Real fuckin talk i've been to prison man the blacks are the only ones that don't enforce against their rapists and chomos they don't touch them when everybody else so happens to kill them...

...hhhmmmm Who sounds more creepy molester friendly to you puta?
Not a very clear photo but it looks to be blood leaking out of officer Wilson's left eye.
That would be consistent with him receiving an orbital fracture when Michael Brown attacked him.
Major game changer if substantiated.

View attachment 3233917
you're fucking hallucinating dude.
the muder rate in russia was and maybe still is higher than the states.mostly white on white murder..and glasgow is the knife crime capital of western europe,the majority of gangs there are white...anyway in the states dont mainly blacks live in ghettos,where theres high unemployment,drug abuse and violence.if thats all you see growing up as a kid,its hard not to end up involved in that life too...but most black ppl are not criminals,and that kid was unarmed,just like many blacks who get shot by police...its not the first time its happened...the police officer was a coward in the situation.the police are suppose to serve and protect,and keep the peace,not shoot unarmed black kids dead,because he is black and must be a criminal with a gun.
How pathetic, attack the messenger for presenting facts.
In my opinion, this is a crucial statistic in the Michael Brown shooting.
brown was caught on camera committing a strong arm robbery, odds are he attacked the police officer as well.
Especially if it is found true that he suffered an orbital fracture.
You lefties are sick in the head, circling your wagons around a thug is laughable.
It wasn't the same incident and that was alleged and maybe you should lay off the blue moon
Why do you bring up things people said on here from years ago?

I am trying to wrap my head around your relationship with Buck. You guys go golfing, swap vehicles, etc. and you make marginally disparaging remarks about him.

What's up with that?
I am trying to wrap my head around your relationship with Buck. You guys go golfing, swap vehicles, etc. and you make marginally disparaging remarks about him.

What's up with that?
I treat the Buck I go golfing with differently than the blathering, fucktard Buck who resides here. Me and him agree on a lot of things...we also disagree on just as many things. I've told him that I won't take it easy on him on RIU.

Honestly, I don't read most of what he writes. Most of it he has said many times need to read it again.
Thug sympathizers say the darndest things.
no a human advocate. all im saying is when I was young cops where taught to shot to stop not shot to kill so you can say and think what you want. you are confused cause when the shit hits the fan me and you gone be shoveling the same shit unless you are part of the 1% and im not talking motorcycle clubs either so don't be dumb bro
no a human advocate. all im saying is when I was young cops where taught to shot to stop not shot to kill so you can say and think what you want. you are confused cause when the shit hits the fan me and you gone be shoveling the same shit unless you are part of the 1% and im not talking motorcycle clubs either so don't be dumb bro
Anyone who would put any stock in what low life thug says is beyond stupid imho.

Whites have no problems policing their own, and if not for the lunatic liberal fringe, whites would gladly castrate and or hang by the neck until dead any child molester or serial killer.

must have been all those liberal clergymen and their superiors covering up all the kiddy diddling by liberal priests.

you dumb fucking shit.
So why should citizens continue to subsidize unwed mothers when they have children?

I don't think they should.

because the citizens vote to outlaw abortion and birth see it's really a numbers can allow these services (which are cost effective) or you can support them forever..your choice.
Real fuckin talk i've been to prison man the blacks are the only ones that don't enforce against their rapists and chomos they don't touch them when everybody else so happens to kill them...

...hhhmmmm Who sounds more creepy molester friendly to you puta?

i wonder why that is?
I treat the Buck I go golfing with differently than the blathering, fucktard Buck who resides here. Me and him agree on a lot of things...we also disagree on just as many things. I've told him that I won't take it easy on him on RIU.

Honestly, I don't read most of what he writes. Most of it he has said many times need to read it again.

the biggest secret on!!

bucky is nothing like the uncle buck he portrays.

hard to believe?..he's a good, gentle caring man who gets misty-eyed over having to leave his chickens behind in a move.

can't judge a book by it's cover:wink: