Blaze & Daze

So you're the send the kid away for the summer type, eh? :P Sounds fun! I hope you get some great times going on your vacation. I'm alright. got done with a worrying surgery, and now I am back to smoking as much as I like. bwuhuhuhuhuhuha. Have you been to canada a lot before?

We started sending her after deep covid. She's basically my mom's only biological grandchild. And she didn't see her all of 2020. So we sent her there for a month 2021. And it worked out good for everybody so we just started doing it every summer lol.

I've been to Canada twice before. I went in 2003 for SARS stock in Toronto. And then the next year to Niagara for the I am now 19 years old and can legally drink in another country pilgrimage.
We started sending her after deep covid. She's basically my mom's only biological grandchild. And she didn't see her all of 2020. So we sent her there for a month 2021. And it worked out good for everybody so we just started doing it every summer lol.

I've been to Canada twice before. I went in 2003 for SARS stock in Toronto. And then the next year to Niagara for the I am now 19 years old and can legally drink in another country pilgrimage.
I should get to cananda some time. It sounds cool!

I remember in college when we made friends with the guys who had convincing fake IDs... Ah to be youthful and have enough energy to break the rules
I blast a fan across the measuring cup and put the kitchen exhaust fan on as I do it on top of the stove. Better safe than sorry as I've seen horrible accidents with evapping butane for shatter and I'm guessing the fire isn't much less with the 190 proof.
I don't evaporate the 190 Everclear. I use it directly. I only evaporate when I'm running ISO, then dilute with Everclear.
We started sending her after deep covid. She's basically my mom's only biological grandchild. And she didn't see her all of 2020. So we sent her there for a month 2021. And it worked out good for everybody so we just started doing it every summer lol.

I've been to Canada twice before. I went in 2003 for SARS stock in Toronto. And then the next year to Niagara for the I am now 19 years old and can legally drink in another country pilgrimage.
Should have come to QC a year earlier, you can drink at 18.
Looking forward to cleaner skies this weekend. We haven't made a single plan for the holiday. I better figure it out so we look properly patriotic.

Good morning
I always figure the hub's DV plates are enough of a patriotic show.

Best wishes to all who celebrate the annual shelling of the canines in the US :roll: I've given up and work night shift for a couple months, especially with our temps coming back to normal and our humidity being upside down.