Blm, the next level

And before you hit me with "show me proof of a white guy being charged for shouting about atheism."
Its not there because we're not stupid enough to do it. Go check for yourself though and you'll find all the laws I'm talking about are absolutely in place.
And before you hit me with "show me proof of a white guy being charged for shouting about atheism."
Its not there because we're not stupid enough to do it. Go check for yourself though and you'll find all the laws I'm talking about are absolutely in place.
lol ok let me google Scottish racial profiling

What is? To not believe in God and not be scared of people who try to brand me a racist for it? Just for saying I'm sane and refusing to fear someones imaginary friend.
3000 different religions and they are ALL different. You’re not really to sure about world religion are you?
I don’t care who got screwed over, really I don’t. I can’t stand my far right ultra religious family members. They don’t sway me.
See I’m an intelligent human and I follow what I feel. I don’t need to see oxygen to know it’s there type thing you know?
Curse God, go ahead, we’re all trying to make it through this shit life. If someone feels there’s a higher being or even if they want to use God as a crutch just to get through. Let them. It doesn’t hurt you.
You’re NOT gonna believe what’s playing on my Spotify atm...
Ali Velshi is another Canadian liberal import into America and is doing great work and literally taking hits for the home team, he's a dual citizen I believe.
Velshi: We Can’t Let Peaceful Protesters Be Likened To Criminals | MSNBC

MSNBC’s Ali Velshi responds to Republican Rep. Jim Jordan’s conflation of anti-racist demonstrations across the U.S. with a recent spike in crime.
For those outside and inside America, these people are worried and it's their job to keep an eye on this. Stupid and lazy explains some of it.
The Devastation From Coronavirus Appears To Have Sealed Trump’s Political Fate | Deadline | MSNBC

Donald Trump faces sinking poll numbers as Americans show they disapprove of his coronavirus response.
If you can provide me some in context examples then ill certainly accept it as a possibility.
And it's called the Dunning Kruger effect ;)
“ Because there's now so many minority people claiming prejudice for things they shouldn't be the goal posts are moving.” Says the white guy who’s not racist.
“Was mostly the black dudes in England kicking up about it. They weren't too vocal up here. Certainly not violent.”
Yup all uppity!!!!
It’s these (just a small sample) statements that show you are a racist. You may not see it but it’s there for everyone
But it is true that biden is pretty senile, he keeps forgetting words and saying all sorts of weird stuff. Im not saying that trump is better option, like i said many times. Both are crappy options that work for the same goal, even tho they would say different things. What does biden really want to do? Does he want free healthcare? Does he want free university degree education? Does he want a proper police reform?

Only thing he is running with is that he is not trump and they played bernie out, because bernie promised real change.

Again i dont think its better to vote for trump and i dont say its wrong to vote for the lesser evil. Im saying that there is no good option to vote and i dont condemn people who vote for biden or dont vote at all. Personally i dont think i would vote or i would go vote with some good fuck you letter or just vote for bernie even tho he is not on the race anymore.
It is a shame that you have bought into the lie.

Biden has a stutter,trolling a disability with the 'senile' trope it is about as classy as when Trump did this:

What is 'free healthcare'? Does he want to expand Obamacare to 100% of our population getting everyone affordable healthcare? Yes.
Obama tries and got really close to 100% coverage, but the current Republicans sued and stopped it from being an option in the Republican controlled states.
Biden plan is to invest in community colleges and to help the people who can't afford them.

He has a realistic plan for police reform that is not branded by Trump's troll army to scare the suburbs with stupid slogans like 'Defund the Police'.

Bernie was never an legitimate option, he was propped up by the Russian military because that is who they wanted Trump to run against.

Yea well what does it take for a thing not to be a conspiracy? If no officials admit it but you can see it going on in front of your eyes. Is it a conspiracy anymore? Or does it just depend on how many people believe in it for it not to be a conspiracy anymore, even tho the officials would not admit it?
Except you are flawed in what you are 'seeing' and have seemingly brainwashed yourself into believing the propaganda traps.

