Blaze & Daze

We've been in 78+° days for over a month now. I'm on week 4 of violating the Geneva Convention with the chemical warfare in my yard. Big box kill'em all bug spray every other week, weed/grass spray on the alternating weeks. If that doesn't work we've got an old school pest control store that sells the good shit if you're willing to pay the price and keep quiet; I'm pretty sure they spray you in the face with DDT if you mention beneficial insects or organic earth friendly controls. Mostly battling ants, they're the biggest problem anyone in our hood has; but it's the swamp, all the bugs we have are big and bite. So I'm just spraying a different bottle every alternating week.

Throw on my respirator, some gloves and hike the backpack sprayer and dump 15 gallons of sludge on the yards. If I can get all the bugs, weeds, grass, and whatnot killed int he backyard this summer, I'm strongly considering a few inches depth of weed cloth and one of the perrenial varieties of synthetic turf. I'm done mowing the back yard, so I'll just kill it all and put a carpet down. If anyone complains I'll just tell them I planted microplastic seeds as it's the only thing I could get to grow in our 21st century, nuclear phosphate runoff, polluted swamp.

4:20 express, going to Central Time Zone

Primer coat number one applied. This week's goal accomplished and I get tomorrow off from this damned remodel while I wait for it to dry.

Next up, wall texture, another coat of primer, then paint, then ceiling texture, and final prime on the ceiling. So 5 working days left on this damned project before I can hire carpet guys to come in and put in flooring so I can do final finishing and re-installing floor trim. Then finally move the roommate out of his temporary hovel in the living-room and put him back into his newly redone room and have my living room back and fully functional for the first time since the plumbing exploded in 2019.

I can almost feel the evening of playing GTA and watching movies in the living room again. Those LED strips in the ceiling are going to look so sick, I can't wait to turn on the chaser RGB lights on and see what it looks like with the diffusers on and room done.
