Boycott The Attitude!



Jodi could you find someone for in Canada who would take this Volcano off my hands. There's only a half gallon of cured bud to go with it but I just harvested the last third of a Kushberry and I can sweeten the deal with another litre but they'll have to cure it themselves.

Any help that you can give would be appreciated, I want to run some new strains but I don't want to just throw the bud out and I hate growing a small bucket. Ruins the gardening experience.





Let's work from the premise that marijuana is now illegal and the common sense, logical approach that you are proposing - because you are a common sense logical compassionate person - this common sense approach has not achieved legalization.


I put the question back on you Bricktop - why is marijuana illegal if a simple common sense approach has not achieved the results that we want?

And how will we overcome that?

To tell me that I am wrong is an opinion, tell me how to correct my mistakes.

Tell me how to correct the mistakes of thousands who went before me, with greater talent and resources, yet marijuana is still illegal..

Regardless of the front the government puts on things like logic and compassion are totally foreign concepts to it. It is a self serving entity that no matter how many times it claims otherwise will always put the people, the individuals, last on it's list of priorities and importance.

Like I said, the only chance for legalization is to somehow convince the government that it is in the best interest of the government to legalize it. Once you do that it will start ANOTHER propaganda campaign and convince the 'straight community,' as in non-tokers, that it is best for them. Then you will see it legalized.

In another thread I wrote a very short, very condensed version of something I have been sending to all levels of the government since Clinton's first term, sent to each administration, the entire Senate and depending on what year it was, anything from the entire House down to just a handful of members because they went to needing a zip code for the district they represent to get an email to them and I got tired of searching for them.

Basically it is a way to show the government that it is in it's best interest to legalize cannabis, and industrial hemp. Not fully the way we would like, as in everyone would be able to legally grow their own, only medicinal patients, but it is about the only way to show the massive benefits from legalization to the government.

In return I received stacks of form letters filled with standard government propaganda about it being a gateway drug and causing cancer and blaming it for everything other than the Great Chicago Fire. One voice is nothing .. it will take a major push by a large well funded organization with lobbyists and to have the entire plan spelled out, figured out to the penny and shoved in the face of every member of government, and ever member of the 'straight community' too, until they would have to admit it has to be done, that it is in the best interest of the government and the nation and the people.

The truth is the average toker is the best bit of anti-marijuana propaganda the government has to use. Most tokers that scream LEGALIZE are their own worst enemy and hurt the cause rather than help or advance the cause.

Attempting to appeal to the governments logic and compassion would be less successful than attempting to convince a hungry crocodile to not eat you. Logic and compassion do not exist within the government. Only ignorance, greed and the quest for power and control exist within the government. There is no use attempting to appeal to that. You can only attempt to prove to the government that it would be better off with legalized marijuana than without it. Only then would there be a chance.
poor hobbes is losing his mind this is the rant of a man insane, im sorry i agree with a lot of the things you say man but you really are losing it man. It's a sad day for me hobbes has lost it completely instead of just being that eccentric canadian...

Kaptain the mind has been long gone.

Cannabis Chic 2007 and this thread have alot in common. How not too speak out. Especially in a forum geared toward cultivating in a closet. Irony?.......
... the government ... logic and compassion ... It is a self serving entity that no matter how many times it claims otherwise will always put the people, the individuals, last on it's list of priorities and importance.

Like I said, the only chance for legalization is to somehow convince the

a way to show ........... that it is in it's best interest to legalize cannabis, and industrial hemp.

In return I received stacks of form letters

The truth is the average toker is the best bit of anti-marijuana propaganda the government has to use. Most tokers that scream LEGALIZE are their own worst enemy and hurt the cause rather than help or advance the cause.

Attempting to appeal to the governments logic and compassion would be less successful than attempting to convince a hungry crocodile to not eat you.

Only ignorance, greed and the quest for power and control exist within the government.

There is no use attempting to appeal to that. You can only attempt to prove to the government that it would be better off with legalized marijuana than without it. Only then would there be a chance.

I told you that you were smart. Change the last line and fill in a couple of blanks and you have it.

Though it will do YOU no good what so ever, because, as I said before - you are a logical and compassionate person and you do not think like these people. To deal with them on their level would be disgusting for you.

There is only one way to win a fight with powerful rich people - find a way to get them more money and more power.

It is that simple.

Find a way to make the public not only feel safe with the marijuana community, but find a way for them to want to be part of us even if they do not consume marijuana.

Find a way to make the tobacco companies more money, and at the same time improve their image by educating the public on the statistical probablitiies of getting lung cancer depending on the type of fertilizers used and the geographical location of the farm - simply because if you look at the data - which is all on the net, the concentrations of lung cancer come where there is a high concentration of Polonium isotope 210 - 1000 times more radioctive than the material used on Heroshima. I don't smoke, I've got other things more important to ME to do - but if any of you want to save a few lives without getting involved in the blood bath that I am creating - do some research then come back to this thread to tell everyone if I am full of shit or not. Polonium 210 melts at 500 F and is atomic sized, no filter will stop it. Catches in your lungs and the radiation gives you lung cancer. Mystery solved! ;) I'm rambling at nothing in particular now. LOL!

Let's add to that - by educating the public on the dangers of tobacco grown in soil and fertilizer high in Polonium concentration we create a DEMAND for tobacco not grown in high Polonium concentrations. Now we have something to offer the tobacco companies - a better self image, longer living customers, they can charge more for low cancer risk cigarettes even though it cost them no more to produce the tobacco, they make more money, their kids aren't ashamed of what their parents do ...

Let's add to that - if any of you, or one of you, researched into this and developed a campaign to both educate the public and give a road map - in advance of the campaign - to the tobacco companies to follow to increase profits by saving lives - you can be very very rich. All you need is someway to get the tobacco companies to come to you, 'cause the rest is idiot simple.

Sort of reminds me of marijuana legalization.


Instead of fighting the tobacco companies work with them and cut lung cancer in half overnight.


It is that simple.​


What were we talking about?

Oh yeah, there is no government ... there is only a collection of rich and powerful individuals each with their own individual wants and needs.

They want power and money and all that they need are votes to get it. I can do that for them.

If there is a want, if there is a need, if there is suffering - then I have a resource to use to get what I want.

If I help enough people to get what they want then I will get what I want.

Crop Circle Of Bud philosophy looks for the bottleneck in the system, we relieve the pressure, add resources, let the system balance, find the next bottleneck.

Right now the bottleneck to marijuana legalization is the collection of self serving individuals who think that they are a community.

Regardless of the front the government puts on things like logic and compassion are totally foreign concepts to it. It is a self serving entity that no matter how many times it claims otherwise will always put the people, the individuals, last on it's list of priorities and importance.

Like I said, the only chance for legalization is to somehow convince the government that it is in the best interest of the government to legalize it. Once you do that it will start ANOTHER propaganda campaign and convince the 'straight community,' as in non-tokers, that it is best for them. Then you will see it legalized.

In another thread I wrote a very short, very condensed version of something I have been sending to all levels of the government since Clinton's first term, sent to each administration, the entire Senate and depending on what year it was, anything from the entire House down to just a handful of members because they went to needing a zip code for the district they represent to get an email to them and I got tired of searching for them.

Basically it is a way to show the government that it is in it's best interest to legalize cannabis, and industrial hemp. Not fully the way we would like, as in everyone would be able to legally grow their own, only medicinal patients, but it is about the only way to show the massive benefits from legalization to the government.

In return I received stacks of form letters filled with standard government propaganda about it being a gateway drug and causing cancer and blaming it for everything other than the Great Chicago Fire. One voice is nothing .. it will take a major push by a large well funded organization with lobbyists and to have the entire plan spelled out, figured out to the penny and shoved in the face of every member of government, and ever member of the 'straight community' too, until they would have to admit it has to be done, that it is in the best interest of the government and the nation and the people.

The truth is the average toker is the best bit of anti-marijuana propaganda the government has to use. Most tokers that scream LEGALIZE are their own worst enemy and hurt the cause rather than help or advance the cause.

Attempting to appeal to the governments logic and compassion would be less successful than attempting to convince a hungry crocodile to not eat you. Logic and compassion do not exist within the government. Only ignorance, greed and the quest for power and control exist within the government. There is no use attempting to appeal to that. You can only attempt to prove to the government that it would be better off with legalized marijuana than without it. Only then would there be a chance.

Not the government..the either has to benefit the politicians financially or needing the vote legalization would produce for the politicians before it will be legal...that is all it would take..either or both of those or it will not happen...period

The truth is the average toker is the best bit of anti-marijuana propaganda the government has to use. Most tokers that scream LEGALIZE are their own worst enemy and hurt the cause rather than help or advance the cause.

sadly, this is very much true, MJ smokers that send in whiny letters/emails don't count for much in a politician's eyes, maybe a tiny bit in California
case in point, the NY MMJ bill(i know, it's not real legalization) has hung around the state legislature for quite a while, NYer's regularly poll very high for MMJ support
just wouldn't go anywhere, UNTIL Montel Williams gets in front of the legislature, delivers a pretty good speech and actually got the legislature to pass the bill through both houses
it got vetoed by the piece of crap governor we had(who didn't belong in any political office), but that was more a deal with the state budget wreck
anyways, it takes something beyond letter campaigns
Hobbes here is trying to do something, not sure how far this will progress, but anyone that tries to push the ball closer to the legalization finish line has my respect
Not the government..the either has to benefit the politicians financially or needing the vote legalization would produce for the politicians before it will be legal...that is all it would take..either or both of those or it will not happen...period


What is the government? A collection of politicians. Your semantics do not alter anything.

When talking about the U.S., it is a center-right nation and it is not close to getting behind legalizing marijuana. It is to conservative, or at least to propagandized.

Look at what just happened in California. A vote to legalize was shot down by the people of the most liberal state in the entire nation. Do you think people in Oklahoma or some other state will get behind legalization if the largest collection of liberals in the country won't?

Look how few states have even made medicinal marijuana legal, and look at how restrictive some of those state laws are in regards to numbers of plants and how much harvested herb you can legally have at any given time. Look at the number of states where in the last year or two the idea of medicinal marijuana has come up. Here in N.C. it was talked about but it never made it out of committee for a full floor vote let alone then having to be passed, after what would have been a near endless argument, and then it would have to be signed by the Governor, which would not have been a sure thing.

The only chance is to convince the "politicians" that make up the government, that are the government, that it will be highly beneficial to them, the government as a whole, to legalize marijuana.
sadly, this is very much true, MJ smokers that send in whiny letters/emails don't count for much in a politician's eyes, maybe a tiny bit in California
case in point, the NY MMJ bill(i know, it's not real legalization) has hung around the state legislature for quite a while, NYer's regularly poll very high for MMJ support
just wouldn't go anywhere, UNTIL Montel Williams gets in front of the legislature, delivers a pretty good speech and actually got the legislature to pass the bill through both houses
it got vetoed by the piece of crap governor we had(who didn't belong in any political office), but that was more a deal with the state budget wreck
anyways, it takes something beyond letter campaigns
Hobbes here is trying to do something, not sure how far this will progress, but anyone that tries to push the ball closer to the legalization finish line has my respect

So what is the deal here? This is exactly what Hobbes is doing...gonna force the stoners whether they want to or not.. now pay attention...TO GET OFF THERE ASSES AND BECOME PEOPLE OTHERS WANT TO IMITATE...and from what I gather you are going to help him to accomplish this whether you want to or not...He is onto a revolution that either you will support or it will slam you..either way you will contribute to the goal regardless.....What is so hard to understand? And if what I am perceiving is accurate this will not take near as long as one would think...

"so you say you wanna revolution well you know......."


ps-I really believe he is onto something and I for one want to help...not get

Hobbes here is trying to do something, not sure how far this will progress, but anyone that tries to push the ball closer to the legalization finish line has my respect

Exactly correct.

You don't know how far it will go because most people stop when others get upset. When the raft made of the bodies of the suffering is rocked and those on top whine and lie and scheme so they keep their place while others drown.

There are very few people who are willing to hang on a cross for 5 years for someone they don't know. Very few who will stand between the suffering and the punisher and take the repeated blows.

What is the government? A collection of politicians. Your semantics do not alter anything.

When talking about the U.S., it is a center-right nation and it is not close to getting behind legalizing marijuana. It is to conservative, or at least to propagandized.

