Borbor's Perpetual Journal

No kidding, they bounce back super quick!
Older starbud, probably like two weeks left I'm guessing-
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bigass starbud, I noticed a couple leaves already starting to turn purple!-
all three, really demonstrates the size of the bigass starbud, which is on day 22.
I can't wait to see the yield on that one!


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That color variation is awesome on the starbud. Have you tried golden lemons (DNA genetics) or pineapple fields (dynasty)? Gotta start thinking of another strain to grow.
I haven't, mostly just starbud, I have some chocolope seeds sprouted from dna right now though, I hear good things about them in general
You just reminded me that I have a couple of those around to pop, they sound great from what I've read/seen, never puffed any though.
I'm getting really pissed off about these cuttings
No, just one that I've seen around the site here and seems to do the job. I think I spent around $60 CAD when I built mine a couple of years back. If I can buy one for $80-$100 I wouldn't bother, too many other things I can spend time on for saving $20-$30. Nice thing with that one is it's a custom cut box with a lid that fits right on top, there's no place for leaks. I've heard of guys having issues (DIY) and the odd time I had mine leak using those Rubbermaid containers. I ended up just using door insulation on the inside of the top lid to get a solid seal and haven't had any issues since. I'd bought a bunch of extra sprayers but have only replaced one in 2 years and just cleaned the clogged up one which is now in the spare pool again.
This is the one I'm referring to:

What will I need to do to make sure it stays warm enough for those?

This shit is killing me, driving me fucking nuts, the heat mat is always on, but every time I open the tent at lights on it's fucking cool to the touch, like very cool, cooler than room temp. warms up later, but the whole idea behind the goddamn fucking fuck fucking fucking heat mat is that it fucking doesn't fucking go fucking down to fucking 64 fucking degrees during fucking lights-fucking-off.
If there was a button, and pressing it would guarantee me a 10% success rate on clones and also kill one random person, I would be spamming that shit so hard, it'd be worse than isis. I'm half tempted to flower my starbud mom and order like $1,000 in seeds, because fuck this, now my sock drawer is full of nutrients, my living space has 24 square feet that isn't taken up by tents. I'm so fucking over this.
If these don't take I'm gonna finish flowering the plants in the flower tent before I have much more worthy of putting into it.
Fuck this!!!! If that happens I'm breaking down the veg tent til I move, I've been waiting on a house with a landlord that's cool with me growing, but she's a lazy bitch with tenants 6 months past their lease, not paying the rent she's asking for, and she's too much of a pussy to get rid of them and put me in the house where I'll pay the full fucking 18 thousand for the year up front.


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That's a bitch about the temps, might consider separating the clones into a little box or tiny tent with some CFL's and run them 24/0 if you don't go the cloner route. I used a small cabinet for a while built from that reflective styrofoam I use for the walls in my flower room and it was easy to keep at the temps/humidity I wanted in a smaller space. Cost me about $25 in materials and built in in an afternoon with some 2x2's for framing.
The move to the closet did wonders. I think a large part of it may have been that it was on a solid surface rather than the wire rack I have in the veg tent. the 24/0 light might have helped too.
I might take another round of cuts after this to see my success rate before deciding on the aero cloner
Only one out of 13 so far, but the other 12 don't look too bad, so we'll see! I'm just happy I bought more time with starbud.


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How was your humidity in the first day or two? With an aerocloner it would probably be far higher >90%, and more consistent which should increase your success rate. With higher light intensity they may photosynthesize rather than concentrating growth in the rootzone. 6500k may be a better spectrum for establishment, you could even use a 15 watt bulb or two.
Humidity seemed okay during lights on, but it was during lights off I think the temps were going as low as 64 and humidity down to maybe around 40. I think after the move to the closet it got bumped up to 80-90%. I think the 6500k t5s might also be helping vs the LEDs it was under at first, at least with temperature, It seems worth mentioning the LEDs were a pretty good distance away, while the t5s are obviously like 2-3 inches from the top of the dome.

I'm seeing roots on one of the clones in coco! so far two outta 13, coco is 1/7 and the peat plugs are 1/8. Of course this isn't a great test, they're both in the same dome with the same water and obviously I was doing something wrong for the first 11 days or so. mostly just trying to figure out which I like best. I did notice last night one of the peat plugs had some green algae or some shit on it, tossed it and inspected the rest of the plugs. Didn't see it on any others so hopefully we're good. so since I tossed that one, the best possible outcome for the peat plugs is 5/6.

pics coming within two hours! seems like on every single one of my days off I find myself with all the lights in my room off and my face pressed against the tent window at 5:11 PM to watch the lights kick on.
Since RIU got all screwy you guys haven't seen my flower tent in almost a week, that big starbud is totally the best one yet. Super healthy. *knocks on wood*

I think I wanna top both plants in my veg tent, I may have mentioned this before but now that they've all recovered from my underwatering issue it might be a good time. I'm noticing a lot of stretch on the cotton candy in flower, probably best to top it and get the most out of it huh? it's been in veg for like two months. Was thinking of topping it like 3 or 4 nodes down from the top.
roots in coco-
whole flower tent-
cotton candy in flower day 13- holy stretch batman!
oldest starbud, I shoulda been watering a little more. I'd say a week left on it tops.
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Younger starbud, day 29, I don't wanna toot my own horn but it looks like something is going right! really happy about the cola in the middle, seems like with starbud I've typically been getting just dense ass golf balls, it'll be nice to have some big nugs.
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toot toot!
veg tent, that stabud in the back was little thirsty.
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The cotton candy is TALL! gonna have to do something before flower for sure.

I ordered this on black friday to wear at work

Not trying to spam my own thread, so just adding this as an edit-
oldest starbud trichs are looking about 90% milky and 10% clear. Probably cutting sunday night. I just looked back in my thread (which is why I made the thread in the first place!) and saw that on november 17th this starbud was just starting to form buds, so I'm kinda ballparking a guess that I put it in around november third. That would make today 8 weeks, and on the first couple rounds I was chopping around 8 1/2, so it looks like everything is right on normal schedule.

I love the winter time. 76 degrees with lights on, 66-70 lights off depending on environmental factors. I've actually noticed on my first day off of the week when I tend to go through and give my whole room a good cleaning, if I'm working hard at it and breaking a sweat and playing on my computer and listening to music and stuff, the temp actually goes up just a little!
That's why I generally like to try to start relaxing when the lights come on, or leaving the room and working in the living room or laundry room or something.

(below this line isn't anything important, just personal life related shit that relates to my growing/living situation)

Also, that lady came by today, my hopeful future landlord, it's really not fair for me to be bitching and throwing hyperbole around, especially considering that her husband has a lot to do with it and all of that. I'm not sure if I've mentioned that I live in my mom's house for $500/mo and the floor space in my bedroom with these two tents and my bed equals about 10 square feet, and the whole house is just 1000 square feet. The sacrifices I'm willing to make, and more for a hobby than for a smoke stash, I'm having more fun growing than smoking it!
She saw my plants for the first time today, she's been a family friend for a long time and an old hippie much longer, she was good friends with some growers before it was legal, though from what I tried a few years back they weren't incredible growers. Anyway, she was pretty damn impressed, even though the only plant I think looks really good is my day 29 starbud. gave her some starbud nugs (I feel bad that I'm pretty much down to shake and I think my current smoke was cut premature, so she's not getting the full experience!). At least now she's seen that I'm not planning on doing what her neighbor does in his backyard next to his tomatoes, it's something much more focused than the growing she's seen. Also, I had a chance to clean up a little, I had about 20 minutes notice that she was coming over, and I immediately thought "Future landlord is gonna see how I live! Quick! Throw away the empties! recycle the empty water jugs! BLEACH THE FUCKIN' BATHROOM!"

Anyway, she gave my brother/future roommate the same update a few days ago that she gave me today, which is that we should be able to move in around may. A long wait for an idea that I signed on to in July of this year, but who the hell else is gonna let me rent a place and give me written permission to grow?
Mom, That's who.
Also, the two of us in a wonderful early 1900s 4 bedroom house is gonna be a blast, I'll have a bedroom AND a grow room, my bro will get a bedroom and a study, our cats can take the family room and I'll put the (future) t-shirt press front and center to the biggest TV in the living room. Unless of course, the detached garage becomes the grow space, but I'm less comfortable with that in our crowded-ass old town area, plus it's not insulated.
The big thing I've been looking forward to is the ability to run extension cords around. 630 watts of CMH plus 280 watts of LED, 200 watts of inline fans and about 100 in circulation fans, my computer is constantly plugged into a kill-a-watt and usually doesn't go over 150 watts, but if I were to turn up the settings and start gaming (waiting for no man's sky) I'd prolly get to 6 or 7 hundred. plus a bathroom fan, 3 bathroom CFLs, one overhead CFL in the bedroom, and a 50 watt halogen I only use when I make rosin....Prolly pushing it pretty far for a 15 amp circuit on 120v wouldn't you say?
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two more rooted! both in coco. Making progress!

thinking about picking up some beans from my local rep from tga, 50 dollar 5 packs and no worries about shipping sounds okay. Thinking querkle and jtr or some jack related strain. Wouldn't mind matchmaking querkle and starbud if I had a male :)
I know I've been putting up a lot of pics pretty often, I wouldn't have today but I did some stuff, and my workweek starts tomorrow, so I don't think I'll be putting anything up til sunday night-ish. Happy new year everyone!

Next time I need a phone, I'm carrying a video camera with me to record the guy guaranteeing me that the usb connection won't get shitty instantly. Had to unplug and plug my phone back in 8 times to upload these.

Harvesting this week-
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Starbud day 30 and cotton candy day 14-
If you can't tell in the above photo, added a new circulation fan today. The oscillation has crapped out on all of my other circulation fans except the one in veg.
To further detail my circulation I took this photo, it's a little active air oscillating fan that doesn't oscillate any more, next to the ducting bringing in about 300 cfm of very cool night air during lights on.
Veg tent, this is specifically to show how close they are to the lights, I bent the cotton candy over at the top earlier (pinching/"supercropping," plant in front row) and it's already bounced back.
4 starbud clones on the bottom, two dna chocolope seeds on the top-

See you on the other side!
Would be chopping starbud if I thought I had the time, Oh well, tomorrow night it is.

Flower tent-
Starbud-chop time!
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Bigger (healthier as well) Starbud day 33
Cotton candy day 17-
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Veg tent, I topped the cotton candy yesterday!
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Also, got another starbud rooted, gotta find the space, or toss it. Good problem to have.
Would be chopping starbud if I thought I had the time, Oh well, tomorrow night it is.

Flower tent-
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Starbud-chop time!
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Bigger (healthier as well) Starbud day 33
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Cotton candy day 17-
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Veg tent, I topped the cotton candy yesterday!
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Also, got another starbud rooted, gotta find the space, or toss it. Good problem to have.

I know just the place to put it! :bigjoint:
The move to the closet did wonders. I think a large part of it may have been that it was on a solid surface rather than the wire rack I have in the veg tent. the 24/0 light might have helped too.
I might take another round of cuts after this to see my success rate before deciding on the aero cloner
Only one out of 13 so far, but the other 12 don't look too bad, so we'll see! I'm just happy I bought more time with starbud.
I've had a lot of really good luck with aero cloners. The only time I had a problem was with temp. If you use RO water for the first week and clean it every new run then you really only need to be worried about the temps(some additives can be beneficial). Summer time, don't let it get too hot (water and air) and Winter time don't let it get too cold.

This winter my clones were getting below 65 day and night and they did not progress until I was able to get the temps above 70. I now have the aero cloner in a larger tote that keeps the temps between 70 and 80. So problem solved on that end.

As for the light, I find you really don't need anything other than a directly lit window but a t5 is ok as long as it isn't too bright to start(infact the first few days they will prefer it). The cuttings just can't support the amount of transpiration heavy light inflicts.IMG_8781.JPG
The ones in the back are left over from the set that got too cold... ones in front are from 2 days ago. Should take 7-10 days. This method works great for a perpetual garden that is only a few lights big as it allows you to see how they are progressing and add new ones as you wish.
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@ttystikk same here! I'm simply in awe, beautiful plants!

Cut the starbud last night, looks like a nice yield.
Put the 2nd cotton candy in flower today, so it's day 35 for starbud, 19 for one of the cotton candies and day one for the other.
Had to make space for some awesome, exciting genetics!