Big Garage Grow. Build out / Grow Journal

sorry to bring up the whole douchebag talking shit about you not telling which club you own. Maybe because it dosen't matter if the cheif of police knows or anyone state employed? It matters about Federal so thats probably why he rather not say.
Great build, great grow! Subbed and repped. Seriously that dude was WAY out of line asking about your personal info. Screw him and personally anyone asking for personal info and calling someone out for not providing it should be banned. This is not fucking Facebook, this is a site mainly about engaging in acts which are illegal in most parts of the world and everywhere according to the US Govt so everyone should value everyone else`s privacy no matter what their local regulations may be.

Appreciate the fact that this man is sharing an awesome setup with us, ask relevant technical and botanical questions and other than that...enjoy and shut the fuck up.

These pictures are from a few days ago... Finally starting to fill out. lol. think ill be taking them till the first week of april.



so did you ever find out what caused all that dead shit on those plants in the beginning??? ive never seen that on such young clones.... id like to know what happened there
dude, im just gonna say it, I think MY grow wants to grow up and be like yours. I too grow for a collective and have a garage grow of about the same size. My rooms are only half the size, But I do like your setup and cleanliness. +rep man. Im subbed
so did you ever find out what caused all that dead shit on those plants in the beginning??? ive never seen that on such young clones.... id like to know what happened there

well i mentioned this a few times in the thread. but the tho clones are FAAARRRR from young. they were actually acient and brittle when i planted them, all over like a foot tall and EXTREEMELY ROOT BOUND they were in tiny ass 3"x3" square pots from oct 3rd, till i transplanted them on jan 3rd. they spent most of this time in a freezing ass garage strouggling through the winter, i finally got the place right around christmas, would of cut more clones and started fresh had i known these cuts were gonna be sooo stressed out from all the moving and bad environment.

anyways, IN MY OPINION, i think i have doen fairly well with what i was given to work with, i started a 2k room in my house and its all cuts that I took and that I transplanted, the clones in this room i didnt cut and didnt trasnplant into soil. so i really had no idea on really there history, just knew the date they had been cut cuz it was on the plant labels when i took over the clubs grow show. alll this shit i inherited, all theses moms, all this equipment, non of it was mine till about novemeber. thats about when i started learning how to grow on this kind of scale, only had grown twice before with a single thousand, i bit off a lot to chew for not knowing how to grow very well. but it was something i thought i could tackle. and here i am...
alll this shit i inherited, all theses moms, all this equipment, non of it was mine till about novemeber. thats about when i started learning how to grow on this kind of scale, only had grown twice before with a single thousand, i bit off a lot to chew for not knowing how to grow very well. but it was something i thought i could tackle. and here i am...

Thats what happened to me too!!! I myself have finally gotten it figured to where I can squeeze in everything else, but I feel you on biting off more than you can chew. Keep it up man, youll find that happy medium. Check out my grow. Its not as large but it is bigger than just a single 1000w grow which is what i did twice as well before going into this.
dont mind at all my friend, na i dont mind if the roots touch each other, a few people have asked me this and i dont really see the downfall? why not let the grow out all over the place and stretch to where the want to, let em get all tangled up. i water the ENTIRE soil bed at the same time, till i get runoff. so they are all seeing the same water/nutrient levels, yes there are a few dry and wet spots, but thats hard to avoid, you have to be very careful and to put the soil down evenly or the water will want to drain through the looser soil, leaving the packed soil dry, eventually it will then reverse, the packed soil will slowly WICK water every time yo water feed then that tightly packed soil will want to stay WET for a longer duration. i believe if anyone attempts these beds the first thing i suggest is a good wand that showers water and to water the bed slowly as so it doesnt puddle up making the water find the path of least resistance and creating canyon like things in the soil where the water just runs through not wetting the soil around it, if you follow. important to water evenly and let it saturate, then reapply, saturate then reapply, that way you know your drenching the entire soil.

and the reason i trim the bottom half is a most of the time that bottom growth doesnt receive nearly as much light and usually ends up turning into larfy fluffy buds, that really arent filled out and mature. cutting the lower growth helps concentrate energy up to the big 5-10 top nugs that receive the good light. then all your final product ends up looking like all good top shelf donkey dick nugs. not a bunch of dime sized ones. (although some people like that, but its the big buds that sell)

Nice grow you got there , i was just about to ask the question but its above already. Im sub'd would like to see the outcome.
Have you grown like this before?