Boycott The Attitude!


How would you do this Bricktop? I've laid 5 tools at your feet, tell me how to use them.








For me the solution is in front of my eyes - find a way to help one person.

It's that simple.


I am sorry but I totally fail to see a laid out strategy, a plan of action a list of steps taken in a certain order along with contingency plans in case things go different than hoped for or predicted.

Instead I see stuff about tobacco companies and stuff about smart pots and stuff about LED lights and light intensity and stuff about some old hippie and using CO2 and stuff about portable buckets with Marc Emery tossed in at the end.

Precisely where in that is a well thought out, from A to Z comprehensively laid out plan?

Maybe it's just me and me alone but I totally fail to see anything even remotely close to being an actual strategy or well thought out, well laid out plan of action among that hodgepodge of what at least to me appears to be unconnected unrelated information.

Precisely what in all of that will cause any government to rethink and then reverse their position on the illegality of cannabis and what in all of that will do the same for the majority of the general population?

Illumination I read a 'philisophical' in a Reader's Digest decades ago that stays with me still. Went something like ...

If you're driving to work and someone in the car next to you honks and gestures towards you angrily then drives away - that stays with you, eats at you through the day. You think about what you might have done wrong, you get angry, you are defensive or aggressive with other people.

A different perspective might be that the person is having a shitty day, upset with family, frustrated with driving, or is just a jackass. So long as people are in a car they are very very brave as you might have noticed. They're anger may have had little to do with you or your actions, you are just there - their life is unfolding in such a way that they have no choice but to act in a misguided fashion out of deficiency.

Whenever I see a spooky avatar or tough name I know that the person is covering for weakness, for fear. When I read bile instead of logic I know understand that I may not own their mind yet, that I may just be there as they are walking by. So I'm not heartened by every violent response, but at least I know that I got a response. You gotta spend some time in a boxing ring setting up punches to really understand this - there is no more powerful punch than the one your opponent walks into. And it's takes some smacken' to get a hippy to walk.

Don't let the bile bother you, you make perfect sense to me.


As you do as well...I am really seeing the big picture you are painting...what I am most intrigued by is that the detractors are doing exactly what you desire from them to provide some of the inertia and they are not even aware of your use and control of them...too currently reading some of your things and once digested will seek my place or places in our future...

they get it just don't wanna look at themselves is all


Do any of you see one thing that could help one person?


Do you know anyone who needs food?

Do you know anyone who would like not to get cancer or sell more cigarettes?

Do you know anyone who needs to earn money who could invest nothing more than time to make a couple of buckets?

Do you know anyone who would like to flower with LED Lights or sell intense LED flowering lights?


You don't want to see, or you've been living in darkness for so long you can't recognize the light.

Find one person, help them. That IS the plan.

I've been laying the tools at your feet for the past 3 years.

Bend down and pick them up.

It is that simple.


I've been working on this plan for over a decade,

I have 1/2 a thread compiled to a 700 page ebook,

a dozen videos sorting out philosophies and embeding encoded data.

And how many words would you like this summarized to? 100?

How about 3.


Help One Person.


When is helping to relieve the suffering, ease the burden of one person not enough for a life's work?

That is what I do every day in the real world.

That is what I do every day in this forum,

one answered question at a time.

I'm looking for people to join me.


With or without any of you I'm off to Africa as soon as I harvest my first corn crop.

I'm just recruiting an army and seducing my general.

I will have no role, no power.

I'll just be able to play in my grow room and do what I like, figure stuff out.

Not one of you have addressed your only 3 options.

Pick one.


1. Prove me wrong.

2. Do something.

3. Admit that you are the reason that marijuana is illegal.

wake up

you already know that BT...I respect you to the utmost and will never violate that


I have not read every message in the thread and I actually do not know who "the detractors" are. If my asking what the real plan is, what the true strategy is, makes me one, then I guess I am one, but maybe I am dense but I really do not understand or see any real plan or strategy that would alter what any government will do in regards to the present illegality of cannabis.

So many people have wanted marijuana to be made legal for so very long and it has never come close to happening that makes me think that the only way it will ever happen is to prove to the government that it is in it's best interest to legalize it, or maybe do it the exact same way that big businesses get what they want from the government or unions get what they want from the government ... and both would require at least a good bit of working within the system.

I have grown old enough to learn that shouting it from the streets will not get it done unless the overwhelming majority of the population is behind it, and they aren't, and instead it has to be done from the inside or it just won't happen.

Pick an option Bricktop. One, two or three.


The strategy is to help one person, then be remunerated. Perhaps not in cash, perhaps not by the person you helped, perhaps not for 12 months until enough good will has been accumulated - but shut your whining fucking hippy mouth and get to work doing nothing so we can be paid something substantial later.

Can I spell it out any clearer than that? If not then you are #3, you do not understand that you are in the minority. And this is not a civil rights issue to the powers that be, to the collective this is a personal choice issue and just shut the fuck up and chose something else. If you do not understand that then you are number 3.

The ONLY war in the world of any import is the one between the ears of the American public. To buy something from them we have to have currency first, we are now seen as whining hippy fucking maggots . and . you . are . inconveniencing . ME!

Seriously though Bricktop, I was just screwing around there, you are an intelegent person. I am not telling you something that I think is brain surgery that I invented. Pretty basic stuff. Obtain currency --> buy food. The only currency that the American public is interested in is good will. I know where we can get some for nothing.

Pick up a tool or pick a number.


I'm coming back with the final 4 tools tonight folks, then you'll have 9 free tools at your feet. All laid out in Weed Science pictorials, that you can build for free to:

1. Pay yourself - money from a legal manufacturing business, or better bud
2. Help someone - every tool is designed to help another person
3. Legalize marijuana.

Why not pick all three numbers and do nothing more than you are doing now. Then I can walk down the beach with my vaporizer, and I'll be happy.

1. Pay yourself - money from a legal manufacturing business, or better bud

That sounds beneficial for each individual but how will that do anything towards getting governments to legalize marijuana?

2. Help someone - every tool is designed to help another person
That sounds like a kind, caring, loving thing too do and if karma exists a good way to build good karma. But how will that in any way cause governments to legalize marijuana?

3. Legalize marijuana.
How? What is the game plan, what are the steps, what is the strategy that will cause or convince governments to legalize marijuana?

Why not pick all three numbers and do nothing more than you are doing now. Then I can walk down the beach with my vaporizer, and I'll be happy.
Not to sound all that rude but the more I read of your idea the more it reminds me of a "Far Side" cartoon where a guy has written out a mathematical equation to prove his theory and is showing it to someone else, but in the middle of it, it says; "then a miracle occurs," and that of course is how he managed to get to where he wanted his equation to get to prove what he wanted to prove ... and the other person questions the; "then a miracle occurs" part. I can't help but feel like that other guy. You seem to be relying on some unexplained miracle to achieve legalization of marijuana.


Bricktop honest to fuck you just want to argue. You are a fucking hippy. Wake the fuck up. Our friendship is over.


Help one fucking person.


That is all there is.


If you cannot see how that will get you whatever you want you are a brain dead hippy and I have no use for you what ever. Come back with a better argument.


BILL Gates !
