Big Garage Grow. Build out / Grow Journal

Awesome thank you for the answers. I'm just getting into my first grow, gonna be a 4x4 flood table. When I expand I may end up going to dirt, but I'll give this a whirl first. So much reading, so much to learn! Again, props to you for moving the cause legally and sharing your experience.
Looks like a really fun op too. How is it working in this space? What are your long term plans for it?
Keep up the good work.
~~ Flams ~~
Amazing grow you clearly put alot of thought into your set up. I just have one question. do you have to change out the soil after every grow or how does it work? I grow hydro myself. The thought of lugging that much dirt in and out seems like a lotta work.
Amazing grow you clearly put alot of thought into your set up. I just have one question. do you have to change out the soil after every grow or how does it work? I grow hydro myself. The thought of lugging that much dirt in and out seems like a lotta work.

some re-use the soil.

me i choose not to. i have to yield like a QP more to pay for a run of soil. and yeah its a bitch. 10 bags per bed. just one day of back breaking work. but now i get to relax, i havent been doing shit to em. just letting them grow. its so easy. spray for bugs, or foliar feed. keep on my sulfur burns and the plants are looking bomb!
so you never said what club you and your friend run? if i havent been to it id like to check it out?

good nature garden supply is cheapest in sac they sell foxx farm ocean mix for 9.75 a bag
1 week into flower. Still need to do a lot of trimming of the bottoms. Dead leaf pull.

Watered yesterday. I killed a few plants due to dry spots i didnt notice... Whoops. Soul train and cinderella are both still looking pretty shotty, cindy has some weird one leaf growth, and the soul train cant hold itself up. lol.

All Cali Mist

Cindy (left) LSD (right) LSD is a big growing stretchy monster.

Soul Train (left) Pure Kush (right)

White Rhino love this plant (left) Purple Snow (right) Also love this plant.

Whole Room Rockin. Gonna move the wall over and run 12 lights next run. Hopefully set my co2 burner up in the next few days... Also got my window AC in...
so as a valid prop 215 card holder you still cant tell me what club your running what a pussy. your not breaking any laws and supposedly the chief of police nows about your grow so why are you so scared to say what supposed club you run? hahaha what a pussy pie
so as a valid prop 215 card holder you still cant tell me what club your running what a pussy. your not breaking any laws and supposedly the chief of police nows about your grow so why are you so scared to say what supposed club you run? hahaha what a pussy pie

Probably so he doesn't have to deal with people like you coming in...

He can share as much or as little info as he likes, back the fuck off.
that and he would have to worry about someone finding his grow, and possible consequences that has. Even if he is legal the feds still hunt people down. I don't blame him for not wanting to disclose his info. Plus rep man, that is a dream grow for most people. Good luck
so as a valid prop 215 card holder you still cant tell me what club your running what a pussy. your not breaking any laws and supposedly the chief of police nows about your grow so why are you so scared to say what supposed club you run? hahaha what a pussy pie
agreed well put auzzie highly doubt its completely legit with those plant counts what are you a fuckin FBI agent????
so as a valid prop 215 card holder you still cant tell me what club your running what a pussy. your not breaking any laws and supposedly the chief of police nows about your grow so why are you so scared to say what supposed club you run? hahaha what a pussy pie

yeah i work for a collective. its still illegal to the feds, this whole prop 215 sb420 is a GIGANTIC grey area.

your just and idiot obviously. way to be a total douchebag.

pussy pie? what are you 12 man, come on. grow a pair yourself.
wood, your avatar....who is that? i think fuzzybuds had the same guy in his avatar.

hey wood also wanted to say GREAT grow been checking out this thread for a week just havent posted yet. im a hydro guy myself i would have went with some flood and drain tables but the setup would have been exact.
FUCKIN awesome great grow +rep keep it green.