Nah. I would not do violence and neither is it related to conspiracy theories. Im just saying that i would not condemn morally if people started shooting. Even tho it would be a bad move because the other side seems to want to make people do extreme things, so that they could put out new laws that inhibit freedom of speech or rights to protest. Therefore it would be extremely stupid for people to act violently. But it would be understandable and it would not be morally wrong to fight the oppressors.

And i dont say this lightly. Im not a 100% pacifist, but almost. I do believe in right for self-defence and how things are going on in the states. Well its already starting to get there here violence could be used for self-defence against tyranny. However it would not do any good, because it would just look bad and they would be made to look like the terrorists and that would only give more power to the elite.

I dont claim to know what would be the best way out of it, but i can think of many better ones than violence. However that would require so much that it might not be possible. Perhaps BLM folks can one day organise in such a way that they can make a difference without violence. I think what they are doing with trying to keep people from rioting, protesting peacefully and keeping protesting is likely the best way at the moment. But more and more of these protestors have been accused of shit by the media that they wont be tolerated by so many regular folks not that heavily into the subject anymore. Soon all normal people will start to hate BLM if the elite gets their way. Do you think they would lose here either? Im sure they would prefer that to a civil war, and they could then end it with passing some laws that people dont realise is for limiting the freedom of speech etc or general spying on people what ever they do in china that USA also wants to do.
I guess you are missing that these protests are peaceful, and that it can be seen that the violence is being done by people using them as cover to paint the BLM movement as 'radical' when it is not. Your use of BLM in this last paragraph is the definition of 'disinformation in the media' because you are typing lies about this movement in this forum, which is a form of media.

And the 'elites' don't need a civil war to win, they already won because they are 'elites', all they do is to stop any progress of people getting into the middle class.

Sorry but i dont see any evidence in there. Also new york times in not a media you should trust too much..

Like i said its common that different countries hack each others all the time. It doesent prove anything that russians have hacked some US government stuff.

Think about how the voting went. Who got more votes from people, hillary or trump? But who the elite puppets who have more power than regular citizens in voting decided to vote for and who ended up winning. So it looks like hillary was played out in reality by the USA elite, not russians.
You do see evidence in the NY Times reporting on a bi-partisan senate report about the Russians actually hacking their way into every single states election officials computers? Oh, no you are saying that the Russian military hacking into every states elections is not proof of their election meddling.

The hack of the electorate however was with 2 goals, to find the people that could be swayed with propaganda that Trump was an viable option for POTUS and get them pumped to vote, and to find the people who would never vote for Trump and to pump them so full of anti-Clinton propaganda and get them so sick of the election and government that they did not vote or voted 3rd party, as you can see in the numbers I posted that they hit pay dirt with the millions of more votes for non-viable candidates.

Our election system was built on a foundation of landowners (states) choosing the POTUS and senators, while the citizens vote in the House members.

Russians attacked over 100 million citizens and engaged with them over 9 billion times leading up to the elections, pretending all the while to be good ole Americans as they spread their lies. If you don't think they had the ability to sway the 80k votes when they knew the people they were targeting down to the districts they live in, I would like to introduce you to this Nigerian Prince who can make you rich.

Google cambridge analytica and their connections with trump folks before the elections. Also check out what the cambridge analytica has done in the past with others.

Also its the regular trumpsters who mostly put out this propaganda, not russians. Go look at the trumps official forums and you see what sort of crazy shit they spread around. Then they run around the internet trying to be some great warriors pushing out their crap.

Some from the left also fall into spreading propaganda. They dont need russian trolls for this. And even if russia did have trolls like that, it wouldnt matter much.
RIght, or I could just point you to the Cambridge Analytica hearings and video they themselves put out leading to the elections where you can get everything you need without googling it. Do you really think that the Russian military and Trump trolls have much daylight? Do you really think that when you go to those Trump forums you are not also seeing many Russian trolls? Did you know that Cambridge Analytica also have been connected to the Russians?

"Even if Russia did have trolls like that" makes me think you are incredibly naive or just another foreign troll yourself.


