So yesterday I harvested 4 plants from 9:30am till 6:30 pm, and I wanted to kill myself! I was so achey and exhausted after I couldn't find the energy to post in my journal. Anyways, I HATE harvesting with a passion! Everytime Im doing it IM cussing, smoking, cussing, smoking and wishing I didn't grow! Lol, but after its all done I feel better. Man its really hard work! Anyways, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I got dense buds all the way down the whole plant. The top 3/4 of each plant is frosty and danky as shit! The other 1/4 buds were hidden under that thick canopy towards the center of the main stem, and those buds look lime green, not so trichy and actually looks kinda premature. I should have harvested half the plant and let the other half catch up, but I already trimmed my first plant and discovered all the premature buds after the fact. Its all my fault, I should have trimmed the canopy so those buds could get more light, but I didn't want to rip off too many fan leaves in the process. Ive decided the best way to grow with these LEDs is going to have to be a SCROG. Then my plants will have an even canopy and all the buds will have direct light. I can trim anything below the screen so the plant allocates all its energy to the primo buds. Oh wells, live and learn. Im still going to get some dank ass buds from 75% of each plant, so IM not complaining. And maybe those premarture lime green buds at the bottom, might get you high? Ill just try to dump that off at my dispensary or something... So here are some pics of harvest. By the time I got to the 4th plant I did a real half ass job and was basically ripping fan leaves off with my hands. Im planning for a 4 day dry, so wed ill manicure it up for my mason jars. Thats another 3-4 hours of work! UGH. Fuck