Bomb shelter grow room


Active Member
I'm thinking i could shoot for something like this but i need it to hold as much gas as possible. thats the cheapest generator i could find.



Well-Known Member
listen guys, im with you on most of what you've been saying but running the cable is a bad idea all together. think about it, even if you burried the cable and put a shrub next to the outside outlet(thats if you even have one) in a court room how would youanswer a question like (you say somebody must of, been stealing your power, well the cable was barried, didnt you notce where the earth was dug up?) and you cant say somthing like you were away at the time cuz A) they will check your alibi and B) it take dug up earth a long time for grass to grow back and etc. it would look so bad in court. when growing outside your house, you should never incriminate your self. its like your sayin "here I am!!!!" lol seriously your chances of gettin cought are slim because you said that you live in a pretty dead area, but still you should always fix it where if found nobody can ever trace it back yto youm cuz jail time is no joke, trust me. you would know exactly how your plants would feel bein is a cab. shit even if u get off with just fines, there crazy. but anyway i wouldnt do the gas genorator unless your willing to pay for gas, and unless you live in Jersey i think your not going to like that idea after a while. unless you find one that drinks up the littlest amount of gas popssible. im gunna look up some genorator that would best fit this situation. you talk about wearing gloves, thats not the only precaution that you have to take. first off, you should buy everything in cash, never sign for shit. cuz when they find your stash then they are going to search for who bought stuff like that in that area. actually if possible i'd buy from outta town, or hell even outta state. and when your buyinh soil, nuets etc say your growing tomatoes if they ask. say your momma has a greenhouse and your looking for good soil for tomatoes, and shit buy tomato seeds to throw them off, even if you dont like tomatoes. cover your tracks in the snow try to get snow shoes or crawl on your stomache so it dont look like somebody was walking around. or if your gunna walk make sure you kick up snow all around the area so it dont look outta place and it will look like kids were playin in the area and not somebody that was going there for other reasons. also make sure you throw everything involving your grow away in the garbage,a public garbage would be a whole lot better than yours. secondly nobody can see you ever go there so go at night and wear dark clothing so nobody would be able to tell if it was you or not. and if you do leave footprints goin to your house might i suggest hiding your boots and get them in like maybe 2 sizes bigger or smaller than yours so they can't say it was you or walk out to the street and chuck the boots somewhere and put on your other boots. (note: this reffers to a muddy or snowy area) theres alot of things you gotta do to make sure it don't get back to you. I live in NY and the county Police are real fuckin assholes so were used to coverin our tracks when it comes to this stuff. but anyway thats pretty much it, i hoped i helped any remember, send pics!!!

thats alot of shit to do to cover up a meger grow of 5 plants .... and i dont see how a generator would be less likely to be linked back to you ?

sounds like youve been living there a long time...... you wouldnt hear a generator running 24/7 for months all of a sudden? .. or notice anyone coming in and out of that place ? or go over to look and see what the fuck was going on ?

if it is found you are growing there ... good luck trying to convince any one that the shit aint urs and u know nuttn bouts it:o


Active Member
Alchemist420 --

Please heed my advice. I don't want to seem like I know everything, but I know quite a bit. I have had a lot of experience on the down low and in the courts. This is a bad idea. I know you don't want to hear that, but all it takes is a keen eye to see where the cord may be buried. Could be a gas meter reader, electric meter reader, UPS, FedEx, mailman, kids going to make out, anything. Just remember that, you are not there 24/7 so you don't know what goes on there all the time - every minute of the day. If it is a must that you have to do this, I would put a camera on that place with night vision. Watch and see what happens on a daily basis for a couple of weeks. See if teenagers go there, I noticed the graffiti and if you didn't do that yourself then someone else knows about it.

Just don't want to see you labeled as a criminal for trying to grow some plants. Keep that in mind.


Active Member
Alchemist420 --

Please heed my advice. I don't want to seem like I know everything, but I know quite a bit. I have had a lot of experience on the down low and in the courts. This is a bad idea. I know you don't want to hear that, but all it takes is a keen eye to see where the cord may be buried. Could be a gas meter reader, electric meter reader, UPS, FedEx, mailman, kids going to make out, anything. Just remember that, you are not there 24/7 so you don't know what goes on there all the time - every minute of the day. If it is a must that you have to do this, I would put a camera on that place with night vision. Watch and see what happens on a daily basis for a couple of weeks. See if teenagers go there, I noticed the graffiti and if you didn't do that yourself then someone else knows about it.

Just don't want to see you labeled as a criminal for trying to grow some plants. Keep that in mind.
I'm definitely gonna put a night vision camera there, but ill take some of your advice and wait a little while to see if anything happens. only thing ive heard and seen over on that property in a long while is deer.


Active Member
i wonder how many "bomb shelters" actually protect you. even if it were like 4 miles down a nuclear bomb could still cook you alive from the heat of the explosion ide assume.


