Blaze & Daze

I actually eat dominos sometimes, but my trick it to order it uncut. Usually they cut it anyway, and I get a free pizza out of it. But when they don’t cut it, the bottom stays nice and dry and doesn’t get soggy by the time it gets home

The heated seat and a leather welding jacket is my trick to bringing a pie home warm. There is a domino's within an hour. But we don't get it.....maybe had it twice.
Sooo…it’s been 5 1/2 weeks since I last smoked weed…who thinks I should spark up a 31% THC rainbow runts joint right now??

Go for it bud!
Yeah, I’m just torn. This is the longest I’ve ever gone without smoking in 27 years. I feel accomplished, but fuck, I wanna smoke too

My longest stretch since I smoked my first joint at 14 was from age 18 - 33. In those 15 years I smoked one joint and one bowl, both launched me into another multi-verse with how stoned I was. After my back went out at 33, the longest I've been is 2 weeks dry, had a lower back spasm that caused me to fall down the stairs. The wife ordered me to never run out again, so yeah since then I've basically not been dry. After about 4 days I start having mini-spasms throughout my back that hurt all day, so I just don't care about tolerance anymore, it's about staying standing. Getting me stoned, not worth the cash to get me there.
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