Blaze & Daze


Man did it rain last night. Came down sideways for the beginning. Then just steady with lots of thunder and lightning. Clouds are supposed to clear out sometime today.

Happy weekend hope everyone has a great one.
I don't even know where to begin. So I basically worked for 3 months with only one day off. That being Mother's Day. So Memorial Day and the Sunday before it are my big payoff with two days off in a row. Basically to get caught up with yard work on sunday. Then go to my buddies annual Memorial Day party on monday. Early Sunday morning about 15 minutes into me cutting my grass my daughter comes out frantically crying. She says that mommy decided to clip the dog's nails and now he is bleeding everywhere. Somewhat annoyed I walked into the house. To a fucking bloody murder scene. On her very first nail she had cut into the quick and pretty bad. He was all hot and bothered and his heart was literally pumping the blood out. Like it was squirting. I knew about the quick. But I no idea it was like that. I've never seen so much blood in my fucking life. I freaked out and called the emergency vet. And they told me they were booked and can't see him. And to run to a pet store and get some shit to stop it. So I did that. And he was still bleeding when I got back. So I tried throwing this shit on his toe. But he really doesn't like having his feet touched all that much. So basically he was just running away from me bleeding everywhere. I finally took him up to my truck and got him to relax and just started throwing the shit at his foot. Which wasn't the best idea because then as soon as I got him out of my truck he just started bleeding again. Finally I just laid down in the yard with him and threw more of the shit on his toe. After about 5 hours of laying in the yard it finally stopped bleeding. I slept in the hallway with him that night. But did not really get that much sleep. I woke up in the morning pretty happy that it stopped bleeding. I took him outside to use the bathroom. And God damn it if there wasn't a deer in the yard and he took off after the fucking deer. And yep stubbed it and it started bleeding again. So I ended up sitting with him in the yard for several more hours on Memorial Day. I was really looking forward to taking him to the party and socializing him as there would be lots of other people and a couple other dogs. But had to leave him home so he would not bleed over everybody. When we got back from the party it seemed to have finally stopped bleeding . And it's now Friday. It seems like it has done bleeding and it is not bothering him anymore. It also seems like me and the wife do not want to kill each other anymore. My grass has still not been cut. And the rest of my yard work is still not done. But I feel a little bit better. It was a fucking week.
Hopefully that don't happen again but if it does flour works in an emergency but the little s**** will definitely get your heart racing glad to hear that you and the little guy is alright :hump: :peace: :bigjoint:
I remember when we flew home after being in Texas for a year thinking how green everything looked in VA. I was so used to everything being brown and dry in Texas due to the heat. One summer we had 118 consecutive days of over 100° high temps and no rain. Our lawn looked like a lunar landscape even with watering. I love having the four seasons every year. Texas has two and really damn hot.
Yeah normally everything is lush green here this time of year. It's not real bad yet, except for the lawns.

The perlite arrived...Good and chunky. This is only 1/2 of the mix. If I was running 2g pots I'd be set. But I'm going to try a variety, but mostly 5 g. I think.

How's the mix look?


Yeah normally everything is lush green here this time of year. It's not real bad yet, except for the lawns.

The perlite arrived...Good and chunky. This is only 1/2 of the mix. If I was running 2g pots I'd be set. But I'm going to try a variety, but mostly 5 g. I think.

How's the mix look?

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Looks good. It's just missing plants in it D:
I am super lucky. I tripped on my way inside with groceries, and plop, dropped the bag with eggs in it. Out of 2 dozen, only one got a hairline(hairshell...?) fracture. And I am gonna use that one in my lunch, so it's fine. That's my luck for the weekend gone.
I have some sort of screaming kiddie pool and balloon mess next door. Wanna trade?

Edit: they are playing some r&b jams though... can't complain too much about that

Bouncy house in the misty rain lol it had a slide exit and a ramp entrance.....both slippery and fun to watch. And then swimming in the lake.......air temp is about 55° freaking tough kids lol

As long as they serve the parents cocktails

I wish :lol:
Just cleaned the engine on my truck. I blew a radiator hose a while back and it still stinks. Hopefully it will start :shock: Next up, an exterior bath, and oil change if the oil gets delivered!

And I can't wait to try my "worlds best foaming glass cleaner". It doesn't take much to entertain me!!

Lestoil is amazing for the engine compartment. Brings back the black to super clean and actually black again :blsmoke: