Bloomberg to the rescue

my taxes would go from 15.3 percent to 27 percent

That would cost me far more than I am paying now for a new healthcare system that nobody has any idea how to implement

It’s the shittiest campaign message ever. A guaranteed loss

No wonder you racist lying frauds are pretending you all love bernie
Not sure where you're coming up with those numbers, but the reality is that your taxes will go around 4%.
It was a pretty straight forward question. Do you not have an answer?
No. You mischaracterized my statement and then asked me for an explanation. It's not what I said at all. Go back and read my post, then accurately phrase your question around them. It's nothing more than what you expect from others.
No. You mischaracterized my statement and then asked me for an explanation. It's not what I said at all. Go back and read my post, then accurately phrase your question around them. It's nothing more than what you expect from others.
Got it. You don't have an answer to debate me with because you know that my answer is most correct. Just answer the question or stop your ridiculous rhetoric.
You said that already. Yeah, pretty cool that he put a calculator up there for us to take a look at. Any other candidates do that?
its of no use since it just lied to me about the massive tax increase he’d put on me

The tax increase would dwarf what I already pay for private insurance and is bigger than what I would pay for the best plan on the Obamacare exchange

Guaranteed loss with bernie
UncleBuck said:
anyone but bernie

It’s 8% + 4%

@Padawanbater2 helped me figure it out, kind fellow he is

The kid is misguided but not pretending to be something he isn’t, like you

Ah yes, my bad. I wasn't considering the other 4%, because I see that as a wash when it comes to what people typically spend on health care every year.

I will give you that one though. I guess you'll have to raise the cost of your services, as you're self-employed. Cost of doing business and all.
The tax increase would dwarf what I already pay for private insurance and is bigger than what I would pay for the best plan on the Obamacare exchange

How much do you pay for health care each year? My employer pays around 30k for my family coverage. Do you have cheap insurance or something?