Blaze & Daze

Good morning, little bit of a dab hangover.

Using kief from several generations of weed made it taste like what I think Pinesol would taste like.
I had a single strain that smelled like pinesol. One of the Bruce banger seeds from seedsman. I would open the jar and worry I had spilled something in there before remembering which jar it was.
... My Son has a friend who's Father is French, Mother is Japanese and they speak English in the house. This 10 year old has picked up three languages. What the hell have I done with my life.....;) ...
And speaks all three fluently while most of us have trouble with just one.

So Mr. Chiz - how goes the tussle with the outdoor ladies and the uncooperative late October GTA weather?
My Son has a friend who's Father is French, Mother is Japanese and they speak English in the house. This 10 year old has picked up three languages. What the hell have I done with my life.....;)
My wife studied Japanese in college. She planned to go to law school and make a killing back in the 80s but she discovered language was her jam. So she switched to Chinese, which has waaaay less grammar than just about any other language, okay it's tonal but that just affects speaking. Mandarin and Cantonese speakers have a hard time understanding each other but they can all read the exact same characters and derive the same meaning.