Big J's LEGAL 1K Watt Mh/HPS Perpetual Closet Grow


Well-Known Member


So eventually I will be throwing in a 3x3 white Botanicare Ebb and Flow system in this closet, along with a spot for my three mothers.

Since I have a 15 plant limit, I plant to run 9 in flower at all times, with 3 clones rooting at all times, and of course the aforementioned 3 mothers.

I have completed 2 cycles in soil so I am definately still a newb, just hitting .52 grams/watt on my last complete cycle.

For now, I have 7 clones vegging under 18/6 of 1k MH lighting. I have 1 BB clone, 3 Skunk, and I Hashberry. I am growing in FoxFarm Ocean Forest cut with Light Warrior at a 5:3 ratio, respectively. I also added 1 tablespoon of dolamite lime and 1 tablespoon of RootZone, both per gallon of soil.

I fed my plants with the complete Fox Farm line as appropriate. Right now they are getting 1 tsp Grow Big and 1 tbl Big Bloom, per gallon. I water every other time with ph'ed spring water at 6.3-6.5.

My soil ph ranges from 6.3 - 6.5. My rH is around 45-50%. Daytime temps do no exceed 76f, with nighttime temps dropping to no lower than 63f, but usually around 66f.

I plan to veg these plants out and take clones. Once the clones are rooted I will flower the moms and pick 3 mothers from the clones based on what I like. I will have pics up in this post soon of what the clones looked like when I got them, and then I will make a new post with pics of what they look like now, and then the journal will be open!



Well-Known Member
Well for some reason it's not letting me re-edit my first post, but this thread is OPEN AND READY FOR BUSINESS!!

DAY 18

Well since I am late at starting this journal we will have to really start on day 18.

The pics in the first post are what the clones look like after I transplanted them. All of the new green nice growth has occured AFTER I got them. Prior to this, they looked pretty sad.

Below are updated pics from today! The BB is the largest plant. Its hard to distinguish between the hashberry and skunk (perhaps because the guy screwed me on strains?) So we will have to wait and see.

I watered them yesterday with 18 oz of ph'ed h20 each. They seem to have responded well, as I think I may have waited a day later to water than ideal.

Hopefully I can get some people tracking this grow! Let me know what you think!



Well-Known Member
Yay! We got ourselves a Gypsy!

Thanks for stopping by friend. I got to go to the hydro store next month and then we will see! If I can harvest a 1 zone lolli weekly I will be happy!


Well-Known Member
Just for the record everyone, Gypsy is my Mr. Miagi.

I still can't catch flies with chopsticks...
I've been looking everywhere for someone to help me make a 'shower' holloween costume. Plus, this guy Johnny has been messing with me ever since I signed up here on RIU.

You are getting serious now jesse... no more just growing plants, we have a plan now. I like it. A zip a week would be nice indeed. You don't smoke that much, do you? A zip would last me 5 weeks.

I'm really looking forward to this.


Well-Known Member
hey those pics are looking good :0)
cant wait to see them when they are done :0)
im starting my quick grow too :0)
they are almost 2 weeks old and ok size and everyday i turn the lights on at 9 am and shut them off at 9 pm :0) tryin to get them flowering quick :0)


Well-Known Member
I've been looking everywhere for someone to help me make a 'shower' holloween costume. Plus, this guy Johnny has been messing with me ever since I signed up here on RIU.

You are getting serious now jesse... no more just growing plants, we have a plan now. I like it. A zip a week would be nice indeed. You don't smoke that much, do you? A zip would last me 5 weeks.

I'm really looking forward to this.
LOL I think I missed something Jig, the first part doesn't make sense to me.

I smoke A LOT. I also really like to cook and the thought of tossing my penne pasta in cannabutter and topping it with a homemade 3 cheese sauce with 1/2 part cannabutter and topping if off with a ganja brownie, appeals to me greatly :-)

I sure won't sell or whatever. I will just find a way lol. Yeah a zip a week is ambitious but if you don't aim high you fall harder, IMO.

I am lookin forward to this too! Thanks again for your help.

hey those pics are looking good :0)
cant wait to see them when they are done :0)
im starting my quick grow too :0)
they are almost 2 weeks old and ok size and everyday i turn the lights on at 9 am and shut them off at 9 pm :0) tryin to get them flowering quick :0)
Hell ya Cloudy glad to hear it man! You should get the link put in your sig!

