"hold on, honey. let me finish sucking this cop's dick, then i will come and prep the bull for you" - muylocoNC.
Oh, but you're a libertarian though...It's not a contradiction, sorry.
I do love cops, most under appreciated, underpaid citizens in this country.
No you're the asshole who lent the shitty chef money to open the restaurant knowing he would hire shitty waitresses and give people food poisoning. But as long as you get your money back who cares? Right
Oh, but you're a libertarian though...
Lul. Ross Perot.Hardly, Independent since Perot.
Wrong. Terrible analogy by the way.
Do you choose to live in NC?
Do you grow despite knowing your going to jail if caught?
Could you move elsewhere to grow without risk?
Do you always blame others for your choices?
Grow the fuck up and deal with reality. You make your choices and should accept the repricussions if caught. Don't blame the chauffeurs that transport you to the judge.
If the DNC actually added paving the way for legalization to their platform and I don't find anything else that strongly conflicts with what I believe in, and it looks like it's just not going to turn out for Libs, since Clinton got Sanders's endorsement, assuming she actually makes good on this sudden change of heart, I'll vote for her. She's the lesser evil if Trump winning is inevitable.
Yep, same scientists, same articles, same peer reviews. 98%!!! And that does not include articles that only implied man was not the main contributor!!I didn't author a meta-analysis, but the one which concluded a 97% consensus was in fact peer reviewed.
Good to know you don't in fact expect to be taken seriously.
Yep, same articles, same peer reviews. 98%!!! And that does not include articles that only implied man was not the main contributor!!
Donald Trump?wasn't your "study" done by a racist who runs a non-accredited "university", which is actually just a series of youtube spam videos?
Shelton, Sterling, this black that black guy what does it matter to racist ops and copsWho the fuck is Alton Shelton though?
Tamir RiceI've NEVER seen a case where they've gotten away with it and neither have you. Your idea of "getting away with it" is when the reality of the shooting doesn't end up matching liberal conjecture, false outrage and hair-brained conclusions made long before the actual evidence is released. The bad shoots are prosecuted and the good shoots, you simply don't like.
Tamir Rice
Fuckin pussyIt's quite simple, when the cop says any of these phrases "I'm placing you under arrest", "Put your hands behind your back" or any variant of those, you cease all dialogue and physically comply. Those statements mean you are being taken to the beginning of your journey through the legal system and that NOTHING you say or do is going to prevent that reality. If you don't do exactly that, any number of bad things could and SHOULD happen to you. If you don't agree with that last statement, you're an idiot.