Black Flash Mob Beating of State Fair Patrons

Would you also like to argue the black on white violent crime vs the white on black crime using the DOJ stats? Or would you like to discuss the original post?
Sheesh, can't believe I just read that bs. "Prove you wrong", lol, fail tactics. At least UB admitted that number was from his wiki, but he is probably close enough to correct for the idea to be the same, and true enough. IMO wikipedia is not a source for anything, ever. UB has backed himself up against the wall and has nowhere to go... except posting the DOJ numbers himself as the burden falls on him. Can we at least stop the insults for everyone's sake? Thanks yall.

For Wisconsin....
US imprisonment rates are much higher than the rest of the world, and within the US, African Americans are imprisoned at least eight times as often as European Americans, while American Indians and Hispanics are imprisoned at two to three times the European American rate. (Asian American incarceration rates are generally lower than European American rates.) About a third of African American men are under the supervision of the criminal justice system, and about 12% of African American men in their 20s and 30s are incarcerated. These astronomical incarceration rates have huge social and economic consequences for black women, black children, and black communities. They are not a legacy of Jim Crow, but are a result of policies implemented since the mid-1970s which created exponential growth in incarceration between 1975 and 2000. This growth was not due to growing crime rates, but to greater use of incarceration for lesser offenses and drug offenses.
i disagree.

Did you watch the video?

My issue is with the word itself... why do people keep letting it mean something to them?

As Lenny Bruce put it...

l was trying to make a point, that it's the suppression of the word that gives it the power, the violence, the viciousness.


lf President Kennedy would just go on television and say "l'd like to introduce you to all the niggers in my cabinet." And if he'd just say ''nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger'' to every nigger he saw, ''Boogie, boogie, boogie, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger,'' till it didn't mean anything any more!

Then you'd never be able to make a black kid cry because somebody called him a nigger in school.

Did you watch the video?

My issue is with the word itself... why do people keep letting it mean something to them?

As Lenny Bruce put it...
I am in no way speaking for all black people here. I think that word is hideous and was raised to not use it. Find me one word that is so hateful and has been adopted into current language in a non-deragotory way. You must know that racial issues are still huge in this country, especially the south.

Have you seen the "dont say gay when you mean stupid" commercials? I think Lenny was way off, and probably not the best or most qualified person to take ethics lessons from.
If that word is a problem, perhaps it shouldn't be celebrated in countless rap songs.

so what is the point of this statement? rappers using "nigga" does not make it right for anyone to use "nigger" or "nigga" or any of the other versions.

you don't see that rappers (and the gang culture in general) are part of the problem?

two wrongs do not equal a right. simple mathematics.
Lenny was spot on pal... if a single word offends you so much, then you have a personal problem.

Once people stop being offended by such silly words, then it won't be a problem anymore, eh?
Once people stop being offended by such silly words, then it won't be a problem anymore, eh?

That is faulty logic and them some based on unrealistic dreams. Asking people to stop being offended by the word "nigger", or "kike" or any of the other derogatory words, is beyond delusional to the realm of fantasy. How high are you? And give me some.

How about when monkeys fly out of my butt, then that will happen. So maybe take step into reality and respect others' rights to be offended by that horrible word because of the recent history of its use.

Carlin's words were WAY different than the n-word. He had a valid point. Lenny, not so much.
That is faulty logic and them some based on unrealistic dreams.

No, the faulty logic is letting syllables be offensive.

Actions are offensive, words... truly meaningless.

I guess you if want to be offended, then by all means let words offend you... but me, no way.
No, the faulty logic is letting syllables be offensive.

Actions are offensive, words... truly meaningless.

I guess you if want to be offended, then by all means let words offend you... but me, no way.

syllables be offensive? lol at your comprehension of the general idea of language and meaning behind words. figures are grouped as letters, letters as words, those words represent ideas ect. Get it? LOL "Actions are offensive...", lol, you must be tripping. Get back to me when it wears off. "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" is for kids dude. adults know that is not true.

Also, suggesting that people are offended by the n-word because they want to be, not because maybe they were called the n-word and discriminated against, is offensive and ridiculous at the same time. It completely shows how delusional and theoretical your view is.
Hello? This is the real world calling Socata. Come back to us Socata.

And congrats on your zen like attitude towards words. You can't expect the rest of the world to be there with you...
And congrats on your zen like attitude towards words. You can't expect the rest of the world to be there with you...


Wasn't too hard achieving this zen-like state... people just need to be peaceful, and loving... even the harshest words are words of love to me!

Zippidy-doo-da... zippidy-day... my oh my what a wonderful day! Plenty of sunshine in my way... :hump: This is me... 100%

Cracker, Honkey, Dego, Wap, Coonass

I have been called all of these and it doesn't bother me, but put your hands on me or put me in a situation where I feel threatened and it is a different story. You ever heard the old saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me?" Get over it, if you don't want to be lumped in to a sterotype don't live up to it.
No, the faulty logic is letting syllables be offensive.

Actions are offensive, words... truly meaningless.

do words float around in some mysterious ether, or are they verbalized (an action) or typed (an action)?

i wonder, if words are so meaningless, why are we bothering to transmit words via a message board on the internet :dunce:

Matt, please get back to me showing those stats are accumulated under the exact same circumstances.

that's moving the goalposts.
Not moving any goalposts. You claim that under the exact same circumstances, blacks are incarcerated at 800% the rate of whites.