Look at what just happened in California. A vote to legalize was shot down by the people of the most liberal state in the entire nation. Do you think people in Oklahoma or some other state will get behind legalization if the largest collection of liberals in the country won't?

Look how few states have even made medicinal marijuana legal, and look at how restrictive some of those state laws are in regards to numbers of plants and how much harvested herb you can legally have at any given time. Look at the number of states where in the last year or two the idea of medicinal marijuana has come up. Here in N.C. it was talked about but it never made it out of committee for a full floor vote let alone then having to be passed, after what would have been a near endless argument, and then it would have to be signed by the Governor, which would not have been a sure thing.

The only chance is to convince the "politicians" that make up the government, that are the government, that it will be highly beneficial to them, the government as a whole, to legalize marijuana.

As Hobbes already pointed out the stoners and growers are why 19 failed since they are the problem fix them...boom ...legalization...c'mon BT you are so intelligent and I have learned so much from you I know you follow this but you are so thirsty for knowledge that you wish to debate it to death to learn all you can...well I stated my piece....peace

The only way to get the government to ever legalize cannabis, as in totally legal and not just for medicinal use, is to prove too the government that it would be beneficial, first and foremost to the government and second to the people and to do that you would have to include industrial hemp in the deal.

If someone could crunch the numbers and show it would be a highly positive plus to the government there would be a legitimate opportunity for legalization.

Start with how much money is spent on interdiction, everything from local cops to the military. Find out how much would be saved by not trying to stop cannabis being grown and smoked. Keep that savings figure in mind

Figure out how much is paid in farm subsidies to farmers, some major corporate farm groups, to not grow certain crops or to not grow more than a certain amount of crops. Remove the subsidies and let them grow industrial hemp in their fields and pot in greenhouses or in somewhat small secure fenced in plots where it could be tended to and grown right. Let farmers EARN all their income rather than have part of it come from taxpayer/government dollars. Keep that savings figure in mind.

Figure out how much the court system and jailing/prison housing costs for pot offenders, and include parole officers for later. Keep that savings figure in mind.

Industrial hemp is better for making biofuels than sugarcane so you push how much more biofuel could be made lessening the nations dependence on foreign oil. There is a whole new industry, a 'Green' one, needing new workers who will then pay taxes on their incomes. That's more money rolling into the federal coffers and less taxpayer/government money spent on unemployment and entitlement programs. It is a double headers, increased income and cutting of spending. Keep that figure in mind.

Industrial hemp needs no fertilization and will grow in areas where nothing else will grow. Fertilizers are in part made from oil. That means less use of foreign oil. It also means less fertilizer runoff that pollutes creeks and streams and rivers and lakes and oceans. That also means lower prices at the pumps and the people will like that. Less for the EPA to worry about, more money saved. Keep that figure in mind.

Industrial hemp does not need pesticides, that also rely in part on oil, and again less runoff causing pollution. More save because less EPA work needed to be done. Keep that amount saved in mind.

Industrial hemp feeds more nutrients back into the ground than other crops so when used in a crop rotation the following years crops will need less fertilization. Again, less oil used and less runoff. More money saved, keep that figure in mind.

Industrial hemp aerates and loosens the soil better than any other plant. That means fields need less work the following year to get them ready for other crops. Less machinery used, less oil products used, less pollution from operating machinery. More savings to keep in mind.

Industrial hemp makes better paper than wood. Fewer trees cut down, the Greens and tree huggers love it because not only do the trees survive and continue to look pretty but also to clean the air, plus you can add large fields of industrial hemp growing in fields and areas that otherwise would be basically scrub land taking in more CO2 and putting out more clean air.

In 1941 Henry Ford unveiled a car made mostly of a combination of industrial hemp fibers, straw fibers and some other fiber held together with a resin. It was basically like a fiberglass car but using natural products. Cars could be made of that, or some similar updated combination and the steel mills will have less pressure on them for production lowering the cost of domestic made steel, due to less demand, so building costs would drop and U.S. made steel would be more competitive price-wise with foreign steel. If the steel mills run less there is less pollution. If with the lowering of price they run as much, more money will be made on exporting the cheaper steel. Export money is important to the economy.

Back to pot. You make it legal, but NOT for everyone to grow, only legitimate medicinal users. You only let farmers who have lost their subsidies grow it, though they would need to be educated in the growing of it. Many of us could help with that and even become 'farmers' ourselves. It would graded like tobacco and when sold at auction it is taxed. When the company who bought it packages it and sells it to outlets, it would be taxed, when it is sold to a retail customer it would be taxed, just like the tobacco industry.

All taxes collected from cannabis, and industrial hemp, are split evenly to making social security sound, the money going into an actual fund like it was before LBJ raided the then existing fund to pay for his war and his Great Society. The taxes would not go into general revenues for Congress to waste. The other half goes directly to paying down the national debt.

Congress would bitch, piss and moan because they would want the money to waste but when you add up all the savings mentioned above, and many, many more I did not take the time to mention so this would not be a 200,000 word long piece, the amount of money Congress would have to waste would still increase, thus making them happy.

If you consider the MASSIVE amount of money from pot sales that goes untaxed each year and then make it taxable, very quickly social security would be sound and the national debt would be dropping fast.

To sell it to congress and the people you say how much of that untaxed money leaves the country and ends up in foreign banks and in foreign investments fueling foreign nations economies rather than fueling the U.S. economy and how the taxes from it would go to securing social security and paying off the national debt. Even hard core anti-pot people would like that idea and find it hard to say no to it.

You point out that law enforcement agencies, right up to the use of the military for drug interdiction, could refocus on dangerous drugs. People on anti-pot detail are switched to fighting meth and crack etc. so it would be like a manpower increase without the cost of hiring more people. They could be more efficient and more successful than before at fighting dangerous drugs. Even if you left their funding at the same level and gave up that savings, because it would all go to fighting hard drugs and there would be better success it would be like those departments getting a funding increase and a manpower increase without it costing taxpayers/government a single penny more.

I have a much longer, far more detailed plan written out where more savings are made and more benefits are listed but it is massive so I was not going to post it and make this any longer than it has to be just to give the basic idea of what would be needed to be done.

I sent it to Every member of congress during both Clinton terms in office along with to Clinton and Gore and even their wives hoping a little pillow talk would happen. I sent it to every Governor at the time. I did almost the same during both terms of office for Dubya, but by then many House members required a zip code for their district to get their email address so it only went to roughly two thirds of them, but it also again went to Governors. I sent it to Obama and every member of the Senate, but only a few members of the House because they have all gone to needing a local zip code to get their email address.

But one voice is nothing, no matter if what they say is good or important or helpful or even needed. A large national group like NORML needs to write up a similar plan with actual crunched numbers and then a national campaign has to be started where individuals like us can sign petitions. Money has to be spent on lobbyists to convince congress.

The 'Green' groups have to be brought on board, and they would gladly join given all their groups would see as being important and needed steps being taken. A media campaign has to be set in motion to tell the 'straight community,' as in non-tokers and not non-gay people, of how much they would benefit from it so they would not think only about how the nation might turn into a bunch of Beavis & Buttheads and how they would save tax dollars and their social security money would be there when they need it and how the national debt would be paid down, and eventually paid off. They have to be told of the strengthening of the economy and of national security due to less dependence on foreign oil.

The only way to get pot legalized is to convince the government that it is highly beneficial to it and by convincing the people, the 'straight community' mainly, that it would be very beneficial to them. We might have to forgo the right to our own little gardens, legally anyway, but if you could bop down to the corner store or to something like a State run booze store and purchase virtually anything you wanted, and because it would be tested and graded from auction to packaging for sale, know that you would be purchasing high quality, I think many of us would be willing to make that trade off for the legal right to enjoy what we love.

The other part is to combat the propaganda campaign the government has run about pot being a gateway drug and how it causes cancer and all sorts of other problems and make it known to all the true proven highly beneficial medicinal use of cannabis and force it to me made legal nationwide and allow true medicinal patients to grow their own if they choose to do so.

