Blm, the next level

It’s not just the white race. Every race is racist. It’s just white people are the most open and obviously proud of it.
oh, did poor widdle Codpiece get his kickers in a twist for a Canadian being rightfully called out for his racism?

When the people of India sack London, put the Royals to the sword, steal the crown jewels to put on display in the Taj Mahal while stealing land, money and pride from every person living on the British Isles all in the name of "the dark man's burden" to lift the white man out of barbarism. Stay there for generations holding the land and using military forces to keep the population in line, sometimes massacring them. Eventually leave with all this stolen wealth in their hands. Then to revile anybody from England living in India for not looking like them. Occasionally acting out violently against them.

Maybe then the complaint of racism from white people living in India will have similar weight to Zedds. In other words, the weight of racism isn't just about skin color, it's about unequal power in that society. Also the threat imposed upon a person with darker skin living in a mostly white society with a history of violence against people with darker skin. This is that makes their racism so vile.
Black people haven’t committed the horrible atrocities that evil, uncivilized whites have
Ok I don’t usually quote buck. But he’s right on here. White people have historically just plowed over whoever they want to get whatever they want. Even you have to admit that @codster25
There it is again. Where did I say I approve of any genocide? You’re really reaching at this point @codster25
I never even mentioned your homosexuality either

You just had to bring up your dick sucking obsession because that is what defines you now
We all know you said you wanted to taste dick. I would post the quote but you know as well as I that you will run to Rolly and have me kicked off another thread. Why are you avoiding the fact that you are full blown racist? It doesn’t apply only to African Americans.
We all know you said you wanted to taste dick. I would post the quote but you know as well as I that you will run to Rolly and have me kicked off another thread. Why are you avoiding the fact that you are full blown racist? It doesn’t apply only to African Americans.
that was 6+ years ago and youve been obsessed ever since because you are a closeted homosexual. that is who you are now.
There it is again. Where did I say I approve of any genocide? You’re really reaching at this point @codster25

Ok I don’t usually quote buck. But he’s right on here

Buddy...,,you are defending a racist who wants to see the white race killed...all of them. That’s enough to justify my statement. Had he said black or Muslims, any race for that matter, you wouldn’t disregard it and quote something of his you agree with, would you?
Ok I don’t usually quote buck. But he’s right on here

Buddy...,,you are defending a racist who wants to see the white race killed...all of them. That’s enough to justify my statement. Had he said black or Muslims, any race for that matter, you wouldn’t disregard it and quote something of his you agree with, would you?
Whatever you want to believe pal. Take care buddy. Clearly defending your “honor” with buck is top priority for you.
White Genocide Is not acceptable end of story. Bucks statement makes him a racist, sad that people are willing to trade integrity, ethics and morals to support a racist as long as that racist shares some ( not all) of the same views.

so does that make any who dismiss it, racist by extension? Or is okay because it came from Buck?
Whatever you want to believe pal. Take care buddy. Clearly defending your “honor” with buck is top priority for you.
It didn’t start with Buck, I was pointing out the irony of the allegation against DIY. Buck is the perfect example of it, racist as can be. The only difference is that he is against whites. @zeddd may need to take a look in the mirror too.
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yes it is

the perpetrators of history's worst crimes dont have any right to keep living
If I remember correctly ( don’t quote me ) from back in 2012 or so during your hen and cock picture posting days, you have a white complexion yourself no?

not that it makes any difference In you being a racist.
If I remember correctly and don’t quote from back in 2012 or so during your hen and cock picture posting days, you have a white complexion yourself no?

not that it makes any difference In you being a racist.
im jewish, white genocide doesnt apply to me.

bye bye to you though, racist gay boy
Yes you have a point, the ignore button is useful. I have not witnessed you make those types of remarks. I just find it ironic that very few bat an eye when these types of stamens are made. Yet if I were to say “I’m all for black genocide”( which I obviously I don’t feel this way), I’d be liable to get lynched. Regardless of the circumstances in the world, it shouldn’t be accepted to say such things about any race IMO.
Whose disagreeing?
That’s my whole point.
My point is if you ignored it, you wouldn't see it. Much less be sucked into the easy troll trap that gets laid by saying something in a way that is about racial mixing (which a lot of people still go full 'I'm not racist, but' racist about) diluting what is 'white' to the point racists disappear, but close enough to trigger white fragility by making it sound like someone is saying kill whitey.
My point is if you ignored it, you wouldn't see it. Much less be sucked into the easy troll trap that gets laid by saying something in a way that is about racial mixing (which a lot of people still go full 'I'm not racist, but' racist about) diluting what is 'white' to the point racists disappear, but close enough to trigger white fragility by making it sound like someone is saying kill whitey.
It didn’t trigger me, I simply was pointing out the obvious. Some of these so called anti racist/anti fascist are just as racist as those they seek to destroy. I proved my point. Regardless of your motives, it doesn’t make it right to encourage the extermination of a race. As the old saying goes, don’t let a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch... or something along those lines lol. That’s full blown racist, wether anyone wants to admit or agree....or not.
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