I dont agree, but im not going to start to argue about it and try to prove jimmy.
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I dont believe in this at all. Yea sure the investigations have been fake, but these things are more for stirring up the soup. Clinton has done plenty of criminal stuff, and so have many other politicians, its not just her. They get away with it because they are above law for being part of the elite. Sure you need to work hard to get where she got, but all that hard work was not for good. She was defending rapists and people of that sorts as a lawyer. And you dont have to work as hard as others when you are part of these secret societies.
Right, except this is all bullshit. The best the Republicans could do in their decades of investigating the Clintons was to find a little bit of spunk on a dress. If they could have they would have burned the Clintons long ago. Your pretending otherwise is just a sad example of (assuming you are not another foreign troll here to play 'Left-Troll") how much you buy into the conspiracy bullshit the Russians have been pushing for years to keep voting down.

Like i said few times, yes the social media has been influenced, but its not the russians that do most of the work. This company called cambridge analytica does just that.

I could say the same about you trying suspiciously much run the narrative of the elite, but i wont, that would be foolish to assume something like that.

And russians do have their own hackers, they dont need to rely on cambridge analytica like trump when he wanted to get elected.

And for the record, the clintons have been getting paid pretty nice amounts from russia also. Funny isnt it? Do you know that much of cash in USA is actually russian printed? Also a lot of russian money is USA printed. Do you know that large scale drug trade is controlled also by the government and a lot of it is moved by this forgein fake cash that is as good as real thing? They do tons of stuff behind the closed doors. However i dont think that putin is part of the same elite(he managed to get his own power, but is not any better, likely worse), but they do stuff more together than what is known publicly.

However i dont completely understand your point with all this.
The good old 'Im rubber your Glue' troll, nice. You act like Cambridge Analytica is still a thing. Which shows how out of date your information actually is. They went down because they were working with the Russians to impact the Brexit vote, which they did to outstanding benefit of the Russians.

And not suspicious at all how much you are defending and gas lighting the attack on our country that Putin conducted.

He even admitted it himself.

"but Clinton" troll is stale, and proven time and again by actual investigations into her.

But you believe in the 'illuminutty' which is basically on par with contrails.

Its funny that trump keeps making deals all over the world with forgein officials. Russians, chinese, arabs, everyone willing to do business.
And Illegal.

In which country is it illegal if russians would had influenced the elections, but if trump did not collude with them? Is it illegal in russia or USA? USA keeps influencing other countries just the same way as russians do all the time. USA is no better than russia in this regard, but russians are treated as the bad folks. And i dont say this to make russians seem better than they are, i say this because USA is no better than russia in this regard. Both try to hack and in influence and try to start wars with anyone for their own benefit.

Sure a lot of things are better in USA than in russia, but really its not much better if you compare to truly developed countries with free healthcare and all that. USA is like half african 3rd world country and half highly developed, its insane.
'But USA'.

It is illegal in the USA, which is why there is currently almost 200 charges of them and the people they were working with in the USA.

And your joke is stale.

Two people push down aold lady and broke her arm.

One pushed her to get her purse, the other pushed her out of the way of a oncoming bus. It is not the same by a mile. I am perfectly willing to condemn our countries actions, but the Russians goal is to get us the worst possible candidates to sow chaos in our country and try to break democracy as a whole. Not in some misguided attempt to make the world in a better place.

Yea trump is dirty outloud, thats part of his thing, to cause chaos and division. Biden tries to not look too bad, but not promise too much either. He jsut tries to be the option that is not the worst imaginable, so that the game can continue as normal.
Right, so the guy who went almost 50 years of being under public scrutiny and never used his office to get rich, and came out of his time in DC clean as hell is the same as Trump who was born a spoiled rich brat who has had everything given to him and can't stop breaking our laws as he steps over person after person.

Just saying shit like you seem to enjoy doing doesn't make it true.

Dude trump was not impeached and this trying to impeach game is something that is going on with all presidents. Its something the opponent tries to do every time. It never works even if it would be clear to 90% of people(they would just make some excuses of why there is no solid proof) and its just one of those tricks that is being used to make people think that they would actually be on different sides.

