Carbon filter system is done. After a couple of days piddling with the filter box, I had to go with a DIY filter cartridge with some strips of 1.25" wide wood to make about a VHS casette size filter insert with a screen on the front and back to hold a couple pounds of activated carbon pellets. I hope it's enough carbon to clean up just a couple plants worth of stink! I believe still have some room to make the cutout and cartridge a couple inches bigger both ways if I need.
Fan is now controlled by a thermostat outlet. SOOO much better than the push tab timer I had.
Also had to change the exit air register to a 6" take off, there was quite a bit of wind noise in that old one going to a 2x10" rectangle from a 6" circle entry.
like that. tabs go up on top. Cut on wind noise quite a bit.
Waiting for 5 more cobs to get here from Estonia then the lights can get their final placement. They'll be spread out more to for 10 to evenly cover the canopy.
Sneak peak action shot. There are about 10 - 12 tops per plant that will vine out to the front. Just moved them to their final, 7 gal pots on about the 27th of Feb.
Scrog screen coming soon. It will be at the level of the black dashes on the mini partition wall on the right and on the other side of it as well, ~3 inches from the 'tabletop'.
Couple more weeks and she should be about tidied up proper.
Yea right, who'm I kidding? These types of projects are 'never done'
