Big J's LEGAL 1K Watt Mh/HPS Perpetual Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
Everything is proceeding smoothly Gypsy! Just tryin to decide to top/fim/hands off...

How's things with you bro?


Well-Known Member
Things are good...:razz:

Fucking bear beds all over my yard...

The dog goes crazy... pees and poops all over them...

He hates bears...:lol:

I have never got the FIMM thing right until this tree happened...

Now I understand the football sized buds...

Fimming deff has it's place...

I guess it all depends on what you want to do...

What DO you want to do?


Well-Known Member
Well I want to veg these out and get as large a yield possible 14-15 plants. Before I flower them I will take clones.

See, I am sitting on a good stash so I wanna play around a bit and do bigger plants this time.


Well-Known Member
Well the bigger clone has the main top, of course, and....15 others tops/growth tips.

The smaller ones have 10, 8, 6, and 9. I maybe off by one of two...but it gives you a close idea.


Well-Known Member
Yeah twice.

Once it worked great. The second time I didn't cut right. I missed the axial tip altogether and just cut the new leaves off. So it was a clusterfuck.

But I have confidence I can do it right though. Take a look at the last pics. There is a good shot of the BB. It is the tallest plant and sits back left. You can see it has some nice branches coming off.

I really would like to top it. The one front left is hash berry and the other three are skunk. I have been told by the guy I got the clones from that the skunk should be left to grow natural as it doesn't respond well to topping.

I was thinking of topping the BB because 1. It will reportedly respond well. 2. It is the tallest and this will allow the others to catch up for an even canopy, hopefully.


EDIT: I used topping interchangablely with fimming, except in answering your ?


Well-Known Member
Thanks GB. I think I will.

I think I will let the next node open up first. I am new to vegging with HID remember, but it looks to be like 4 leaves are about to open all at once. Its badass. These things are GROWING. I don't wanna cut such a big chunk off. I will catch the next set early though and snip.


Well-Known Member
Right on...

you'll do well...

I'm trembling a bit with my new grow...

I feel so dumb... I have no idea what I am doing..

Everyday I expect to go in there and find 2 huge DEAD plants..:shock:

But amazingly they are still alive...:razz:


Well-Known Member
Yeah this is new for you, not having your system mastered.

How much are they drinking a day?
They are being flooded 8x a day... for 15 minutes...

And the new plant also has a temporary top feed/drip ring to help it settle into the new home...

I didn't measure how much water I used to top off the res, but if I had to guess... I'd say they drank about 5 gallons each in a week...


Well-Known Member
Jeez that's a lot. I wish I could get my girls to start drinking more...

I haven't dialed in my watering schedule. I watered the BB with 450ml and she is ready for more water already, 2 days later, which is more often then I want to water. So I am thinking of going to 500 ml for the next watering.

Then there are the other 4. I gave them 350ml each and they look like they won't be ready until the day after tomorrow, or four days since the last feeding. Which is LESS often then I want to water lol. So I am thinking of giving them just 300ml next watering.

I wish there was an objective formula!


Well-Known Member
LOL I feel like that sometimes too man...I just don't know how it works...

That's why I am so excited for hydro. You know we are less than 2 months away now!!??