Blaze & Daze

I do have a really cool primary dr. He was super sympathetic, because he leaves on a 2 week cruise to London and Ireland tomorrow, and he just pulled a muscle in his back getting ready to leave.

He said the same as me....Bleeding was from the Ibuprofen....stop taking it, which of course I already have. He ordered a shit ton of blood work/urine tests for starters.
Glad he agrees about the ibuprofen! That’s a relief!
Well, let's not call them Vikings for a moment since that word in old norse merely means raiders or pirates. Norsemen established a farflung trading empire across northern europe and the Black sea that would have brought them into contact with trade goods, possibly through secondary traders, from not only the Islamic world, but, through the Western end of the Silk Road, with goods from China and India. 8th century textiles have been recovered from norse burials and, of course, they had access to resources like amber and narwhal and walrus ivory, luxury goods sought after throughout the known world. It's quite likely coffee would have been at least known to them. It's a misconception to think of norse people as primarily sailing warriors. They were mostly agrarian people. Eldest sons inherited everything so their brothers could either herd pigs for them or go raiding. That's really why they went to Iceland and Greenland, to not be a thrall with no future but an owner of your own sheepcroftbongsmiliebongsmilie
Sharpening stones was also a very large part of that trading and as far as I know I was called a coffee heathen so I'm guessing that we are talking about the Vikings lol
I could easily take a nap, probably going to happen. The stuff I need to do outside will be there tomorrow.
I just tried but it wasn't happening, so I guess I'm going for a walk.

I'm showing a house at 6....a REALLY nasty looking townhouse....Some filthy dude lived there I can tell from the pics, but it's a deal....I think.

Take one for me too I've got to go and split some wood and have a great day
Be careful of your back!!

Get a old tire and start swinging lol
... Get a old tire and start swinging ...
I have seen that where folks wrap a rubber belt around the logs and swing way. Don't have that but might look into that for this pile.

Alright - a wooden handled tool. Those wooden handles work better than the yellow composite ones. I've busted two maulers and a small hatchet that had the yellow composite handles. Both the mauler and hatchet have since been replaced with wooden handled ones.
I have seen that where folks wrap a rubber belt around the logs and swing way. Don't have that but might look into that for this pile.

Alright - a wooden handled tool. Those wooden handles work better than the yellow composite ones. I've busted two maulers and a small hatchet that had the yellow composite handles. Both the mauler and hatchet have since been replaced with wooden handled ones.

Or rent a splitter if you can. I used to love splitting wood by hand but the splitter is much lazier :lol: