veg tent, that stabud in the back was little thirsty.
![IMAG0373[1].jpg IMAG0373[1].jpg](
The cotton candy is TALL! gonna have to do something before flower for sure.
I ordered this on black friday to wear at work
Not trying to spam my own thread, so just adding this as an edit-
oldest starbud trichs are looking about 90% milky and 10% clear. Probably cutting sunday night. I just looked back in my thread (which is why I made the thread in the first place!) and saw that on november 17th this starbud was just starting to form buds, so I'm kinda ballparking a guess that I put it in around november third. That would make today 8 weeks, and on the first couple rounds I was chopping around 8 1/2, so it looks like everything is right on normal schedule.
I love the winter time. 76 degrees with lights on, 66-70 lights off depending on environmental factors. I've actually noticed on my first day off of the week when I tend to go through and give my whole room a good cleaning, if I'm working hard at it and breaking a sweat and playing on my computer and listening to music and stuff, the temp actually goes up just a little!
That's why I generally like to try to start relaxing when the lights come on, or leaving the room and working in the living room or laundry room or something.
(below this line isn't anything important, just personal life related shit that relates to my growing/living situation)
Also, that lady came by today, my hopeful future landlord, it's really not fair for me to be bitching and throwing hyperbole around, especially considering that her husband has a lot to do with it and all of that. I'm not sure if I've mentioned that I live in my mom's house for $500/mo and the floor space in my bedroom with these two tents and my bed equals about 10 square feet, and the whole house is just 1000 square feet. The sacrifices I'm willing to make, and more for a hobby than for a smoke stash, I'm having more fun growing than smoking it!
She saw my plants for the first time today, she's been a family friend for a long time and an old hippie much longer, she was good friends with some growers before it was legal, though from what I tried a few years back they weren't incredible growers. Anyway, she was pretty damn impressed, even though the only plant I think looks really good is my day 29 starbud. gave her some starbud nugs (I feel bad that I'm pretty much down to shake and I think my current smoke was cut premature, so she's not getting the full experience!). At least now she's seen that I'm not planning on doing what her neighbor does in his backyard next to his tomatoes, it's something much more focused than the growing she's seen. Also, I had a chance to clean up a little, I had about 20 minutes notice that she was coming over, and I immediately thought "Future landlord is gonna see how I live! Quick! Throw away the empties! recycle the empty water jugs! BLEACH THE FUCKIN' BATHROOM!"
Anyway, she gave my brother/future roommate the same update a few days ago that she gave me today, which is that we should be able to move in around may. A long wait for an idea that I signed on to in July of this year, but who the hell else is gonna let me rent a place and give me written permission to grow?
Mom, That's who.
Also, the two of us in a wonderful early 1900s 4 bedroom house is gonna be a blast, I'll have a bedroom AND a grow room, my bro will get a bedroom and a study, our cats can take the family room and I'll put the (future) t-shirt press front and center to the biggest TV in the living room. Unless of course, the detached garage becomes the grow space, but I'm less comfortable with that in our crowded-ass old town area, plus it's not insulated.
The big thing I've been looking forward to is the ability to run extension cords around. 630 watts of CMH plus 280 watts of LED, 200 watts of inline fans and about 100 in circulation fans, my computer is constantly plugged into a kill-a-watt and usually doesn't go over 150 watts, but if I were to turn up the settings and start gaming (waiting for no man's sky) I'd prolly get to 6 or 7 hundred. plus a bathroom fan, 3 bathroom CFLs, one overhead CFL in the bedroom, and a 50 watt halogen I only use when I make rosin....Prolly pushing it pretty far for a 15 amp circuit on 120v wouldn't you say?