Black on seeds

I'd be happy to do a sample to sample comparison. the above nugs will work well for this proceedure. leave them by the park bench and I will get back to you with the results. like I said, those seeds are fem. And may be valuable for a future crop.
Man you had me worried, so I had to grab a chunk and do a sample. The medical quality in the smell, well it's rotten smelling, so it might be helpful to someone that needs to be induced to vomit. I didn't expect the taste to be special it is still in the early stages of being cured and in a bowl made it worse. Tasted pretty fresh still.

As far as the medical effects, after 3 small hits from a small bowl, I can hardly concentrate on this pc screen and I'm kind of melted into this couch...

Amateur... I've gotten worse freebies from reputable growers. If times get hard a have a good supply of seeds until I have to opportunity to get even better.

Took me a while to write this out, still high as fuck..

I'm glad you were wrong about its medical quality though. :)
Also, Imagine if I planted every one of those seeds and if they needed it, DutchMaster reverse them.. hmmmm.. and not grow them through THE HOTTEST FUCKING SUMMER OF HISTORY... lol
My honest opinion is both nugs look like low quality medicine. Also both appear to have been from a pollinated harvest that had heat issues.

eh? How can you tell it's low quality meds just from a pic?

If I showed you a pic of my Kali Mist you'd probably laugh at it ... until you tried it.

That's like judging how good a restaurant is before you even eat the food.
I know it is a strain that tends to hermie... But only amateurs sit back and let that happen. That is what Dutch Master Reverse is for.

That shit contains PGR's, which are carcinogens, and should only be used on ornamentals.

Does it work? Yes. Is it safe for human consumption? I wouldn't risk it.
Are you serious?

Some more false info... It was originally created to use on watermellons. So is it safe for human consumption yes.

No are you serious? Seriously.. He's right, you're stuck on visual which makes about a shit-bit of difference when it comes down to "medicinal qualities". I bet this stuff here, based on your visual judgement, is way more potent than this seeded shit right? Wrong.

I've grown what you want to see.. I'm as medicated right now as I was off of that. If not even better.


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I would have passed up a few highly eligible (willing) girlfriends had I merely made a call on first glance bag appeal. lol
That is precisely why women are scratch n sniff. Tells the whole story immediately. I have found it is best to ask permission first though. Whatever. Do woman always need to know EVERYTHING we are doing? Nosy fuckers.
least you're not a dick about it ballin'. kind of snobby aint ya? you're talking about a weed here brother, just a weed it could be great and look terrible and could look great and be terrible or any combo. labs don't lie that was the truest shit you ever said but then you posted a link to some BS that didn't even come near proving the point. I thought "Labs don't lie bro" was some sort of statement about how you tested a seeded clone against a sensi clone grown under the same conditions but I guess that's not the case, you're jsut snobbin a fellow grower to be a dick best I can tell. put up or shut up homie and I'm not talking about "well my budd had this and I did that and this one guy said it was bomb..." brought up labs........where are they killah? you aint got them cuz they don't exist. yeild is affected in seeding NOT quality. quantity is different than qality. you're THC-A THC9 THCV CBD etc are the same in seeded and non seeded buds. I'm not budging from that position til you blow me away with some labs. Like I already sarcasticly said, at least you aren't being a dick about it.
least you're not a dick about it ballin'. kind of snobby aint ya?
Nope, just tired of seeing uneducated growers post false info.

then you posted a link to some BS that didn't even come near proving the point.

Is this good enough for you?

Link to article:

The unpollinated female flower of the cannabis plant contains the highest concentration of THC (the prime active ingredient in cannabis). The female flower is made up of clusters of calyxes, each of which produces a pair of hairs (pistils). The calyxes and pistils are covered with tiny, THC-rich resin glands whose purpose is to protect the flower-cluster and to help pollen adhere to the pistils in order to reproduce. Once pollination occurs - when a pollen grain adheres to a pistil long enough transfer its genetic information - that calyx will stop producing new resin glands and begin forming a seed.
Therefore, a female flower that has been exposed to more than a few grains of pollen will almost always be less potent than an unpollinated one. Seeded buds also weigh far less once the seeds have been removed. This is why the term Sinsemilla (or sin semilla - without seed) is traditionally applied to high quality cannabis from all over the world.
A female plant at the start of its flowering-cycle will display few calyxes - singles or pairs at each internode. If such a plant is heavily pollinated, ie if all or most of those calyxes receive pollen, then it is quite possible for that plant to cease production of new calyxes and spend the rest of its life-cycle producing seeds in the few initial calyxes. In this case, the plant will not grow the oversized buds seen in most modern hybrids.

yeild is affected in seeding NOT quality. quantity is different than qality. you're THC-A THC9 THCV CBD etc are the same in seeded and non seeded buds.
Some more false info... Not surprised though, this is coming from someone who said they popped 100 seeds and could not find one keeper.
Are you serious?

