Well K1ng, it could be... I guess....
Look at how thick my stems are... and how short my plants are... put that into proportion and mine would be 4 to 5 times thicker... and probably more woody than green....
But... it could be a fake... someone could very easily photoshop something like that... but I would like to believe that since this is a "real" cannabis forum... and not a computer enhanced photography forum... that it would be real...
Though... it would be nice of
krunkpot to reveal the source of the image... reality or the "matrix"...
Krunk... you up...!!! lol...
I hope it's real... I hope it's real... I hope it's real... I hope it's real... I hope it's real... I hope it's...
Well... here are a few more shots of my Bonsai garden...
...and now for some size reference...
The whole tray is 12" x 18"...
Biggest plant, today, measures 6" tall by 13" wide...
.. and here is the bic lighter...

...a few more just for good measure... lol...
..and here is where it all started...
The plane and it's precious cargo...
First day at home...
Sorry to plug it all up with a bunch of photos, but there's not many places I can be proud of my miniatures...lol ...
What do you think?..