Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
Another whirlwind weekend of gigs, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Gonna make weed deliveries Sunday evening, and hopefully get some dinner after with my best friend. I haven't seen her in over a month, so much catching up to do. I finished the latest harvest and changed all the rezes, so I don't have to fuck with plant shit for a while. Hope everyone has a great start to your weekend...
You have the life, mate.


Well-Known Member
Good mornin'. Damn insomnia. 2:20 AM. I see a nap in the near future. I just read an article pinpointing nighttime light exposure causing sleep loss leading to Alzheimer's. Definitely a nap coming or I'll be warbling words à la presidential candidates soon.


Well-Known Member
Good mornin'. Damn insomnia. 2:20 AM. I see a nap in the near future. I just read an article pinpointing nighttime light exposure causing sleep loss leading to Alzheimer's. Definitely a nap coming or I'll be warbling words à la presidential candidates soon.
Mornin'...again. Had to find the sweatshirt. Ummm...yeah.

That shit sucks. I was that way for many years after my son passed. I'd get 3 hours or so in...then BAM...WIDE running in my head of all sorts of shit I didn't want to think about. Couldn't shut it off. Narcotics make me sleep like a baby but after the big fun I had with addiction my doc wouldn't toss any my way. Ended up on Gabapentin. If you haven't tried may be a worthy investigation. I at least get 6 now.....sometimes more. Hell...I even slept 8 hours once! :rolleyes: I hope you can figure it out 'cus it isn't good for the long term/cell regeneration/general sanity as we are seeing daily on TV. If the Gaba doesn't work you can always go on Adderall and rage continuously! Sleep? Who needs it? BBBBzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz