Bquamb & s7even's Tighty Whitey Grow Journal (RIU Exclusive)


Well-Known Member
yeaa id say2 month would bve perfect, then maybe just clone for sex instead of waiting two+ months to get the sex.

and just a quick question... when do the nugs plump up on plants?
Between 5th and 7th week. The "plumping up" stage is called "The 6th Week Explosion"


Well-Known Member
Aww! Such cute little plants! :) They've already almost outgrown their cups. What size are you gonna upcan em to? You could probably do that sometime this week.



Well-Known Member
yea that one im wanting to transplant really soon actually
Not sure if I would transplant them until I could see the roots were well established in their cups. I feel if they are well established in their cup they will grow better in a new home.
*Side note* I got my new journal started today if you want to go check it out. If you want this portion edited and removed lmk guys.


Well-Known Member
God damn it grows FAST!
I'm so excited to see the Tric's grow when she starts to turn white. Some day I will be smoking this plant.
Can't forget to make clones. Many many clones.

Joker, got your email, subscribed and Laner Good to see you here still.


Well-Known Member
lol youll be smoking this plant before you no it lol
and im gunna be here till this plants done and ill prolly be here for the next journal too lol


Active Member
here they are this morning.
the one is looking great where as the other one now im worrying about it because it still hasnt shed that shell and show its sprout leafs.... so can i take it off for it or is it fucked already? it hasnt dried out completely or anything, ive done the exact same thing that i did for the first one and this one is just got a root atached to a seed shell thats stitting on the soil surface



Well-Known Member
hmm are there leaves coming out of it at all? cause usually the shell stick to one of the leaves, but yeahh man
the one looks really nice! and hopefully this other little guy decides to come outta his turtle shell...

the 6th week explosion hey...
never even heard of it, just read about it tho... lol deffinatly looking forward to when that happens!


Active Member
i cant see any leafs from it just the root thats outta it and into the soil... is it upside down?

Never Was

:weed: I recently ordered and am waiting for Tighty Whitey seeds. Therefore, it is reassuring to see that BC is not as disreputable as some people have led me to believe.

I am subscribing to your thread, etc. :peace:


Active Member
cool man good to hear you'll be growing the same strain! we can feed some ideas off each other bud keep me posted!!! ++


Well-Known Member
Aww, how cute, you got a shy one!
If it won't shed the shell, you can help it along, just be very very gentle.

Sometimes I've had where the shell gets dried out and it won't slide off easily, but I'd say out of about 10 times I've pulled the shell off myself, only 2 of the seedlings didnt make it.
You've been patient, if you can pull it off easily I would, but be careful, if you break it off, its over.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure its just stuck like a Popcorn Kernel. You can do it buddy, remmeber its a plant it will live :)


Active Member
shell dosnt look like its wanting to come off but i only really poked it with the tip of a knife, think if i actually pulled on it, it would come right out, ill leave it be but im still concerned about it tho, all i can see is the smallest amount of the green root or stem coming out of the shell and into the soil...


Well-Known Member
shell dosnt look like its wanting to come off but i only really poked it with the tip of a knife, think if i actually pulled on it, it would come right out, ill leave it be but im still concerned about it tho, all i can see is the smallest amount of the green root or stem coming out of the shell and into the soil...

If you open it like a shell im sure it will just crack and pop off. Its a brittle piece of shell (it looks like) and Im sure once its off it will be happy!


Active Member
ok that was like pulling a wiggly tooth man! crazy ass steady hand shit hahahaha but i got it off, dosnt look like there 2 lil leafs like there normally is at the sprout stage jus kinda a lil ball haning from the stem lets hope it dose somthing......

