Boycott The Attitude!


why do i find her hot?

You are either male or female and have a pulse.



I've done a Spectrum Of Effects report on Kushberry a week after harvesting my first bucket - I usually wait for 3 grows to do a Spectrum report, after the strain becomes pedestrian. I was floored by Kushberry's potency and absolutely amazed at the length of high.


Dear Breeders / Seed Banks

We are running a perspective campaign within the online marijuana community that we are going to soon expand to interested seed banks and breeders to increase your profits and sales while keeping your existing loyal referral system and paying me less commissions to put growers to work for YOU.

I am looking for dedicated growers who are already devoting their time to improving their gardens and who are already helping others on the internet. I believe that I can gain the cooperation of these growers to teach the hungry to feed themselves from their computers - it is a plan of wide scope that we have been working on for some time.

This plan also involves marijuana breeders, to breed better yielding and more nutricsous corn, beans and other vegetables that can be grown using our Crop Circle Of Bud System. Indoor marijuana growers are the consolidated heavy weight champions of the growing world, and breeders exist somewhere between the brewers of the finest wine and pharmaceutical companies producing life giving medicine - if we team together we can - from our homes, from our gardens, from behind our computer screens, without costing anyone any money, without spending time doing anything that people are not already doing - ease the suffering of the hungry around the world ... and legalize marijuana.

I am making an informational video explaining the portion of The Academy's plan that includes breeders and seed banks - how, for doing next to nothing, for costing you nothing but garbage to put an army of growers to work for YOU - writing spectrum reports for each strain, teaching new growers that the colour of packaging does not cause sexual instability in genetics, the important things.

Please review the thread below, there will be some disturbing marketing accumulating in the lined thread that I am going to release upon the internet in a massive email campaign, intense and relentless. There are two lesser evils that exist in our world unchallenged - apathy and needless cruelty. It exists everywhere, and so often we see smiling bastard politicians lying to us with what they believe is the truth - because they have lied and been lied to since they were born. Our perspective is wrong and must be changed.

The Wind includes a marijuana legalization campaign directed at the biggest enemies of marijuana legalization - us - the marijuana community. We have to wake up and look at the world differently and I am going to grab the marijuana world by the throat and shake it until it stops spewing nonsense and gets marijuana legalized - by respecting the rights of others and giving selflessly in an incredibly creative way - to achieve real, immediate and measurable results.

Attitude Seeds committed the drugstore lout brand of evil - Apathy. Leaning against the drugstore wall, sipping a coke, not his job, don't care, your problem. But hey ... you can pick up our spare change if it costs us nothing and we don't have to move our ass off the couch. Apathy will not stand before The Wind.

Subcool committed the more henous evil of needless cruelty, by spitting in the face of kindness - again and again and again. This is an evil that I can never forgive and will never forget. I will crush needless cruelty where and when I can, and I can now.

You may be happy to see enemies relentlessly battered, you may not want to see another suffer regardless. You cannot stop this needless suffering, you can only isolate yourself from the community that I am building to save lives. To ease suffering. To make marijuana legal. Fight me and you fight this - but you won't be fighting me because I will not notice you, I will not stop, I will not relent. I will become the suffering of thousands in the medical marijuana community, then millions of hungry around the world, then tens of millions. Each of these voices is screaming in pain - please, do not prolong their suffering.

Help me to help you to fill your pockets with well deserved gold. And change the world. By doing nothing. And spending no money.

Paradox. Perspective.


I always thought the argument that growers have the power to swing the vote a little silly, it's not growers who we really need to work on but the average sane guy out there who is on the fence.

The average sane guy both does not care about the marijuana grower or consumer and is influenced by the lies perpetuated out of inertia.

We have to earn what should be ours without a thought.

We have to pay for something that should not have a price.

It sucks.

It is the way it is.

Marijuana will never be legal until we give the average sane guy and gal a reason to want to make it legal. Us whining about it is not a reason for them to want to help us - it is a pain in the ass for them, just like every telemarketing call and every door to door salesman is a pain in the ass to us. We just want them to go away, they might be danergous they might not ... why take the chance? Just go away.


We will give them a reason to want to learn about us and marijuana.

We will show them that we are not only safe, they want to be part of our group even though they do not consume marijuana.

We will eventually have police planting marijuana plants with us in foreign countries that will be used as medicine for those who cannot afford pharmaceuticals.

The police DO NOT want marijuana ILLEGAL!

Where the fuck does this come from?

I have NEVER talked to a cop, and I know a hundred, who thinks the marijuana laws are correct.

Do you want to go to work and fight with people all day every day?

They just want potheads to fucking hide so they don't have to deal with them.


Direct quote From a mountie buddy:

Mountie friend: "Some dumb kid'll be smoking a joint standing by a store and we don't want to bust him and ruin his life, plus it's more work for us. But we can't let him skip, word gets out, people break other laws, we get fired. So we say - do a buy for us, you're an informant, we'll let you go. He's now too scared to tell anyone and we're protected by writting it up. If someone has sold a joint in our district we probably know about it and have enough evidence collected to bust every pot dealer with an ounce."

Hobbes is very quiet, looks towards grow room door ... : "Why don't you?"

Mountie Friend: "More work. So long as they stay away from the schools what the fuck is it to me? Pass me two beer."


Yes, there has to be rhetoric because they are ALL playing a game. But when you get down in the trenches, the guys and gals just want to get the fuck off work without having to deal with another brain dead hippy.

I just do not see - from standing on the fence - that cops want pot illegal. The guys I played hoops with at university were from larger centers, Toronto, Boston, New Jersey. They would have weed shipped to them in picture packages from their buddies at home and sell it around campus. Half these guys are cops now - how the fuck can I not but laugh at them?!

You were a tall basketball player who got an arts degree with a 50 average - being a cop is about your only career option.


They do not fucking care, they just happened down a little different path than I did.

Same as Bobby Hoffman, without weed I'd be right where he is. And they took his weed away. Un fucking believable.

i am understanding a lot of what you are saying, but i am not getting your problem with subcool and the attitude? there are some seeds that i really wanted and the attitude was the best place to get them... and subcool is a member on here and does a good job giving out info for growers. so what is wrong with someone making a living doing what they love? hell, if i had been born in canada or some other country, i might want to take up a career as a breeder too...
Dude, no offense, I get the "vibe" your going for and all, but your sorta coming off as a bit of a psycho...and pretty much for that reason I cant support your "crusade", sorry man. Plus you havnt actually explained anything, just had a big rant about a seedbank and a member here.

I know ... it is senseless, I completely agree with you and if I didn't start this thing there is no fucking way that I would get involved. 'Cause for something to be truly fucking epic there's usually a lot of senseless suffering.

Quote me, if I ever say otherwise. I completely agree with you:


"Anyone who does something that others disagree with, even if it is to help everyone,
is a completely irridemable idiot and should be hung on a fucking cross for being such a twit."

- Hobbes


"If the insane world doesn't change I am going to burn it to the ground this time." - Jesus

"Pass the Volcano hippy." - Hobbes

"You are in the world too Hobbes." - Jesus

"Yeah but I've been your buddy - I do my best to do only good for others; I don't take other people's things; I give to the needy. Hey I Sacrifice!" - Hobbes

" ......... " - Jesus

"Sorry, my bad." - Hobbes

"Just where on the Board of Moral Chance did you pass go just because you didn't take something that someone else invested their time obtaining?" - Jesus

"I said my fucking bad. I got say a third fucking time??!" - Hobbes

"OH! You wanna fight me? Just bang your fucking head against the wall pal, I don't feel pain. I've been dead for awhile, I'm just in your head. And you can't escape me, once I've got my toe in your mind you are MINE!" - Jesus



"It ain't gonna be like that this time." - Jesus, Master of perception​


This is MY Jesus!

Video to be released December 25.
Nice birthday present. I know, it was really Horaces birthday but it's not like they had fucking Calendars back then.
How the fuck would any of them really know? Well yeah, Horace obviously. One day is as good as the next.

Illustrations donated by: South Park

Music by: Rage In The Machine

"Fuck you you won't do what I TELL YOU!


FUCK . YOU . IF . YOU . WON'T . DO . WHAT . I . TELL . YOU!"




December 25, 2010
On a computer near you​


Branding Phxfire.


One simple message about each.

And a lot of fun making the video for me.

Growing isn't just about getting the best bud available,

It's about having fun too.

It's about hav:)

I dont know man... You are a total STONER... What was the point of that video???

Oh, do you mean Armaggedon? Would you call Kushberry a stone or a high? I don't know, but it's fucking GREAT!


Hobbes: Chronically High


I'll send any one a $100 bill if they can figure out what Armaggedon means.

This'll be a simple way to see if I keep my promises.

the battle to change the mentality of the stoner to become a go getter doer that will change his "ATTITUDE" so that it will show the 'sheep' the we as a society of marijuana users are productive, generous, helpful, and a real benefit to mankind. rather than continue the stereotype of a bunch of lazy high weed smokers that just want to get high and do nothing but chase after easy money. that is what it will take for the sheep and bureaucrats to accept it and allow it to be legal.

This Battle is other words the battle of getting mindset of the hippies to where it needs to be to succeed in legalization

My thoughts on it anyway and it is very wise and real....I totally agree


Thanks Illumination.

Exactly right on, but not the specific meaning as to what specifically is going to cause the Armageddon. There must be a sacrifice, there must be suffering so that people will watch. I have learned from the best: Rorion . Frank . Lorenzo . Jesus . Horus .

Blood sells.


My bad, I didn't explain things fully. +rep

well I surely hope that whomever is your Jesus it is not you as you have so much to give in other is it Marc Emery?? lol


or crucify subcool? lmao
All I am going to say is.... Do any of you really think things are going to get cheaper if it is completely legalized?
way cheaper as I will grow an acre outside which will make it very cheap

will not be easy but will be way easier and cheaper to do alcohol isn't it? And alcohol requires alot more resources to produce that weed does..then why is it so inexpensive compared to weed? Because alcohol is legal...that is the ONLY reason...if weed were legal the economics will judicate it to be cheaper than it is...inevitable...illegal is never better
