Blue Cheese, PPP, Thai SS...Jerry's Second Grow

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Yes, sorry I've taken a while to respond. I'll try to get some picks of the curing buds up in the next day or so.

I may have been dipping into the coffers a bit early...they still have a couple weeks of cure left...but mmmmmm are they all tasty!

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
So I snapped a bunch of shots of the colas/bigger buds. Let me just preface this by saying I'm not very good at photographing buds with my stupid digital camera...

Here's a little group shot. PPP on top, Blue Cheese B in the middle (2) and Blue Cheese A on the bottom (2). The PPP bud weighs about 11 grams, while the blue cheese buds average about 6 grams each.


PPP again

One more time...PPP...

Blue Cheese B. The tips are a little curvy from the jars. They barely fit in the large mason jars I have (in fact the PPP cola doesn't fit in the mason jar, so I'm curing it in a special jar that is taller).

More BCB

BCA. A little blurry...

BCA again

BCA once more...

In case you forgot what they looked like between the last picture and the time it took you to read this...same order as above...

Every time I burp the jars my room stinks to holy hell.

That's it for the bud shots. There are lots of smaller buds and popcorn nugs I didn't feel like taking a picture of...but they're curing along just fine.

As far as the living plants, I have moved all from the veg room and into flower. There are 2 Blue Cheese A, 2 Blue Cheese B, 1 PPP, 1 LSD (which has stretched A TON since being in flower for about a week and half), 1 Blue Widow, 1 Chiesel, and 1 OG Kush (the BW, Chiesel and OG went into flower last night/this morning).

I have taken clones of the LSD, Blue Widow, Chiesel and PPP, as I have no more seeds of these and might want to keep them going for a bit. The clones have been going for a few days, so hopefully we'll get some rooting by the end of this week or early next week.

I'll try to get some pics of the flowering plant when I've got a chance. Until then...bongsmilie:bigjoint::peace:



Well-Known Member
:o:weed::hump:......wowza, do your thang.

Damn Jer, you are now officially a pro.

Very quickly, about that medium you had been using, have you ever tried black gold? That's what I've been using. I sometimes combine it with the coco.

I don't think they would allow me to open the bags and play with the, when they're not looking, I squeeze the charmin. J/K.....I do it in front of them. I like the stuff.
How do you like this new stuff you're using? I'm only days away from replenishing soil, so I appreciate the heads up on the Ocean Forest. That was the medium highly recommended to me.
Hmm, seems to me I liked the feel of the black gold a bit more. Maybe the ratio of ingredients grabbed me more? Yup, it's been that long since I've been "shopping."
Time to load up tomorrow....and starve for the next week, LOL. Seriously, who knew gardening could cost so much?

Again, BE AU T I FUL buds there, indeed!!!


Well-Known Member
So I snapped a bunch of shots of the colas/bigger buds. Let me just preface this by saying I'm not very good at photographing buds with my stupid digital camera...

Here's a little group shot. PPP on top, Blue Cheese B in the middle (2) and Blue Cheese A on the bottom (2). The PPP bud weighs about 11 grams, while the blue cheese buds average about 6 grams each.


PPP again

One more time...PPP...

Blue Cheese B. The tips are a little curvy from the jars. They barely fit in the large mason jars I have (in fact the PPP cola doesn't fit in the mason jar, so I'm curing it in a special jar that is taller).

More BCB

BCA. A little blurry...

BCA again

BCA once more...

In case you forgot what they looked like between the last picture and the time it took you to read this...same order as above...

Every time I burp the jars my room stinks to holy hell.

That's it for the bud shots. There are lots of smaller buds and popcorn nugs I didn't feel like taking a picture of...but they're curing along just fine.

As far as the living plants, I have moved all from the veg room and into flower. There are 2 Blue Cheese A, 2 Blue Cheese B, 1 PPP, 1 LSD (which has stretched A TON since being in flower for about a week and half), 1 Blue Widow, 1 Chiesel, and 1 OG Kush (the BW, Chiesel and OG went into flower last night/this morning).

I have taken clones of the LSD, Blue Widow, Chiesel and PPP, as I have no more seeds of these and might want to keep them going for a bit. The clones have been going for a few days, so hopefully we'll get some rooting by the end of this week or early next week.

I'll try to get some pics of the flowering plant when I've got a chance. Until then...bongsmilie:bigjoint::peace:

...and so worthy a picture view. :blsmoke:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
:o:weed::hump:......wowza, do your thang.