Well-Known Member
i wonder how many "bomb shelters" actually protect you. even if it were like 4 miles down a nuclear bomb could still cook you alive from the heat of the explosion ide assume.
is it a bomb shelter prolly not prolly a storm shelter ya know how them tornado's are or if not a tornado prone area it could be an old root celler( where you keep your storable vegetables like potatos carrots onions ect. you need this on your property


Well-Known Member

That yellow and blue graffiti is awesome. Even if you don't make it a grow room, make it a sick ass smoke spot. Put some colored spot lights shooting in all different ways and put tons of mismatched comfy chairs in there. Hit up salvation army or goodwill and get some awesome shit​

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
if you give me the total distance in feet from your panel to the room and how many watts you plan on using total and the voltage i can tell you what size wire you need.

im running one now its 225 feet and #8 awg. copper wire 220 volt and im only gonna get about 8 amps per leg for total 16 amps. even tho #8 awg is rated for 50 amps. you wanna stay within a 3% voltage drop.

volts is inversly proportional to amps so if volts goes down amps go up. you pay on the amps you use too

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
Looks like you got yourself a mint spot, Im kinda guessing where you live, but Uciliptus trees "planted" could be dicieving lol Cause I have bamboo all around my house, and I don't like in Asia lol.

You said that your buddy taged the walls in there, so please everyone remember that, and in your original post you said your pretty desolate area, and the kids that lived around the area are gone right?
As for the generator build that huge box around it like someone posted a few pages back, that way the noise is muffled, as for gas tank for it, Im sure you could get something rigged up like a 55 gallon drum of gas so the generator could run 24/7 for weeks. I would just have a back-up in place so that way if mechanical problems happen with the generator you can have power back out there asap. I personally wouldn't be too worried about people finding it...of course I never really think about what would happen if I got caught haha. I would re-scrub everything with a bleach solution, then go heavy with paint once its dried out, lots of paint will fill in cracks in the walls to keep bugs, and what ever else out. I would also invest in enough styrofoam to cover the floor with then get a water proof tarp or something to cover the floor, and 1-2ft. up the wall, that will keep it easy to clean everything, and the styrofoam will make a barrier for your plants from the cold cement floors.

But if you are a home owner idealy using your basement or a spare bedroom would be the best option, Im in the process of buying a house, and thats my biggest criteria lol...a big basement that I can hook up into a grow room for 10-15plants on a perpetual 2 week harvest.


Active Member
i love the idea, it is once agan bad ass,
a agree with all the pos and neg comments people are leaving, i like the genarator idea, if at all possable you should try and burry it a cupple feet from the shelter, it wont be that big *look into a honda* so you can dig a 3x3 hole and build a small box, with some wires and hoses running to the shelter, and possably planting a tree or shrub ontop of it *added sacuraty* , you can use a gravaty fed "systm" with the main tank in the shelter. i also sugest sitting down for a cupple weeks *whell you watch sacuraty cams* and litterly drawing EVERY thing up it souldnt be to hard draw up 2 or 3 ideas from the basic run extension cord to a dug in genarator, and making a lost of all the pros and cons of it, this way you can compair ideas add and subtract ideas to each one. also i think i noiced a small window, is this slightly above ground, or is there just a set of stares going to the shelter.
you should keep bumping this thread and adding your ideas, and gettin feedback, you dont want to rush into somthing like this, take a cupple months and slowly work on it for an hour each night just before the sun goes down, and never take the same rout twice, as george says you dont want to create a path to it. expeaclly from your house. maby invest in the indoor out door bible and watch gorges videos to get more ideas. this could turn into a GREAT hobby for you. slowly putting away at all the small things, this could keep you busy for months just to get it started, then once it is all perfict you can start growing, then comes the more fun part of the hobby watching it grow, after spending all the time making it work, it will be twice as much fun once you ger her running.
maby also take into concideration putting up a wall or somthing in the shelter because its a big space for 5 plants this would also ensure a little more sacuraty.and a lot less waist of light
i was going to sit down and throw a cupple ideas onto paper just for shits, but i was called into work so ill atleast try and get one down b4 i go
and as for a grow jernoal i think you should keep it on the d.l for a while, take all the pics and write every thing down, but dont post it till atleast after the first crop, that way you can keep the heat down till you atleast get the first payoff

common all, we need to keep the ideas flowing,

good luck


New Member
you better get some heave heavy extension cord bro... because 300 feet is gonna give you a lot of voltage drop.... instead of 120 volts...youll get maybe 100 volts or so.... but if your just gonna run lighting then you should be ok.... just buy thick guaged extension cables....also i wouldnt recomend just burying the cable... especially if the ground freezes there... bury it in pvc.... 1 inch should be fine...its only a few bucks for a 10 or 12 foot stick.....good luck...definately get some pics up of this....sounds awesome....


