Well sorry I haven't posted anything in almost a month, and no pictures in a month and a half.
Doing well, getting adjusted to the new life. the commute to work is way longer but my gas mileage as gone up by almost 10 mpg.
The story so far is that about three weeks ago I cut my second herm cotton candy down. both of those plants are dried and frozen now. About a week later (so two weeks ago) I brought my vegging plants over to my new house. I figured it was a waste of my resources to keep flowering one lonely plant in a 5x5 with two 315s, so what I did was hang my old t5s in the closet and put all the vegging plants in there, then cleaned out the 4x4 veg tent really well with bleach, and put just one of the 315s in there, turned it on and let the intake/exhaust fans run for a bit to evaporate the bleach before I put the starbud in there. After that, broke down the 5x5, and brought the 5x5 tent to the new house and put my 2nd LEC 315, my two area 51 RW-75s, and my two 4000k area 51 w90s in it, then went back and started taking plants two by two from the old home to the new one. didn't quite realize how small my car was or how big the plants were, they got pretty beat up on the way over. They're mostly recovered since then. One starbud plant got particularly knocked around. I'm not using a carbon filter here right now, since they're just in veg and I think I'm due for a new one anyway. Just my 8 inch hyper fan for exhaust, no intake yet, that'll be done this week, temps around 75-77.
The plants are looking healthy mostly, except a bit of PM, which I've mostly taken care of, just making sure it doesn't come back, my roommate helped me out a lot, and also an invasion of fungus gnats like crazy! taking my roommate's advice, I've started treating with azamax. seems to be helping so far. did foliar spray last week, root drench tonight.
My one starbud in flower is on day 60, with my work schedule and living situation I think I'll cut it down sunday night, 8 days from now and bring it over here to dry. That way I can split my six vegging plants up and start flowering three of them if my problems are already taken care of. No pics of that starbud, it's doing okay, I think, but I don't see it that much and it could be getting a lot more attention.
front left is super lemon haze, front middle is the really beaten up starbud, front right is a starbud that's doing great, back right is chem sour d, back middle is chocolope, that kinda got beat up but really just gained super thick stems out of it, and back left is grapefruit, a happy plant right now.
SLH-the tallest by a little bit.-
healthy one-
damaged one-
chem sour d, lotsa tops-
My tent, my roommate's is to the right. Nevermind that ducting, just scrap that we hadn't taken down yet.
![IMAG0618[1].jpg IMAG0618[1].jpg](https://www.rollitup.org/data/attachments/2729/2729736-c1b1c9438e0f8c39cbe54b02524e5669.jpg?hash=wbHJQ44PjD)