Big Pc Grow 1st grow!!


Well-Known Member
I think that might have been my problem with the last batch i planted is that i overwatered them.
Decided to let those roots grow a bit, but i should be planting tomorrow.

Send me luck :]

If you guys have any good tips for light proofing im getting pretty bad light leak :p
Mainly out of the top (that black vent that vents two of my fans) and then the top right of the case around where the handle joins and also the edge of the case.

I circled where its leaking in the pic below because i couldnt get a good shot in the dark :/



Well-Known Member
well the fans you cant really put anything there, you need ventilation, but for everthing else maybe tape it up, not really sur what you could use


Well-Known Member
This is what i thought. I think instead of trying to cover it up im just going to get some cool red or blue or green lights and tell anyone its a gaming case (which it really is).

Hey have you guys ever heard of Dr.Bud Greengenes?
I was looking at some of his CFL grows and he did really well using SOG.

What do you guys personally prefer in such a small space?
Scrog Sog LST super cropping?


Active Member
I'm working on my own case build right now, and I just picked up industrial strength aluminum foil tape (short term is reflective foil tape) and flat white paint from home depot. I'm going to use the tape to plug up all light leaks, then give the whole interior a good white paintjob for reflection. I'll let you know by friday how well it works for light leak proofing!

Props to elephant rider for the inspiration!

- Sikander


Well-Known Member
Thanks skiander i might try that, im also thinking if i just use glue from the inside it might get some of the cracks.

And be sure to post a link to your grow so we can subscribe :mrgreen:

And as i was looking for your grow i saw your from austin, i too live in texas and have some friends down in austin. Its a pretty kick ass city to live in, if your going to live in texas.

UPDATE! Dont want to bother with pics but i have four germinated seeds planted in my organic soil with baggies over them :]
hopefully i will have some pictures of my babies tomorrow or saturday


Well-Known Member
FINALLY! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

It lives! Today i saw my baby poke its head out, only one out of four are showing as of yet :/ but still doing better every day right.

How long do you usually keep the baggies on them ?



Well-Known Member
Well either way they are coming up and that is good :]
I might get some pictures up tomorrow

and thank you for watering tip i shall check them in a second


Well-Known Member
Cool man, i'll be posted for some pics, i use a lil dropper when i water, so i dont give them too much water at once


Well-Known Member
Hi all!

Sorry for delay been catching up on the three S's
School, Smoking and Sleep

Anyway i gots pics for you!
They all have sprouted up besides one cup which ill probably transplant the extra i planted in the one cup.

One of them was dehydrated a bit because i didnt water them for a day or two. But she is recovering very nicely

I will keep you posted



Well-Known Member
Hey i have a quick question. My leafs started out a very deep forest green and now they are a more yellow green. Is that bad or a sign of anything?

Cant post pictures at the moment but hopefully i can get some up later.


Well-Known Member
well if it is the true leaf yea there is a problem but if it is the little round leaves dont get to worked up man nice little grow man top the hell out of them and lst you'll do fine man im subscribed


Active Member
Yeah, if it's the top leaves then you should be concerned, but if is the original sprout leaves then you will be ok.


Well-Known Member
Well the little round leaves are yellow and the fan leaves look a yellow green. I think my problem is my soil doesn't have any perlite or that vermalite and it dries out very fast. :/

On the plus side they are getting big fast and have 2 or three sets of fan leaves already! I will try to get pictures up but camera is on the fritz :/


Well-Known Member
yea what sicc said let it sit or get some drops for fish tanks that has worked for me good, sicc hit up my thread and listin to grow space talkin shit on it i repped that fag to a bunch before so much i cant neg rep him sorry blazed monkey aint tryin to jack your thread im eady for pics man.