Damn Jer, you are now officially a pro.

Very quickly, about that medium you had been using, have you ever tried black gold? That's what I've been using. I sometimes combine it with the coco.

I don't think they would allow me to open the bags and play with the, when they're not looking, I squeeze the charmin. J/K.....I do it in front of them. I like the stuff.
How do you like this new stuff you're using? I'm only days away from replenishing soil, so I appreciate the heads up on the Ocean Forest. That was the medium highly recommended to me.
Hmm, seems to me I liked the feel of the black gold a bit more. Maybe the ratio of ingredients grabbed me more? Yup, it's been that long since I've been "shopping."
Time to load up tomorrow....and starve for the next week, LOL. Seriously, who knew gardening could cost so much?

Again, BE AU T I FUL buds there, indeed!!!
I've heard of Black Gold, but never tried it. There is surprisingly little variety at the garden shops around me...even fifth season doesn't have a great variety of soil.

I would highly recommend the ocean forest as a medium...I love the stuff...but I would highly NOT recommend getting it now that the ingredients/location of manufacture have changed. Even though I returned the bag I still have 3 large pots full of plants with the crappy soil. After my second or third watering I'm not finding the soil as shitty as it was when I first watered, but it should never have been shitty in the first place! The original stuff was perfect from start to finish...why should I settle for a product that is inferior in any way?

I would really like to try some pro-mix. That stuff looks great. But I'm having a hell of a time finding a retailer near where I live. Living in the middle of nowhere kinda sucks:wall:


Well-Known Member
they got promix online my dude they have stores in pa, fl, and charlotte nc ive gotten stuff from them quick/low profile shipping decent prices

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
they got promix online my dude they have stores in pa, fl, and charlotte nc ive gotten stuff from them quick/low profile shipping decent prices
Thanks war. I've been trying to find it locally...charlotte is the closest but not close enough for me to drive just for some soil.

I check out HTG...though I've never really wanted to buy soil online just because the shipping price. But I guess it has to get shipped to the store I buy it from so the cost difference probably isn't all that great...


congrats on the thai harvest finally jerry!

nice sticking around with u for the end of it. thank u do u know the dry weight yet?

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Those are some killer buds there Jerry. Any more details on the smell? Like is the PP skunky or diesely or musty? Is the BC cheesey? Also when I said pro-mix before I was using it in a generic sense. I don't use the actual "pro-mix" brand either but something very similar called B'Cuzz hydromix. It's just spaghnum moss mixed with perlite. That biobizz sounds like pretty much the same thing. I would try a whole grow with that before hunting down pro-mix which is basically what you already have. A lot of people use the terms pro-mix or hydromix to refer to any peat/spaghnum moss and perlite medium. That biobizz sounds like the right stuff.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
congrats on the thai harvest finally jerry!

nice sticking around with u for the end of it. thank u do u know the dry weight yet?
Thanks naorb. I'm not sure about a dry weight of the TSS quite yet, but I'll throw it on the scale when it makes its way into jars for cure, which should be whenever I get around to it...

Those are some killer buds there Jerry. Any more details on the smell? Like is the PP skunky or diesely or musty? Is the BC cheesey? Also when I said pro-mix before I was using it in a generic sense. I don't use the actual "pro-mix" brand either but something very similar called B'Cuzz hydromix. It's just spaghnum moss mixed with perlite. That biobizz sounds like pretty much the same thing. I would try a whole grow with that before hunting down pro-mix which is basically what you already have. A lot of people use the terms pro-mix or hydromix to refer to any peat/spaghnum moss and perlite medium. That biobizz sounds like the right stuff.
Well, the PPP certainly has a citrusy tinge with a little bit of must smell, but not overpoweringly so. It just smells and tastes like good clean marijuana. The Blue Cheese really smells like blueberry...a lot. There is a bit of some other kinda awkward smell in there too...maybe that's the cheese smell, I don't know, but the A phenotype has it much more pronounced than the higher-yielding B pheno. Predominantly blueberry scent and taste for both though. They still have another week+ left to cure until the final verdict is in though.

While it's still too early to tell on the TSS, I've smoked a couple buds and man is it different from the other two. The buds are whispy but not light, and ripe with sticky trichomes. The smell so far is rather plain, but the taste is unmistakably skunk even before curing. My fingers were WAY more sticky when I got done trimming the TSS than the other everything I touched was cemented to my fingers! The smoke feels thicker and more acrid than the PPP or BC, and the high is almost immediate.

Speaking of the high...the PPP seems to be the most knock-you-on-your-ass stoned feeling off all three. The Blue Cheese is a bit of a creeper, but once it's there you just melt into the couch/chair/bed...very nice. The TSS is completely different, undoubtedly owing to its sativa heritage. The high is much more uplifting than the others, but it smacks you in the face as you're exhaling. Again, it's way to soon to get a good read on the TSS, but early returns are quite promising!

On a side note, I remember Mared how you mentioned uncured weed making you sneeze...I think that happens to me too! The first hit or two makes my nose immediately tingle and I sneeze! After that I'm good, but it's weird how it happened pretty consistently.


Well-Known Member
On a side note, I remember Mared how you mentioned uncured weed making you sneeze...I think that happens to me too! The first hit or two makes my nose immediately tingle and I sneeze! After that I'm good, but it's weird how it happened pretty consistently.
Funny....I get that too. Weird huh!

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Just weighed out the Thai as it went into jars...49 grams. They're pretty fluffy (they fill 3 1-quart mason jars), but whatever. The smoke is great and it hasn't even begun curing. We'll revisit it in a month and see how it tastes. I'm baked off it right now though...:hump:


Well-Known Member
sounds good... thanks for reminding me to load the bong :).... when does the next batch go into flower...... I just buy soil at stores because of the cash factor ;)...... and the 30% discount...... and these dudes are real nice, and we talk shop ;) while I shop lol

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
So I decided to snap some photos the other day to share with the community. All plants are now in flower. All except the Blue Widow, Chiesel and OG Kush have been in 12/12 since Nov. 17 days. The other three went in around Nov. 10th, or something close to that.

I've got some clones that are in the process of rooting...I hope. The LSD clones were pretty small when I took them (they were the only ones available...) and I think it may not be working out for them. Frankly, I don't want clones of this pheno anyway. It stretched like a crazy on me while still in veg and is only getting worse in much worse in fact that I supercropped her so she'd fit under the light! We'll get to that in a minute though...let's see some pics!

We start with the third generation PPP. Love this plant!

Little buds starting to form on the top of one PPP cola...

Next, the Blue Widow. Stretching a bit near the top but should be a nice yielder. I've taken a clone of her that should take root in the next few days...

Top of the Blue Widow

This is one of the Blue Cheeses. Not sure which pheno it is any more, but they aren't that different. I think this was A...

Another Blue Cheese. This one might be B?

Top down shot.

Chiesel. Took a clone of her the other day...probably try to cut a couple more before she gets much farther into flower.

Another view...

LSD, pre supercrop. (Blue Cheese B in the background...that one's not doing so hot)

Another pre supercropped shot.

Post supercropped.

Another post supercropped shot.

PPP Jr. This was the first PPP clone I took so long ago. She's looking alright...sort of been neglected a bit from time to time but still putting out some nice buds. Still has about a week or two left...trichs are all cloudy with no amber at the moment...

Another shot...

Here's a flowering Blue Cheese A clone. She's been going for maybe a day or two longer than the others...but not by much. I like these medium sized plants because I can fit four or five in these small black pots on the shelf I built in the flower basically I get more plants in my tiny space!

Another shot

Here's the retarded OG Kush. I needed to stake it up a few weeks ago and it really helped keep her in line. She's about as weak and frail a plant I've ever seen, but she's still alive and continues to grow. From the beginning this plant was messed up...when the seedling finally broke the soil the stem literally bent in half for no good reason! The stem wasn't stretched at all, but I buried it up to the bottom node anyway to help support it and it's been a struggle ever since. I'm considering starting a new batch of seeds sometime in the next week or two, and I'll definitely germinate another of the OG when I do (along with my Jack the Ripper I've been patiently waiting to start!)

Another OG shot. Doesn't look terrible but not like it should.

That's it. I'm gonna go watch some football and smoke something...maybe some trainwreck I picked up from my buddy the other day. That stuff is THE SHIT. I mean, my buds are good, but I can't hit the trainwreck more than once or twice in a half hour span...usually it's because I've forgotten I was smoking after hitting the bowl once...

Needless to say trainwreck has worked its way onto my short list of strains to grow in the near future. :hump:


Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Thanks snow, the update was long overdue...

A couple things worth mentioning this morning...One of the LSD clones has taken root. I thought it was dying. Guess not.

Also, I supercropped the main cola of the Blue Widow. From about the 4th node from the top heading up the damn thing just stretched like I bent it half! Who's tall now?! Ha. It should help those lower buds get more light too.