Blaze & Daze



It's actually gnats more than mosquitoes....but you get me. I'm so itchy :cuss:

Overcast and cool today.

How's everyone doing today?
Nice outside at the moment, 68 degrees and had the sliding door and windows open all night with fans running. Headed to mid 90's so everything will need closed up shortly. Ran the AC for awhile yesterday also.
Bought some biscuits yesterday so biscuits and gravy are a possibility for breakfast as long as the milk is still viable.
Gave my old pickup truck a good cleaning yesterday. Cleaned the motor, changed the oil and filter, with full synthetic. The old gal won't know what to do!
Then steam cleaned the interior, washed the exterior, and even washed the windows. This truly is the BEST glass cleaner!!

Oh and cleaned/shined all the black trim with this stuff....Thanks Jay Leno

Truck is looking like when I bought it again....except for some added rust.
Gave my old pickup truck a good cleaning yesterday. Cleaned the motor, changed the oil and filter, with full synthetic. The old gal won't know what to do!
Then steam cleaned the interior, washed the exterior, and even washed the windows. This truly is the BEST glass cleaner!!

Oh and cleaned/shined all the black trim with this stuff....Thanks Jay Leno

Truck is looking like when I bought it again....except for some added rust.
You ever used Rain-X on exterior glass? Works surprisingly well.
Oh I really need to start trimming today. Should be fairly easy, and I need the tent space!

Got all my blood and urine tests back, and everything was normal....Yea me! I sure don't feel normal, lol.

Happy Monday. 75 and mostly sunny here today. A little to cool to have windows open at night though.