BooMer's 5000w Medical Hydro Cannabis Laboratory w/ C02 Generator & ScrOG

damn sir all i gotta say is WOW....... im calln it now everyone on riu should unite and have one big ass grow together!!
actually it looks like theres lack of oxygen to the roots,purply stem ugly off greens,drooping leaves,and if theres a stall the reg nute u use will slghtly burn them since thier ina weak state.leaf on the right looks like pathogens mayhave attacked those roots,or theres some algea in yure water causing it,,jus my observation.
my guess is... the green and yellow leaf has a nitrogen burn its was recovering from, the yellow and purple leaf look like nitrogen deficiency or calcium build up. The last leaf with dark spots is from too much heavy metals in the food/water.
I see a touch of droop, either watering, heat or O2 issues in the root zone. Could be affecting uptake of all nutrients, hence why you have what looks like a variety of deficiencies on your fan leaves. If heat and watering schedule aren't the issue guess there isn't much you can do to get more o2 into the root zone. Possibly h2o2 but if you have any organic nutrients it's not the way to go. Just wish there was a way to make rockwool breathe better, but I'm 90% sure medium is to blame.
My Guess would be Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Manganese deficiency. The last one could be Potassium though.

im gonna have to double check my recipe for my nute feedings cuz i htought i was over feeding with high ppms but i guess im not gettin the rite ratio.

actually it looks like theres lack of oxygen to the roots,purply stem ugly off greens,drooping leaves,and if theres a stall the reg nute u use will slghtly burn them since thier ina weak state.leaf on the right looks like pathogens mayhave attacked those roots,or theres some algea in yure water causing it,,jus my observation.

the lack of o2 mite make sense. when i first got this setup running my airpump was overheating and shutting off. problem is i wouldnt know til the morning when i wake up at 8am and look at the pump in my garage. so it can go easily 8hrs of no airstones in the rez during lights on feeding. ive got it fixed for the most part now and havent had airpump overheating issue lately. also concerned with my water rez temps. the room is at 85 with lights on. i havent actually had a chance to test the water temp at the end of lights on and see wat the temp really is at. with lights off the water is usually 72-75 as it is which blows. ideally rez water should be 65-68 i know. but i didnt have enough amps to run a chiller for the rezs. next setup im def using a chiller.

def having sum purple stem on sum of the plants but i wasnt sure if thats cuz the purple strain...

also it was my mistake now that i think about it. both my rezs have a small rectangular openning in the lid and i never covered it. so im assuming thats how algae was able to grow and form from the last 4 weeks of feeding?
-i took neccessary precautions to this issue and emptied both 70gall rezs and took em outside to be washed down and cleaned out. no bleach, just water rinse. this got all the crap in the rez out so i could have a better controlled flush and final four weeks of flowering. im just OCD about shit like that. anyways i filled up the rez with fresh RO water at 55ppm, added Final Phase, and did a 60 gallon flush last nite total. "dirty to clean rinse"

now that the rez is fresh clean and more RO water has been added the total PPM to start with is 55ppm 8)
before when i would start my week over; my flush was just a top off of the remaining rez water that still contained nutes and crap sitting on the bottom. so my flushes were usually around 350ppm. which is shitty in reality.

my guess is... the green and yellow leaf has a nitrogen burn its was recovering from, the yellow and purple leaf look like nitrogen deficiency or calcium build up. The last leaf with dark spots is from too much heavy metals in the food/water.

thanks bro gonna work on my recipe

I see a touch of droop, either watering, heat or O2 issues in the root zone. Could be affecting uptake of all nutrients, hence why you have what looks like a variety of deficiencies on your fan leaves. If heat and watering schedule aren't the issue guess there isn't much you can do to get more o2 into the root zone. Possibly h2o2 but if you have any organic nutrients it's not the way to go. Just wish there was a way to make rockwool breathe better, but I'm 90% sure medium is to blame.

well could be everything u said lol.

my rez temps are prob too high as it is. i use root excelerator which in theory has blown away other root supps in the fact that it can help maintain a healthy root zone even with 80 degree water. -not saying u should rely on this to avoid a chiller, but im hoping the root excel helps this issue.
then lack of 02 in the water was explained above.
im tryin to dial in my waterings but im not sure wat a good rule of thumb would be.

my watering timer is usually set to; water for 60secs every 4 hours.
-so im not sure if this is too much or not enough. ive been trying to experiment by using the weight of the RW to tell me but its a learning curve.
went ahead and flushed using Final Phase and RO water at 55ppm. PH @ 5.6-5.7

decided to try the new camera out with the lights on this time using the white setting. seemed to work a lot better. but i still prefer the tungsten night shots 8)

compeltely emptied the 70gall rezs and took em outside rinsed them down and refilled with fresh RO water @ 55ppm. hoping to clear out any algae or other bullshit in my rez.

one thing i do need to work on next round is a more even canopy. the colas are like a wave up and down across the whole screen. plus using the FIM method with LST the way i did it kinda didnt work the same way i wanted. under one 600w i had a large plant that was weaved sideways and ran into two other plants zones and now where that plant is actually located (RW cube) its compeltely open with just branches since i cleared off all the small lower branches/bud sites. lol so im thinkin i blew the correct usage of that 600w. but oh well i still am hopin to hit my mark of 4lbs.
just sum things i ran into as part of the learning curve. this being my first grow ive def learned a lot. and appreciate everyones help and input.

anyways enough rambling. heres the ladies with the lights on



not sure the colors look the same in the photo as it is in person. but the leafs are all a pink shade. trippy

Ya know dude, what I think may have happened is your not watering the rockwool right.
I have never grown strictly in rockwool but I hear it is done in a big way. Maybe you ought to let it dry out more between waterings. Maybe like dont water for two days then flush with straight R/O and pull off the dead shit and start again.

