Bio Bizz


Active Member
Hi guys

I had 4 strains growing with Bio Bizz Light mix ,All germed perfect as always until day 10 , when all just stop growing and went yellow and died !! I have grown with Bio Bizz all mix and coco mix many times and never a problem before !! All strains were NL & PP & WW & WR .Is there to much nutrients in this that killed them ? I watered them as i always have ...

Has anyone used Bio Bizz Light mix before and had any problems with it ?? Any help on this is much appriacated ...

Cheers RobbyyT


Well-Known Member
Hi guys

I had 4 strains growing with Bio Bizz Light mix ,All germed perfect as always until day 10 , when all just stop growing and went yellow and died !! I have grown with Bio Bizz all mix and coco mix many times and never a problem before !! All strains were NL & PP & WW & WR .Is there to much nutrients in this that killed them ? I watered them as i always have ...

Has anyone used Bio Bizz Light mix before and had any problems with it ?? Any help on this is much appriacated ...

Cheers RobbyyT
Dont know if its a coincidence or not but as soon as i used bio bizz grow on my big bang plants they went yellow and died :( i used a slightly lower concentration than advised too to be carefull


Active Member
I prefer the Earth Juice line of nutrients over Bio-Bizz, but both have good reputations. Perhaps you just had a bad batch of nutrients that were over concentrated or accidentally mixed them wrong. Since you've had successful grows with Bio-Bizz before, it seems awkward that this problem would randomly happen to one crop. Sounds like human error to me. Just be sure to start them off with a 1/4 or half strength mix, you don't want to give them a full dose right away. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Throw it on some other plants you have, watch them die, and go complain to the company.. Maybe they'll reimburse you or fix the problem.


Well-Known Member
I'm one day off a full four weeks of growing with BioBizz Light Mix, and it is working out fine. I have not provided any nutrients other than filtered water. As it's my first (larger-scale) grow I wanted to make sure they settled into the soil and suffered no stress. I will start a (gentle) feeding regime tomorrow.

From the information provided with the soil:
EC 1.2
pH 6.2
NPK 14:16:18, 1.2kg per metre cubed

That should be plenty to start with, no?

I would suggest that this is your problem - toxic soil conditions from too much fertiliser.


Well-Known Member
I'm a huge fan of's made my plants and harvest much more healthy and fruitful....without any further info, I think you probably overwatered....


Well-Known Member
I'm a huge fan of's made my plants and harvest much more healthy and fruitful....without any further info, I think you probably overwatered....
Oldreefer, a question:

I have been reading numerous articles on this forum about the necessity (or lack of) of BioBizz Top Max.


I currently possess only Bio-Grow and Bio-Bloom from BioBizz, and have yet to use either after four weeks of growth. My plants are quite contented in the BioBizz Light-Mix and I am tentatively going to start a feeding programme tomorrow.

What is your opinion of Top Max? Worth purchasing (particularly for the multiplication of growth sites and their fattening up)?

Edit: -
Evidently you do use this additional mix as explained here:
Am I risking a substantial drop in yield not using Top Max?


Well-Known Member
Throw it on some other plants you have, watch them die, and go complain to the company.. Maybe they'll reimburse you or fix the problem.
You guys, he said the problem was Bio-Bizz Light Mix, which is a soil-less medium. Not their nutrient line, that's not what he's asking about.


Well-Known Member
You guys, he said the problem was Bio-Bizz Light Mix, which is a soil-less medium. Not their nutrient line, that's not what he's asking about.
I don't want to nit-pick seeing as I've only posted a few times (but I have read a shitload of threads, and intend to post here frequently) - however, it's a soil-based substrate. It's got worm humus and so on in it ;-)
I've not grown with specialist soil before but so far I am impressed. It absorbs and aerates very quickly (must be the perlite).

I'm guessing it's over-fertilised [or over-watered], but not the medium itself, as you point out.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'm nit-picky too so don't worry about that. Your point is taken, but mine still stands. I was just pointing out that the OP wasn't asking about their nutrient schedule or anything like that, because a few people responded that way. The OP said that he hadn't fertilized yet, his query was whether the soil mix is hot, and what experience people have had with it.

I still consider it to be soil-less, even though it has humus and castings etc... The bulk of the medium is not made up of soil, the humus and such are additives to improve soil life, moisture retention etc.. I actually run a soil/soil-less/whatever mix myself that is almost identical to the Light Mix, I just mix it myself, I still consider it soil-less.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah - d'oh! - he didn't specifically mention he has added anything extra!
It just seems he has, how odd indeed to have plants keeling over in such a neutral soil.
Perhaps there is something dodgy with the water he is adding, pH-wise?


Active Member
He used to grow in All-Mix, with success.
Now he tried Light-mix, and it yellowed. Why? LIGHT(as in low in nutrients)-mix.

edit: my guess anyway


because of being used to use all mix he over watered the light mix, that is simple as that.