Borbor's Perpetual Journal

Looking pretty good today, think I'm gonna move at least one of the cobs back in the veg tent soon until I can get a more permanent veg light.
Starbud day 57, home stretch!
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Cotton candy day 41-
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Cotton candy day 23, yay! developing colas!
starbud day 14-
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veg tent, super lemon haze in front left, chem sour d back left, the one gallon pot directly to the right of super lemon haze is grapefruit, and the back right corner is chocolope, the three surrounding chocolope are starbud, so you can't really see chocolope.
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It's been a long, shitty eventful month. The short story is that I live at my mom's house (she's the only one who'd let me grow) and had family visiting. shortly into that we had a crawlspace flood and the furnace went out, there's been space heaters around the house, and we all know how much power those use. It seemed that despite every word of caution and advice, it was simply irresistible to plug space heaters in on my circuit any time I was at work, and then if the circuit flipped they'd panic and flip it back, so basically hot restrikes for days. I have all new bulbs now, and the one COB in my flower ten kept the light schedule more or less correct, but I also had problems with time management with doing all this family crap and being very stressed out in general. Missed some watering and both my cotton candies are herms. Cut one last night and will probably cut the other tonight and try to salvage both as hash, just so that the one good starbud in there stays good and unseeded, since this is my last harvest for a while, and basically the end of me calling this a perpetual journal.

Not without good news though. I have my temporary medical card now, just waiting for the real one to come in the mail. Also found a place that's not my mom's house, which is great, because after another month of living at home I was just gonna quit growing until I could get my life in order first. It's with a guy I've known since junior high, he grows as well, looks like I'm gonna learn a lot. I'm gonna start moving today, though it might be a long process.

This last month has basically been bullshit
thanks, hopefully everything gets figured out in the new house, at least I have a few vegging so we can start blowing it up straight away.

we're gonna use the whole garage, not sure how I feel about that with regards to environmental control and stuff, but we have AC units, so we should be able to make it work.
thanks, hopefully everything gets figured out in the new house, at least I have a few vegging so we can start blowing it up straight away.

we're gonna use the whole garage, not sure how I feel about that with regards to environmental control and stuff, but we have AC units, so we should be able to make it work.

You should definitely talk to me soon, then.
You should definitely talk to me soon, then.
no question! I'm gonna slowly start packing and moving today, hope to be there by the end of the month. The electrical work isn't all done that I know of yet, there will be a separate panel for us though.
My roommate uses HPS thouies-for now. Hey, maybe we'll get an honest-to-god HPS vs CMH or HPS VS COB side by side going with the same clones and methods. I bet that could change his mind!
no question! I'm gonna slowly start packing and moving today, hope to be there by the end of the month. The electrical work isn't all done that I know of yet, there will be a separate panel for us though.
My roommate uses HPS thouies-for now. Hey, maybe we'll get an honest-to-god HPS vs CMH or HPS VS COB side by side going with the same clones and methods. I bet that could change his mind!

I have a bunch of stuff that might help, sounds good.
Well sorry I haven't posted anything in almost a month, and no pictures in a month and a half.
Doing well, getting adjusted to the new life. the commute to work is way longer but my gas mileage as gone up by almost 10 mpg.
The story so far is that about three weeks ago I cut my second herm cotton candy down. both of those plants are dried and frozen now. About a week later (so two weeks ago) I brought my vegging plants over to my new house. I figured it was a waste of my resources to keep flowering one lonely plant in a 5x5 with two 315s, so what I did was hang my old t5s in the closet and put all the vegging plants in there, then cleaned out the 4x4 veg tent really well with bleach, and put just one of the 315s in there, turned it on and let the intake/exhaust fans run for a bit to evaporate the bleach before I put the starbud in there. After that, broke down the 5x5, and brought the 5x5 tent to the new house and put my 2nd LEC 315, my two area 51 RW-75s, and my two 4000k area 51 w90s in it, then went back and started taking plants two by two from the old home to the new one. didn't quite realize how small my car was or how big the plants were, they got pretty beat up on the way over. They're mostly recovered since then. One starbud plant got particularly knocked around. I'm not using a carbon filter here right now, since they're just in veg and I think I'm due for a new one anyway. Just my 8 inch hyper fan for exhaust, no intake yet, that'll be done this week, temps around 75-77.
The plants are looking healthy mostly, except a bit of PM, which I've mostly taken care of, just making sure it doesn't come back, my roommate helped me out a lot, and also an invasion of fungus gnats like crazy! taking my roommate's advice, I've started treating with azamax. seems to be helping so far. did foliar spray last week, root drench tonight.
My one starbud in flower is on day 60, with my work schedule and living situation I think I'll cut it down sunday night, 8 days from now and bring it over here to dry. That way I can split my six vegging plants up and start flowering three of them if my problems are already taken care of. No pics of that starbud, it's doing okay, I think, but I don't see it that much and it could be getting a lot more attention.
front left is super lemon haze, front middle is the really beaten up starbud, front right is a starbud that's doing great, back right is chem sour d, back middle is chocolope, that kinda got beat up but really just gained super thick stems out of it, and back left is grapefruit, a happy plant right now.
SLH-the tallest by a little bit.-IMAG0624[1].jpg
healthy one-
damaged one-
chem sour d, lotsa tops-

