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Well-Known Member
Ok, WEDTARDED, this story is for you.

I used to work at Magic Mountain, and during the off season the rent the park out to groups for private parties. At least once a year a gay organization rents the park, and they have a huge gay night.

So I was workin that night, and there was this really HOT girl, wearing short shorts, and a tight top and she had a nice rack and you can tell she wasn't wearing a bra....anyways, all the guys were watching her, so I went up to her and told her, "Hey, we all think you're really hot, can I take a picture of you?"

So she came over, and posed for pics with the guys and me, even flashed the camera. The guys were all in love. Later that night, me and one of the guys ran into her and her friends. She said since we got a pic with her, she wants one with us. So her friends took pics of her with us. While they were taking pics, one of her friends said, "You know what her name is? Pedro."

:shock: Pedro? "Yeah, she's a man, she just has it tucked." I thought it was crazy, because I was convinced, and I can usually spot a man even if he is tranny or sex changed...the guy with me FREAKED out, because right after they told us, Pedro tried to kiss him in the picture.

When we got back to our spot, we told all the other guys that that hot chick was really a man. One guy said, "Is it gay that I still want to fuck her?"


Well-Known Member
Can you eat with chopsticks? lol, I can, and I've noticed, that I'm better at it whem I'm high. When I'm faded, it's like the sticks are extensions of my fingers. I can catch a fly in midair with my chopsticks!

lol, ok, tha's a lie, but I saw it on a movie once.

So, can you use chopsticks?


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Hang On To The Glory At My Right Laid To Rest Is Our Love Ever Longed?! With Truth On The Shores Of Seem To Take Premises To All Of These Songs!!!


Well-Known Member
lmao..sorry wikid..he's pissen me if I had would be a fooka yooou ya fuuckin assss ...and I'd be gettin more bacardi.........


Well-Known Member
I didnt ask, nor do I care, if you care...just posting for the sake of putting another post...whats your problem?