Glad to see ya around again!


Well-Known Member
jigfresh said:
I've been looking everywhere for someone to help me make a 'shower' holloween costume. Plus, this guy Johnny has been messing with me ever since I signed up here on RIU.
LOL I think I missed something Jig
Shower costume from Karate Kid:

Johnny always has to be a dick:

You'll be catching flies soon enough jesse-san:


Well-Known Member
Thorough to the last lol.

Thanks Jig, I get it now. I referenced material I wasn't really that familiar with, lol. Oops, guess I look like a bit of a jackass! :-)



Well-Known Member
i will when i learn how too .....
and gla to be back around :0)
i might just leave this new grow in my old journal :0)
keep it going :0)


Well-Known Member
So, here is the 21 day update for my vegging clones. The tallest one is up to around 10" and really loving the 1k of MH lighting.

Soil pH: 6.3 - 6.5
Room temps 74-76f (Daytime) 63-68f (Night time)
14 oz of h20/nutrient solution per 72 hours ph'ed to 6.3 - 6.5

I am seeing excellent growth. I can tell the clones have all taken into the new soil per their 6/30 transplant into 1 gallon pots. The internode length is excellent, and I am getting nothing but gorgeous, healthy growth from all clones at all points. I am thinking about topping or fimming the plants around 1 ft tall. What do you guys think?

Keep in mind, I plan to trim the lower 1/3 growth for some clones and let these plants develop into some nice mini trees while I veg the clones. After flowering the original clones, I plan to pick some for mothers.

I have also germed some of the barb seeds I got from my last cycle. Two of my plants either went hermie or were somehow pollinated from my last cycle's hermies...or something, I dunno. They were right next to each other in the back right corner. So I am not sure. But within 20 hours I had some nice taproots, pictured below! So now I have 7 barb seedling and 2 unknown bagseedlings and then my 5 clones!

Comments/questions/opinions/random bs? :-)



Well-Known Member
Its a relative ghost town here
It's becuase we're just getting things going. What's going on is people can tell this is going to be a grow to watch... and they are saving their energy and enthusiasm for the later stages. But's it's all good becuase me, gypsy (with his full hard drive :( ), and cloudy are here for the long run... and you know we grow TREES.

Bring on the big buds jess. You got some pressure using 1kw throughout.

Why is that one clone so much damn bigger than the rest?

I like the idea of topping at 1 foot, you get a better look at where you want to cut and a better overall picture of the plant than when the are little. You can get to know them a bit before you start altering their behavior.

Nice work so far Jesse... this will be fun.

:mrgreen: :bigjoint: :blsmoke:

pretty man pretty i will be followin along let me know what you think so far of mine i think mine are around the same day as your for vegging i been doing 18/6 also with 5 cfls 26 watts a piece 2 white and 3 red


Well-Known Member
It's becuase we're just getting things going. What's going on is people can tell this is going to be a grow to watch... and they are saving their energy and enthusiasm for the later stages. But's it's all good becuase me, gypsy (with his full hard drive :( ), and cloudy are here for the long run... and you know we grow TREES.

Bring on the big buds jess. You got some pressure using 1kw throughout.

Why is that one clone so much damn bigger than the rest?

I like the idea of topping at 1 foot, you get a better look at where you want to cut and a better overall picture of the plant than when the are little. You can get to know them a bit before you start altering their behavior.

Nice work so far Jesse... this will be fun.

:mrgreen: :bigjoint: :blsmoke:
I hope so Jig! These are going to be some big girls! The reason one is bigger than the other is because the guy I got them from took the cutting two weeks prior than the rest. So she is the big sister. I just don't have much experience topping and kinda want to let them grow out so I can pick mother based on their actual growth. I am still split.

pretty man pretty i will be followin along let me know what you think so far of mine i think mine are around the same day as your for vegging i been doing 18/6 also with 5 cfls 26 watts a piece 2 white and 3 red
I will drop by! Thanks for stopping by!

Looking sweet man, I am in for the ride, subscribed + reps.
Good to have you along bro! Man, I lucked out today! Glad to see so many faces amoungst those that I know well! Rep+ to you as well and thanks for stopping by!

subscribed .. ill be watching..
Sick deal buddy! I hope I give you all a good show! I watered them today with nutes for the 2nd time, so I will take some pics tomorrow. They are growin up quick!