am going to keep the two biggest ones in there and there really starting to bush out. That would be awsome if i got 200 grams that is 7 ounces that means 3 1/2 ounces a plant. Your talking dry weight right? Also with the super trhive should i add some now or wait untill my next res change in 5 days??
Yah its weird but it works like that. If your plants are nice big and heathy and take up alot of room you will get extremely dense fat colas. It equals out to the same if u have 4 plants or if u have 2. Topping your girls twice will leave you with 4 colas each which can easily be 3/4 oz each. Yah add superthrive


Active Member
Ok going to add the superthrive now. I did not top my plants i tied them down and low stress trianed them however from what i understand its the same thing as topping except you dont shock the plant and get the 1 week period of time where it doesnt grow. I dont know if you can tell by my recent pictures but from seeing it in person the other nodes are getting the be the same hieght as the main stock and there are about 5 even nodes on each of the two plants im keeping so i assume i should have like 4-6 colas from each plant. God i cant wait till next monday or wednesday to flip these lights and watch these girls start to get sexy


Active Member
Ok so i just added some superthrive and tested my ph with the new ph tester and my ph is like 6.2 is that reall really bad im going to try and adjust it now but is 6.2 really bad or not so bad?? i Know its suppose to be around 5.5


Active Member
LOL ok this was my first time adjusting ph so i put in what i thought was just a little ph down and it shot it down to like 4.0 so i quickly added a little ph up and its at like 5.6 right now and im going to leave it alone. I didnt fuck anything up to bad by doing that did i? Ph is at 5.6 now and superthrive added so i think im good now


Active Member
Ok PH is under control right at 5.6, superthrive is added. res temps are at 73.2 box temp is at 82.4 humidity says 20 percent but thats the lowest it goes so im guessing its under 20%. Does all this sound to be about right i dont know what the humidty should be at


Active Member
Yah man all good. Do an experment and put a dish of water or a wet paper towel in the box. Just to see if humidity gauge working right. You want to be in the 40-50 range. Humidity is really low, is it low in your city? Its like 40% here outside and 60-70 in my boxes. Not a big deal or anything but seems odd its so low in your box,


Active Member
My humidity is at about 35-40% right now in Florida. During the summer without proper ventilation, my box was 80+%. Definitely try to keep the humidity under 50%. It's less of a worry in the beginning though. You don't want bud rot once those buds start forming and getting thick.

BTW, how much vertical grow space do you get from the mothership. I agree with smokedup, 10" is max veg in the producer. I made the mistake of growing beyond that and lost half of my yield in the end.


Active Member
i got about 3 feet give or take. I tied my plants down already so they went from like 12 inches tall to about 6-7 inches tall so i will be flowering soon. Also this is very important will superthrive turn your roots brown? As i said yesterday my roots were a brown tint and didnt really scare me as i hear that nutes turn your roots brown, however i woke up this morning and my roots are super brown but not slimy and my res walls are not slimy either. Since i added superthrive yesterday do u think this is the casue of my roots having a dark brown tint on them?? I really dont want to lose this crop and cant afford it so i need to do whatever possible now.