Well-Known Member
i love the idea, it is once agan bad ass,
a agree with all the pos and neg comments people are leaving, i like the genarator idea, if at all possable you should try and burry it a cupple feet from the shelter, it wont be that big *look into a honda* so you can dig a 3x3 hole and build a small box, with some wires and hoses running to the shelter, and possably planting a tree or shrub ontop of it *added sacuraty* , you can use a gravaty fed "systm" with the main tank in the shelter. i also sugest sitting down for a cupple weeks *whell you watch sacuraty cams* and litterly drawing EVERY thing up it souldnt be to hard draw up 2 or 3 ideas from the basic run extension cord to a dug in genarator, and making a lost of all the pros and cons of it, this way you can compair ideas add and subtract ideas to each one. also i think i noiced a small window, is this slightly above ground, or is there just a set of stares going to the shelter.
you should keep bumping this thread and adding your ideas, and gettin feedback, you dont want to rush into somthing like this, take a cupple months and slowly work on it for an hour each night just before the sun goes down, and never take the same rout twice, as george says you dont want to create a path to it. expeaclly from your house. maby invest in the indoor out door bible and watch gorges videos to get more ideas. this could turn into a GREAT hobby for you. slowly putting away at all the small things, this could keep you busy for months just to get it started, then once it is all perfict you can start growing, then comes the more fun part of the hobby watching it grow, after spending all the time making it work, it will be twice as much fun once you ger her running.
maby also take into concideration putting up a wall or somthing in the shelter because its a big space for 5 plants this would also ensure a little more sacuraty.and a lot less waist of light
i was going to sit down and throw a cupple ideas onto paper just for shits, but i was called into work so ill atleast try and get one down b4 i go
and as for a grow jernoal i think you should keep it on the d.l for a while, take all the pics and write every thing down, but dont post it till atleast after the first crop, that way you can keep the heat down till you atleast get the first payoff

common all, we need to keep the ideas flowing,

good luck

:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke: security :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:

i never got an answer ...from thread starter
do you have a basement in ur house ?


Well-Known Member
thats alot of shit to do to cover up a meger grow of 5 plants .... and i dont see how a generator would be less likely to be linked back to you ?

sounds like youve been living there a long time...... you wouldnt hear a generator running 24/7 for months all of a sudden? .. or notice anyone coming in and out of that place ? or go over to look and see what the fuck was going on ?

if it is found you are growing there ... good luck trying to convince any one that the shit aint urs and u know nuttn bouts it:o
well thats why u do somthing to cover up the sound of the genorators. put it in a sound proof box, like a recording booth type of deal. and if your going to do the bomb shelter thing then there is alot of things u gotta do to cover up your tracks, seriously. i mean the cord running from one house to the other is a bad idea, unless there was a way to jack cable from somewhere else without anybody learning about it. but yea u can cover up the sound of a genorator , no problem. in fact there are some that arn't that loud to begin with bruh.


Well-Known Member
im unsubscribing and for the record i think this is a horrible idea all aspects of it generators lol gas typical generator goes through a tank in 8 hrs running 5 gallona at 3.50 each 17.5 a tank full 2 tanks a day at least=35x30 days a month=1050x3 months=3150 wow great idea there electric from your house just askin to get busted grow in your closet and put your clothes in a drawer or shelf, your less likly to get cought in your house


Well-Known Member
i agree. this shelter would take a TON TON TON of work to have it operational where any of it would be worth it. you can't just run an extension cord and toss a few CFLs in there and get DANK in return..... tusseltussel nailed the generator idea down to the ground already and you should thank him for that. only generator that would be worth getting is a diesel and would run you in the 20-25k range and you'd want 3-4x the grow room size after you had that up and running.

underground grow ops are for the pros... guys that have been doing this for 10-20 years...

yeah if you got say 5-7k that you don't want anymore... you could get this place running nicely so that it would eventually pay for itself and get u and ur buddies free smoke but still would be super hard to keep safe using this location.

just my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
heres what ya do

1) Cameras
Sexy up some cameras around the proximity of your grow area You can get dlink cameras that you can check up on anywhere

2) Sensors
Rock a couple of em to warn you when people get to close to your cameras or grow area

3) Gun
Now heres the fun some dick comes walking into your area poking his nose around blow his ass away and bury him far away bring some Lime

After the jobs done fire up a bowl


Well-Known Member
i agree. this shelter would take a TON TON TON of work to have it operational where any of it would be worth it. you can't just run an extension cord and toss a few CFLs in there and get DANK in return..... tusseltussel nailed the generator idea down to the ground already and you should thank him for that. only generator that would be worth getting is a diesel and would run you in the 20-25k range and you'd want 3-4x the grow room size after you had that up and running.

underground grow ops are for the pros... guys that have been doing this for 10-20 years...

yeah if you got say 5-7k that you don't want anymore... you could get this place running nicely so that it would eventually pay for itself and get u and ur buddies free smoke but still would be super hard to keep safe using this location.

just my 2 cents.
yea hes right, its gunna cost you alot of money to be worth anything, but i'd only do this if i was gunna grow like a big ass crop at a time, no less than 20 plants, cuz it really is alot of money. i mean i didnt like the genorator idea either, but its much safer then the cord thing. but its not worth 5 plants. i grew about 6 plants at once in my dads house when i was younger and i never got caught and i had alot of neighbors and relatives that came in and wtvr, so why don't u grow inside?