What does biden do better than bernie you think? Why is it that people wanted biden soooooooooooooo much more than bernie that bernie lost to him? It was the same game again, both republicans and establishment democrats played out the one who would had brough change and now there is a senile guy not even trying to win a fucking monstrous tyrant. Whats up with that lol
Trump was impeached. It is funny how you who is someone not in our country is trying to sell that lie. He was not removed from office, but just like Clinton, he was impeached. He got impeached because he took too long in setting up his Ukraine troll and illegally withheld the whistleblower complaint. The Democrats had to do it, because Trump was actively trying like hell to NOT run against Biden because he wanted to run against Bernie.

Biden is the nominee and not Bernie, so it is pretty irrelevant. But Biden has actually past a lot of legislation and is not promising pipe dreams that have no hope in getting passed and further dividing the country by attacking 'them'.

And you again with the senile, I hope after reading this you stop with that shitty propaganda. Because you making fun of someone with a stutter when they have to switch words mid sentence to stop themselves from stuttering is not a good look.
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“ Because there's now so many minority people claiming prejudice for things they shouldn't be the goal posts are moving.” Says the white guy who’s not racist.
“Was mostly the black dudes in England kicking up about it. They weren't too vocal up here. Certainly not violent.”
Yup all uppity!!!!
It’s these (just a small sample) statements that show you are a racist. You may not see it but it’s there for everyone
I fail to see how any of that could be construed as racism. It's not at all.
Your just doing what I'm saying black people are doing. Claiming I'm a racist because you want me to be.
That will soon also be punishable by law because there's so many people like you doing this. Your attitude is what's causing this to happen. Not mine. :)
I fail to see how any of that could be construed as racism. It's not at all.
Your just doing what I'm saying black people are doing. Claiming I'm a racist because you want me to be.
That will soon also be punishable by law because there's so many people like you doing this. Your attitude is what's causing this to happen. Not mine. :)
Right because you are blinded by your own prejudices. Which just happen to be the same prejudices that the racists are pushing.

I fail to see how any of that could be construed as racism. It's not at all.
Your just doing what I'm saying black people are doing. Claiming I'm a racist because you want me to be.
That will soon also be punishable by law because there's so many people like you doing this. Your attitude is what's causing this to happen. Not mine. :)
Ok I’ll bite. What are minorities kicking up a fuss (uppity) about that they shouldn’t be? What are they protesting that they shouldn’t be and instead tow the line of the white guy? Why is my attitude causing this?
Im offering reasoning for my views, he is just trying to make personal attacks and not even trying to disprove me, just make me look bad by attacking me personally and calling me some stupid conspiracist.

And yes i am replying to whats being said to me. But if you look up, i dont go around trying to discredit him for the great points that he makes. Except yea, where are his points? I havent seen any at least for a while, all i see is him calling me stupid and trying to discredit me that way.

So its a bit different. Also what i say is not for the good or trump or biden lol, its against both. So whose troll am i then? Im trying to make people see the common enemy, so that people could realise that all this trump vs biden shit is just theatre. There is no real change behind biden, like there was no real change behind obama.

Do you remember obama anymore? He seemed way better than biden and was even supposed to lead things to racial equality. What did he accomplish again? I know he got a nobel peace price, what was it for?
Screen Shot 2020-08-02 at 8.27.04 AM.png

Idiot compare how much obama care costed per patient and how much the government paid for the drugs that were given free to citizens. Many of the drugs usa government paid 10 times more than what most other countries pay. They did not even try to negotiate the prices.

Now show me where there is some establishment democrat saying that they want a single payer healthcare? Hillary did not want it and neither does biden. Bernie wanted it, but he was played out with dirty tricks, twice.
And the American medical system uses this money to do the vast majority of medical innovation in the world. So you should be saying thank you America for investing in medicine at levels nobody else in the world does at your own expense.
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Lol now you go with the basic stuff that im some russian paid troll. Come on and you think that i have some mental problems. Why the fuck would a russian paid troll try to help people on growing forum and offering growing knowledge to people?

Why the heck would anyone even pay for russian trolls when trumpsters do exactly the work that you claim is made by some imaginary russian hacker group trying to control your mind.

