Blaze & Daze

I’ll eat at the Habit, they make a solid burger, and it’s about the same price as most drive thru restaurants nowadays.

And I think In and Out is okay, but highly over rated, and definitely not worth waiting in a huge line of cars for. If there are more than three cars in the line, it’s not ducking worth it
I got the in and out urge bigtime. I personally don’t think they’re overrated though. Loved it forever. There’s one in Chico. Problem is, i always get a double double meal with a shake + a double double(for later ;-))
I have to shit really bad within about 15min after i finish the meal and shake :-( , just like after eating a #9 and a Mocha blast from a Togos/Baskin Robbins so i try to avoid those two places.

as far as hotdogs go, which are a staple around here, it’s beef only for me. Hebrew Nationals are prob my favorite but i get burnt out on them and buy other ones like the really good ones from Costco :-)