First the government has to be convinced it is in it's best interest and in the best interest of the nation and then the 'straight community' has to be convinced it is in it's best interest. If that never happens, marijuana will never become legal unless it happens in a way where the major pharmaceutical corporations hold a virtual monopoly on it and only, or mainly, they benefit from it. Right now there is too much money and pressure from groups like that fighting against legal marijuana. They want it kept illegal until they can control it and can bend us all over and ram it home without Vaseline, price-wise, for what they would then sell.
Hobbes's goal:


Little girl: Daddy who is that guy?

Daddy: He is a very good and giving man

Lil Girl: But I saw in a book that he is a hippy

Daddy: He is...and hippies are good giving people who feed the hungry and clothe the poor

Lil girl: But daddy doesn't he smoke weed?

Daddy: Yes, great isn't it?

Lil Girl: Yes it is Daddy...I wanna be a hippy when I grow up

Daddy: That's awesome my baby'll be a great one

That this becomes the norm.....

Hobbes's goal:


Little girl: Daddy who is that guy?

Daddy: He is a very good and giving man

Lil Girl: But I saw in a book that he is a hippy

Daddy: He is...and hippies are good giving people who feed the hungry and clothe the poor

Lil girl: But daddy doesn't he smoke weed?

Daddy: Yes, great isn't it?

Lil Girl: Yes it is Daddy...I wanna be a hippy when I grow up

Daddy: That's awesome my baby'll be a great one

That this becomes the norm.....


And an Oompa Loompa will be our next president............
I agree that we suffer from an image problem but I think there's much more to it than that. This is one of the most divisive issues of our time. It won't be solved overnight and the solution isn't as simple as some people would like to believe. If the failure of prop 19's passage didn't teach us that, I'm not sure what will.:cry:

Change of subject that will take us back to the root cause of marijuana criminalization:


Why will pure communism never work?

Why will pure capitalism never work?


My theory is our individual human genome, which developed the family and the village, the extended family.

We have a genetic need to own to survive, to be able to pass those possesions to our offspring so they can survive. Communism places a mechanical restriction on biology.

We also evolved as a species by caring for the weak and the sick, a Ferengi style capitalist government will cause pain and suffering so even in the most wealthy of countries we have homeless who go without food or medical care.

In either case the societies invariably convulse and if some type of stretch isn't allowed - as with China's capitalist economy with a communist government. Otherwise we get Russia and the wall coming down. Actually that was simply economics and the better system, but that was caused by the inept enforcing a mechanical skeleton on a genome that wasn't designed for it.


From this we look at the individual rather than the collective, the equation gets infinitely simpler. I don't have to convince the government of anything, I'm not going to even bother. I am going to find ways for the individual to get what they want - money, power, glory, coffee with Jon Stewart. Dare to dream.

The collection of individuals will do the work for me if I can get them something they want. And there is only one thing that politicians want.


Change of subject that will take us back to the root cause of marijuana criminalization:


Why will pure communism never work?

Why will pure capitalism never work?


My theory is our individual human genome, which developed the family and the village, the extended family.

We have a genetic need to own to survive, to be able to pass those possesions to our offspring so they can survive. Communism places a mechanical restriction on biology.

We also evolved as a species by caring for the weak and the sick, a Ferengi style capitalist government will cause pain and suffering so even in the most wealthy of countries we have homeless who go without food or medical care.

In either case the societies invariably convulse and if some type of stretch isn't allowed - as with China's capitalist economy with a communist government. Otherwise we get Russia and the wall coming down. Actually that was simply economics and the better system, but that was caused by the inept enforcing a mechanical skeleton on a genome that wasn't designed for it.


From this we look at the individual rather than the collective, the equation gets infinitely simpler. I don't have to convince the government of anything, I'm not going to even bother. I am going to find ways for the individual to get what they want - money, power, glory, coffee with Jon Stewart. Dare to dream.

The collection of individuals will do the work for me if I can get them something they want. And there is only one thing that politicians want.

The number one obstacle to cannabis legalization is the problem it presents to governments. It isn't conducive to control. Any threat to governance will be fought with extreme prejudice. Add in all of the other industries that cannabis legalization threatens and you see how daunting this problem is. I'm no pessimist and I do in fact have faith that I will live to see cannabis become legal (or at least decriminalized en masse). I just don't want anybody to have on rose colored glasses when it comes to this struggle. It's not going to be an easy fight. :cry: