BlueDream... Is in trouble.. Suggestions?

Hello, & thanks in advance for your time.

I just transplanted 1 week ago and the plants are looking bad.
Any idea by looking at the pictures?
  • 1000w HPS
  • 24/hr cycle
We think the PH of the water we were feeding the plants were off balance. The tap water was too high, 6.5+. We flushed today with water @ 5.5-6PH with a light N-P-K solution.

Any other suggestions would be appreciated!


how close is the light? i would also go to a 18/6 light cycle if your vegging.
The light is about 2.5 ft from the plants. Is that too close?
Another suspicion of mine is that they have heat stress.. The leaves feel dry and thin. Some of the edges are brown & dead.

Why 18/6 cycle? Shouldn't they be exposed 24 hr to get maximum lumen exposure for maximum growth? & then switch to 12on/12off in a few weeks to start flowering? What is your theory for 18/6?


Active Member
Given that you are using a 1000 watt light I wold say that that is too close, and also any particular reason you would be using your HPS for vegging rather then a MH?, and 18/6 is the natural cycle of light that the plant would receive outdoors, so if you plants are under heats stress then it wouldn't hurt to switch