Well-Known Member
Rather than try to explain it, I'll give you some examples.I'm not sure what the modern terms designate anymore. How is "black metal" different than, say, "death metal" or "grind core"....and so on? I like some music that I term as "heavy" but I get lost and mixed up with all the modern terms that apply!
I like this, for example:
...but I have no idea what the proper term for that style is.
If you want Black Metal, check out bands like Bathory (the early stuff), Darkthrone, Emperor, Burzum, Mayhem...well, that's a start.
Death Metal, I'd say start with the band Death. Check out also Possessed, Obituary, Morbid Angel (Altars of Madness is a killer album).
For Grindcore, my number 1 pick is Napalm Death. Actually, I can't think of any other examples...Cannibal Corpse I guess is another one.