Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
He sees his doctor tomorrow which will give him much better advice. But I will say this watch your pulse and b/p go in if you start showing tachycardia. Better yet call your doctor's office before they close and let his office know and ask them if you're still good to wait until tomorrow. I draw the line at asking for pictures of egg salad sammie puke :) as much as I love @manfredo
Oh you know I took a pic too!!

Yeah after the last ER episode I said no thanks to going back there again.

I think it's either an ulcer or stomach irritation from all the meds I was taking....If I'm lucky. I feel better now....Ate dinner last night and rested. Made sure not to eat anything red, and I won't eat today before the dr. in case he sends me to the hospital.

Yep, doctor at 11:20 am....Glad I made the appt now.

My sleep is fucked too....Every morning at 3:50 I wake.... I normally sleep like a champ.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Oh you know I took a pic too!!

Yeah after the last ER episode I said no thanks to going back there again.

I think it's either an ulcer or stomach irritation from all the meds I was taking....If I'm lucky. I feel better now....Ate dinner last night and rested. Made sure not to eat anything red, and I won't eat today before the dr. in case he sends me to the hospital.

Yep, doctor at 11:20 am....Glad I made the appt now.

My sleep is fucked too....Every morning at 3:50 I wake.... I normally sleep like a champ.
ROFLMAO!! I KNEW You took a pic. Blood from the stomach has a unique coffee ground appearance.

As we age we typically develop a biphasic sleep pattern. I'm up at 1 am pretty commonly now. I just roll with it, get up and do shit :) especially in the summer I'm grateful for my body shifting to the cooler schedule LOL, not so much in the winter. However for awhile I'd reset my sleep timer. I did that by staying up all one night. Then I got a good amount of aerobics in the next day and went to bed, consistently, at the new time I was trying to set. Essentially you're trying to train your cortisol to release on your schedule.

You have to deal with that hip :) <-- don't make me add that to my signature! I will you know :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ROFLMAO!! I KNEW You took a pic. Blood from the stomach has a unique coffee ground appearance.

As we age we typically develop a biphasic sleep pattern. I'm up at 1 am pretty commonly now. I just roll with it, get up and do shit :) especially in the summer I'm grateful for my body shifting to the cooler schedule LOL, not so much in the winter. However for awhile I'd reset my sleep timer. I did that by staying up all one night. Then I got a good amount of aerobics in the next day and went to bed, consistently, at the new time I was trying to set. Essentially you're trying to train your cortisol to release on your schedule.

You have to deal with that hip :) <-- don't make me add that to my signature! I will you know :bigjoint:
The blood looked like a bright red spice, all floating on top of the water.

Yes, the hip and the spine need work.

The last on the hip was the dr. didn't want to replace it because a replacement might not be any better, he said. Current replacement is tight....But I have limited mobility in the right hip and definite nerve involvement.

But my spine is an arthritic damaged mess too. Definitely need a few MRI's. It's been several years.

Summer is here and I have a ton of projects, but the body is saying "nope".