Sorry but your conspiracy theories are less valid than mine are. You are the one pushing the agenda that leads to no change, the agenda that the elite wants you to do, to go vote for the one who is not the worst and shut the fuck up after because you got to do your "democratic" thing of voting and you should be happy with what you got.
You don't have to be in Russia to be paid to be a troll by the Russians. Hell you could be a Epoch time troll paid by Trump's Chinese cultists.
This bolded thing has been my point all along. Im glad you picked up on it. If the system in your country was different, then you would not have this problem. Why is it that other countries have negotiated? Do you think that it had to do with other countries actually wanting to do things right, while USA was more interested in funnelling money to big pharma and to make a system that could rightfully be talked shit about, so that people would grow to dislike the idea of single payer healthcare, as it seems so expensive to them? Or why is that?
Again, you are welcome for all the medical advances we have given to the rest of the world.

It doesn't take 'Single payer' healthcare to cover 100% of our population. Obama almost got us to that, but Republicans led states like Georgia decided to not allow their citizens to be able to have the public option.
Ohh these pathetic attempts to attack my character because you got nothing else. Bark bark bark you crazy dog. Im not a virgin and im in my 30's, so not boy anymore. Neither am i an russian and to my knowledge there are no russians in my family lineage, we made a family study that where the oldest one was from mid 1700's. Not that you would believe it, but yea lol
Nah, you are just spouting stupid shit that has been shown to have come directly from the Russians attack on our democracy and seem to want us to buy into your nonsense about our government.

Which seems to really come down to maybe you actually believe it, because hell once you believe in 'Illuminati' level conspiracy theories and post videos of some dude freaking out in a political rally as proof of it, believing that Biden and Trump are the same is just par for the course I guess.
Wow, what a thread. CannaOnerStar actually has many valid points on the US.. I can't believe how quick folks assume the worst. Blows my mind.. I thought poker tables were "adult daycare" but this political forum kinda takes the cake on that.. No participation awards - yall are the 1st place winners :wall:
Woof woof haha. Wait till he finds out I most closely identify as a holistic and practice reiki. And I am actually a stereotypical Scot.
Hairy cunt with ginger hair that walks about swearing all the time. Got my own kilt and wear it with big ol tattie boots every time I get the opportunity.
Its funny how people who are proud of who they are and where they come from don't take offence to things.
Just saying....

Looks and sounds like a redneck to me. Funny the most racist people here have the same ancestors as you do and say the same shit you do. I wonder where they got it from?
I fail to see how any of that could be construed as racism. It's not at all.
Your just doing what I'm saying black people are doing. Claiming I'm a racist because you want me to be.
That will soon also be punishable by law because there's so many people like you doing this. Your attitude is what's causing this to happen. Not mine. :)
"it will soon be illegal for you to call me racist!"

goddamn, what a vagina
I fail to see how any of that could be construed as racism. It's not at all.
Your just doing what I'm saying black people are doing. Claiming I'm a racist because you want me to be.
That will soon also be punishable by law because there's so many people like you doing this. Your attitude is what's causing this to happen. Not mine. :)
I keep forgetting you’re in the boonies. We’ve got something called freedom of speech here. This is America not Scotland, mate. I’ll call you racist all day long and you can’t do shit about it.
You can only hide it for so long. It comes out eventually.
We are all subject to our conditioning, and it's as easy to cleanse oneself of it as sin, even if they know better on an intellectual level. People evolve overtime and the most important thing is to change behavior, first they STFU, then they stop voting for morons, and hopefully open their hearts on their road to redemption. People try to be better, because overt public racism is seen by the majority as antisocial (it is), so it is only spoken among friends, then friends start admonishing them and they keep their tongues in check. They become resentful and complain about political correctness and such, finally some at least, evolve as much as they can.

The key thing in the above is conditioning, subconscious reactions of approach and avoidance on a fundamental physiological level that not only drive consciousness, but bias thinking by having it appear in a conditioned context. We don't think for the most part unless we are working on something real and even then... Most of the time we are rationalising "feelings" that are felt in the body and reflected into the mind where they form the basis and impetus for higher order processing by various sub networks in the brain.

Our consciousness is where we humans present ourselves to the world and there is a competition as to what gets in as thought and this driven by feelings and logical that is biased from the beginning, also there is a filtering of our perceptions of reality, to make it all fit together! :D

The end game is always survival and reproduction, everything else is extra or and accident.