Some more false info... It was originally created to use on watermellons. So is it safe for human consumption yes.

Am I serious? Are YOU serious?

Judging a buds medicinal qualities based solely on the appearance of the bud has to be one of the stupidest fucking things I've read on this forum. So, if I post 50 pictures of 50 different kinds of weed, you can go through and pick out the the ones with the best canabinoid profile based just on looking at your computer monitor? Give me a break.

And as far as your "false info" claim, do a little research on plant growth regulators, and how the chemicals in those react/change under combustion. I don't give a fuck what this for profit company originally made their products for. Companies like this also spray pesticides on, and genetically modify the food we eat and tell us all that it's "safe", and then we wonder why we have a ridiculously high incidence of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc.

I've got some ocean front property in the UP I'm looking to sell if you're interested.
So, if I post 50 pictures of 50 different kinds of weed, you can go through and pick out the the ones with the best canabinoid profile based just on looking at your computer monitor? Give me a break.

No, but I can definitely get a good idea of the quality... Like I said before stumps harvest clearly was pollinated and had heat issues. Sorry if you cant handle the truth.

And as far as your "false info" claim, do a little research on plant growth regulators, and how the chemicals in those react/change under combustion.

Reverse is sprayed on during week 1-2 of flowering, so it does not react/change under combustion.
Or focus on plants that aren't prone to hermie.. less is more when it comes to chemicals. I have no extra brain cells to spare.
No, that's not good enough. it's not a lab result or someone citing one it's not even a link to one or anything. it's a link to seed company and their faq. 90% of the FAQ spoke to stopping of caylx production meaning smaller flowers not less potent ones. We can have discussions without you being such a dick. You got an opinion and a view point and so do I. I previously stated I can find conflicting reports saying it does and doesn't affect potencey. I see from my experience it's not effected. I haven't got my labs yet or I'd post them and believe what I found out first hand but you're content to read it on a breeders websitesite. My copy of closet cultivator says sensi is best for yeild but potency isn't effected. Ed's closet cultivator says it is effected my copy of grow bible says it's negligable but effected I see when I got a shit herm in my garden I got giant buds that smelled and looked the same and smoked the same but were only about half the actual "usable" bud that it appeared to be. I won't be satisfied til I see a side by side and I'm going to do one so basically; say what you will about me and my ideas and false info but I don't deliver my false info as fact and I'm at the very least not a condescending dick when I misinform people.
90% of the FAQ spoke to stopping of caylx production meaning smaller flowers not less potent ones..

You ever heard the saying you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink? I think that applies here.

The unpollinated female flower of the cannabis plant contains the highest concentration of THC (the prime active ingredient in cannabis). The female flower is made up of clusters of calyxes, each of which produces a pair of hairs (pistils). The calyxes and pistils are covered with tiny, THC-rich resin glands whose purpose is to protect the flower-cluster and to help pollen adhere to the pistils in order to reproduce. Once pollination occurs - when a pollen grain adheres to a pistil long enough transfer its genetic information - that calyx will stop producing new resin glands and begin forming a seed.
Therefore, a female flower that has been exposed to more than a few grains of pollen will almost always be less potent than an unpollinated one.
Nope, just tired of seeing uneducated growers post false info.
Who's uneducated motherfucker?

So you are medicating with wet uncured NYSD? I feel sorry for you bro... But atleast it's medicinal qualities are good enough for you.

You stupid asshole, I medicated to test it out. I've plenty of A++ meds that I grew to get me through the cure so go fuck your self.

No, but I can definitely get a good idea of the quality... Like I said before stumps harvest clearly was pollinated and had heat issues. Sorry if you cant handle the truth.
You don't know shit because there is not a seed in the the other plant asshole.

I'll put my shit up against anything you have, not even worried. Bitch
Who's uneducated motherfucker?

You stupid asshole, I medicated to test it out. I've plenty of A++ meds that I grew to get me through the cure so go fuck your self.

You don't know shit because there is not a seed in the the other plant asshole.

I'll put my shit up against anything you have, not even worried. Bitch

Not getting into this argument, but that is awesome. lol.