Blaze & Daze

Hot coffee, leftover Chinese pineapple chicken and a special brownie-breakfast of champions!
Ready to continue the quest for a birthday chair for my better half.
It pays to compare. So far for a similar chair the prices have ranged from 300 to 1000. With the exception of the store that was going out of business. They wanted 2000.
I installed new security cameras a week ago and had some friends stop by this weekend. Pretty happy with the Blink system so far, really easy to setup.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend. For our Northern brothers and sisters, hope your postal strike ends quickly. Striking as Christmas season gears up seems pretty crappy to me.
... For our Northern brothers and sisters, hope your postal strike ends quickly ...
Thanks. With alternate delivery methods, the societal backlash ain't what it used to be 40 years ago.
... Striking as Christmas season gears up seems pretty crappy to me ...
They know how to leverage the public.

Canada Post/CUPW always threatens job action as we approach XMas.

The TTC/Amalgamated Transit Union and Ontario Teachers Federation always bark about new contracts a couple weeks before back to school.
Canada Post/CUPW always threatens job action as we approach XMas.
Ontario Teachers Federation always bark about new contracts a couple weeks before back to school.
I can attest that both of these things are true. And while true, it doesn’t make it any less obnoxious….especially the Teachers & Province. My kids academic careers have been thrown into turmoil so many times by contract negotiation breakdowns it’s bonkers.
Aww shucks…you shouldn’t have.

I am glad I did! I am so stoned right now.
We went to Santa Cruz. I drove . So I had to stay straight because You Know! hwy 17 is a fuKN windy wicked spiral racetrack winding and snaking through the mountains with that hwy divider right in your sides. I think they should add rubber bumper material to that divider. But if that happens crazy bitches will purposely bump them like a bumper car experiment. Driving that hwy is like an upper body workout. I have to hold my steering wheel super tight and twist and turn. I am looking California but feeling Colorado. Oh yeah!