My tent, my roommate's is to the right. Nevermind that ducting, just scrap that we hadn't taken down yet.
I just ate the last dinner at the CB&Pott's on Elizabeth st in Ft Collins. They closed it tonight, after over thirty years in the same location.

Pic of Colorado's tallest bar;
I just ate the last dinner at the CB&Pott's on Elizabeth st in Ft Collins. They closed it tonight, after over thirty years in the same location.

Pic of Colorado's tallest bar;
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Oh crap! I didn't know they closed that place, I'd never been there, and meant to, I work practically across the street. I'll have to take you for a couple of beers there, we have some crazy taps! right now we have a from new belgium la folie, kriek (a wiid barrel aged sour cherry ale), and a blackberry barley wine, 13 other taps and some unique bottles as well!

I grabbed some unfortunately necessary equipment today, been dealing with PM for a minute, I thought it was a pretty new thing and pretty much confined to my vegging plants, two days ago I say some splotches on my almost finished starbud that don't seem like good news at all, and so today I spent too much money on one of the "clean light" UVC tools. I hope it does the job. Gave the whole plant a good shine with it, with extended exposure on lower branches that had it worse. Hopefully it works, but I need to find out, can I still use a plant that had pm on it in late flower? if I kill all of it? for anything?

brought the light to my new house after that and started going over my vegging plants, I had thought I had pretty much already taken care of the pm with a spray from my roommate, but when I opened the back of the tent I found that I had missed the area against the back wall, so that's a great test area, no spray going there, just that light once a day for a week. if the pm is gone then, flower time.

the abused plant-
bottom left of this second pic shows off my terrible pm problem. did I lose this plant?
the frost-
better pm pics, still in the bottom left mostly, but all over the place really
can I smoke it?
can I blast it?
can I rosin it?


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better pm pics, still in the bottom left mostly, but all over the place really
can I smoke it?
can I blast it?
can I rosin it?
Ouch, that's a bitch. Up to you but I'd be looking up that h2o2 bath before doing anything with it. Apparently it works fine to remove it, then you can hash or blast it with little to worry about. idk if I'd be smoking it though, even after washing it's difficult to say what's left behind :(
definitely gonna be doing the peroxide bath and blasting it all.
Very disappointed though, I'm spending too much on my living situation now to be fucking up plants. I guess it's a hard lesson learned that I need to be paying as much attention as I did on the first round. this needs to be more like a second job than a half-assed hobby.
I intend on impressing you guys in the coming weeks, rather than embarrass myself.
at least this should make decent hash-
but here's where we run into problems on the same plant-
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Out of the disappointment comes a kick-start to my motivation. I'll spend a lot more time on the plants, and probably more time posting here as well.
Gonna go finish up some work in my veg tent, then take photos and post either later tonight or tomorrow.
definitely gonna be doing the peroxide bath and blasting it all.
Very disappointed though, I'm spending too much on my living situation now to be fucking up plants. I guess it's a hard lesson learned that I need to be paying as much attention as I did on the first round. this needs to be more like a second job than a half-assed hobby.
I intend on impressing you guys in the coming weeks, rather than embarrass myself.
at least this should make decent hash-
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but here's where we run into problems on the same plant-
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Out of the disappointment comes a kick-start to my motivation. I'll spend a lot more time on the plants, and probably more time posting here as well.
Gonna go finish up some work in my veg tent, then take photos and post either later tonight or tomorrow.

I like how you turn disappointment into determination. That bodes well for your next crop! Let me know what I can do to help a growther out!
I have one runt starbud that really got beat up in the move, almost knocked out of the pot, it's usually in the middle, but here's three pictures without it, after defoliating more than I ever have before.
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I'm committed to first getting rid of pm, then flowering three of these starting next week.
IMAG0648[1].jpg pile of cut leaves and branches, most of which had some trace of pm.-IMAG0649[1].jpg
group shot of all six, after gnat control topdressing was added.
Pm is a bitch. My buddy just called me yesterday asking how to get rid of it. I told him its best to start over....clean cuts and sterilize the shit out his room. And do it rite. Hes one of them couple lights in a dirty basement growers. I been telling him for sometime now. He doesnt want to spend money on proper equipment.