Blm, the next level

Lol, that escalated quickly.

Looks like this dumb woke "revolution" is more of a retarded, Festivus like "airing of grievances" where everything reverts back to "but... white people" than anything actually revolutionary. Starting, or reverting every conversation back to laying the sins of the past at the feet of successive generations is a tactic, not a solution.

So let me ask, is there a solution that doesn't involve ego fueled discord as we torch the progress we've made, all for something as stupid as social media "likes"?
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Lol, that escalated quickly.

Looks like this dumb woke "revolution" is more of a retarded, Festivus like "airing of grievances" where everything reverts back to "but... white people" than anything actually revolutionary. Starting, or reverting every conversation back to laying the sins of the father at the feet of successive generations is a tactic, not a solution.

So let me ask, is there a solution that doesn't involve ego fueled discord as we torch the progress we've made, all for something as stupid as social media "likes"?
Sticking your head in the sand and not wanting to understand how the problems have started because it hurts so many white mens feelings is not a good pathway to solving anything well either.
Lol, that escalated quickly.

Looks like this dumb woke "revolution" is more of a retarded, Festivus like "airing of grievances" where everything reverts back to "but... white people" than anything actually revolutionary. Starting, or reverting every conversation back to laying the sins of the past at the feet of successive generations is a tactic, not a solution.

So let me ask, is there a solution that doesn't involve ego fueled discord as we torch the progress we've made, all for something as stupid as social media "likes"?
Are your feelings hurt?
You complain about escalation whilst escalating the situation with your specious argument. Poor white guy and his tears.
Are your feelings hurt?
You complain about escalation whilst escalating the situation with your specious argument. Poor white guy and his tears.

I have no tears, my conscience is clear. Your fight isn't with people that support equality and an equitable solution, but your inability to separate your personal feelings and prejudices blinds you to who your allies are. By all means, keep on charging those windmills.
Sticking your head in the sand and not wanting to understand how the problems have started because it hurts so many white mens feelings is not a good pathway to solving anything well either.

My head is anywhere but in the sand and I'm keenly aware of what the white ruling class has bestowed upon the world. I don't support the corruption, greed or ego that has landed us where we are today.

And that's the problem with this dumb revolution, it's all about feelings. Ridiculous!
My head is anywhere but in the sand and I'm keenly aware of what the white ruling class has bestowed upon the world. I don't support the corruption, greed or ego that has landed us where we are today.

And that's the problem with this dumb revolution, it's all about feelings. Ridiculous!
I would say that it is your feelings about this even being a 'revolution' that is dumb. And that is where you should focus some time on thinking about why it is that you 'feel' this is the case, and what is it you are reading/seeing/talking about the BLM (I am assuming this is the movement you are saying is a 'revolution') protest that is trying to convince you this is the case.
I would say that it is your feelings about this even being a 'revolution' that is dumb. And that is where you should focus some time on thinking about why it is that you 'feel' this is the case, and what is it you are reading/seeing/talking about the BLM (I am assuming this is the movement you are saying is a 'revolution') protest that is trying to convince you this is the case.

I'm not looking at this in any other way than answering these questions:

1. Where do we go from here?

2. How do we get there?

Race, blame and feelings are what's muddying the waters and keeping tensions high. I'm trying to move the conversation away from the hashtag wars of warring cults. To answer these questions we ALL must remove our egos.
I'm not looking at this in any other way than answering these questions:

1. Where do we go from here?

2. How do we get there?

Race, blame and feelings are what's muddying the waters and keeping tensions high. I'm trying to move the conversation away from the hashtag wars of warring cults. To answer these questions we ALL must remove our egos.
To do that though you have to understand that the Russian attack on our citizens have been attacking the very communities hardest that are responding the worst to these problems you want to come up with a answer for.

Until we can get people all at least able to agree with the facts and what is going on without being triggered because of the propaganda it gets difficult to come to a rational answer. And the most obvious fixes have been trolled by the right wing messaging that has historically been used to actively stop these communities from having a opportunity to succeed.

Look no further than Trump tweeting how the city folk are going to come to their nice suburbs.

1. Forward

2. Voting in Democrats in the fall and forcing the Republicans to stop being the party of the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda, and start legislating for everyone of their voters benefit. We need more responsible leadership from the Republicans. And we need to stop their propaganda war that the Russians militarized.

I would love to see a law that makes it a crime for a elected official/anyone running for office to lie to the public, right now the Republicans have become too reliant on lying and misleading as a political platform.
We know, you absolved yourself of your cultural sins when you converted to "God's chosen people".

Fuck off loser! You add nothing of value to this conversation.
Sorry for repeating you. I now realize that by repeating what you say I am adding nothing to the conversation
To do that though you have to understand that the Russian attack on our citizens have been attacking the very communities hardest that are responding the worst to these problems you want to come up with a answer for.

Until we can get people all at least able to agree with the facts and what is going on without being triggered because of the propaganda it gets difficult to come to a rational answer. And the most obvious fixes have been trolled by the right wing messaging that has historically been used to actively stop these communities from having a opportunity to succeed.

Look no further than Trump tweeting how the city folk are going to come to their nice suburbs.

1. Forward

2. Voting in Democrats in the fall and forcing the Republicans to stop being the party of the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda, and start legislating for everyone of their voters benefit. We need more responsible leadership from the Republicans. And we need to stop their propaganda war that the Russians militarized.

I would love to see a law that makes it a crime for a elected official/anyone running for office to lie to the public, right now the Republicans have become too reliant on lying and misleading as a political platform.

Lol, it's all Russia"s fault.

Corporate ownership of your media and the polarizing effect of unchecked bias is more the problem than Russia ever will be.