I didnt realize those three leafs were from the same grow. I used the growers bible to give you my guess.
Ya know you can blame it on the ph of the medium but It just seems to me that even though you keep adding water it is not draining through the cube or used up by the roots and just sits there. I bet that was the reason for the stem rot.

Thats why I had suggested Hydroton under the cubes and just water up to the bottoms of them with a fill and drain. Get some air up in there and let the thing drain bro.

Good luck man.
ill have to give that a shot and wait for the cubes to dry out more and see wat happens.

i guess i could do the hydroton under the 6" cube and still use the ring drip emitters to feed the cubes. the runoff wont exactly flood the whole table but im sure the roots will get wet enough
this is by far the illest setup i have ever seen on the web. now to only see it in person now that would be a trip into willy wankas chocolate factory lol....i couldnt imagine the electricity
When I was using the larger cubes and having problems I tried watering only one cornner of the cube.
It took about a week but everything was cool again. I dont have a pic of that grow but this was the next grow and you can see how I got the tubes. water just enough to get the cube wet on one side. once a day.


As they got older I increased the time to 30 min twice a day.

When I made water rings they just hit the outside edge of the cube, keeping the middle dry with a line to the roots. this worked great.



Its just my opinion but I think watering the whole cube twice a day is too much.
I have read that plants prefer the top 1/3 of the root system dry. when I keep that in mind I get better results.

Hope you dont mind the pics in your thread. I can delete them if you do.
Such respect and kindness cruzer, I bet boom enjoys your pics as much as his own. Great info though! I don't do hydro, but its nice to know these things, they may be useful in soil one day!
i'm a soil grower mysef and i water on the 2 on my moisture meter everytime times it in.i dont know if the same would apply to a rockwool cubes.ns stuff there cruz.
When I was using the larger cubes and having problems I tried watering only one cornner of the cube.
It took about a week but everything was cool again. I dont have a pic of that grow but this was the next grow and you can see how I got the tubes. water just enough to get the cube wet on one side. once a day.


As they got older I increased the time to 30 min twice a day.

When I made water rings they just hit the outside edge of the cube, keeping the middle dry with a line to the roots. this worked great.



Its just my opinion but I think watering the whole cube twice a day is too much.
I have read that plants prefer the top 1/3 of the root system dry. when I keep that in mind I get better results.

Hope you dont mind the pics in your thread. I can delete them if you do.

great info cruz i appreciate it. the pix help explain a little better.

makes sense about the rings being on the outter edge. keeps the stem dry and forces roots to seek out moisture.

so wat do u suggest i do with the 4x8 table? fill it up to the top (6") with hydroton, then set the 6" RW cube with a 12" clone in it on top of 2" of hydroton and bakfill around the RW cube with more hydroton?

then make bigger ring drippers that drip on the outter edge of the RW forcing the roots to expand down and out?
thanks for the clarification and anyone else who has ideas can jump in
Use 4" blocks in 3 gal netpots with hydroton, or go Flood & drain. You can fill the entire table with hydroton and put the cubes in it, but your roots will grow into a tangled mess. Since your going from clone though, I see no reason why you couldn't go that route. And Scrog means you won't be moving the plants around either so no reason to have them mobile in pots. Personally I love my smartpots with 50%RW/50%hydroton, good aeration, good retention, but to each his own. Seen it done a ton of diff ways great... just pure RW can be a mother to control ph, watering cycles, and o2 to the roots.

Looking Good... every time I look at these pics I think of the southpark thanksgiving episode where all the turkeys go into a room and get their heads cut off by a big saw blade but the gimp turkey that drags its head on the ground lives.
Hey Boomer,
Sounds like you got the waterfarms set up right now. I think you will see improvement right away.
As far as the flowering tub, I agree with the hydroton but I wouldn't set the rock wool cubes right on the tub. I would suggest you keep at least 2 inches of hydroton under them. Give that tap root room to bend. As far as the roots growing together, Mine always do. I found as long as you can feed it the root wont choke out the others. When you go to water, fill the tub so you get all the hydroton wet and the bottom 1/4 in of the cube. Then drain.

Thats works best for me anyway.

Personally I would fill with 4 inches of hydroton and set a cube on that. Then fill the tub with water untill it just touches the bottom of the rockwool cube, then adjust the overflow valve to that height. Once that is done and I set the clones in there I would add a couple more inches of hydroton to cover the lower portion of the cube. Mainly to stabilize it. (hydroton floats) but also to keep light from the roots.

By doing it this way you can water the roots more often if you like but twice a day works fine.
just remember, when they are small, there roots need to hit the hydroton before this works.
hand watering the corner of the cube once a day should get you there in a week or so. I suppose you can automate that too.
