Books... What are you reading? And what do you recommend?

The island / Ben Coes
(500 Iranian Quds force and Hezbollah fighters seal of Manhattan, blowing tunnels and blocking bridges. Asassination attempt on the President and cyber takeover of the Federal Reserve digital war room. Number 9 and the best of Coes books. Couldn't put it down. A must read, bb)

General Wainwright's story; the account of four years of humiliating defeat, surrender, and captivity, by General Jonathan M. Wainwright, who paid the price of his country's unpreparedness. Edited by Robert Considine. (His own story, very readable and well-researched. General Wainwright details the defense of the Philippines, surrender at Corregidor, the Bataan death march, his experiences as a POW, and his final liberation in Manchuria by the Russians. bb)
i've been a steven king fan for a long time. he writes about 60% great stuff, and 40% complete crap....imho The Dark Tower is the best thing he's ever written. i recently found a series of gorgeous graphic novels that fill in all the blanks left in the original series. the journey from Gilead to Hambry (the gunslinger born), the escape back to Gilead with Maerlin's crystal ball (the long road home), the story of the death of Roland's mother (treachery), how Marten became Marten (the sorcerer), the fall of Gilead, and the battle of Jericho hill...the stories are as good as the original, the art is insanely good....and they're pretty damn cheap now
i've been a steven king fan for a long time. he writes about 60% great stuff, and 40% complete crap....imho The Dark Tower is the best thing he's ever written. i recently found a series of gorgeous graphic novels that fill in all the blanks left in the original series. the journey from Gilead to Hambry (the gunslinger born), the escape back to Gilead with Maerlin's crystal ball (the long road home), the story of the death of Roland's mother (treachery), how Marten became Marten (the sorcerer), the fall of Gilead, and the battle of Jericho hill...the stories are as good as the original, the art is insanely good....and they're pretty damn cheap now
I miss the old Steven King. The hit and run took something out of him. His writing is not the same as it was.

And I agree. The Dark Tower is top shelf.
I miss the old Steven King. The hit and run took something out of him. His writing is not the same as it was.

And I agree. The Dark Tower is top shelf.
He now owns the vehicle that hit him.
He is a strange guy for sure. I've heard stories of him doing coke at a local inn back in the 80's but he seems too damn nerdy for that lol.
Before covid he worked the concession stand at a local baseball field close to where he lives, which is in the Bangor area. His house could be out of one of his books. An old mansion with a wrought iron fence.
My mom was a big reader but not any of his stuff. He released one children's book back in the 80's for his daughter called " Eyes of the Dragon" he had a lotto for the book and my mom was picked to be able to buy one of those copies. It's an oversized illustrated book with the best feeling paper I've ever felt. I now have it and is probably my most valuable book.

In the 80's and 90's a dude in a van or wagon ( i cant recall) would drive around towns every summer with " Steven King killed JFK" painted on the side of it lol.
@DCcan did you ever see that?
He now owns the vehicle that hit him.
He is a strange guy for sure. I've heard stories of him doing coke at a local inn back in the 80's but he seems too damn nerdy for that lol.
Before covid he worked the concession stand at a local baseball field close to where he lives, which is in the Bangor area. His house could be out of one of his books. An old mansion with a wrought iron fence.
My mom was a big reader but not any of his stuff. He released one children's book back in the 80's for his daughter called " Eyes of the Dragon" he had a lotto for the book and my mom was picked to be able to buy one of those copies. It's an oversized illustrated book with the best feeling paper I've ever felt. I now have it and is probably my most valuable book.

In the 80's and 90's a dude in a van or wagon ( i cant recall) would drive around towns every summer with " Steven King killed JFK" painted on the side of it lol.
@DCcan did you ever see that?
eyes of the dragon is actually a pretty good story...
In the 80's and 90's a dude in a van or wagon ( i cant recall) would drive around towns every summer with " Steven King killed JFK" painted on the side of it lol.
@DCcan did you ever see that?
I did see that a couple times, usually at a Dysart's Truckstop..."WTF has he got following him now?"
King's old house has the goth and horror fans peering in and sometimes following him, so he lives out of town mostly, he's turning that place into his library.
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A funny prepping story. . . . . . .

I have a quilting club as a regular customer at work. The head lady's husband is an ex cop and big time prepper. He was always sending me links to You Tube prepping videos, and showing the latest bugout stuff he had bought. After Hurricane Micheal the first time I saw her, I ask if he was having a blast (like I was) cooking on cat food can stoves and what not. She said, "I wish. His sorry ass stays in bed until it's time to pour more gas in the generator. That is the only thing he has done to help." Oh well.