Bquamb & s7even's Tighty Whitey Grow Journal (RIU Exclusive)


Well-Known Member
yea id love to see some pics of what you got going on throw up a link :D
Bro you have it... It's in my sig next to current grow. That's current as of now and after I get a few days I'm going to start a new thread with the new grow and all the info / specs / and op in it.


Well-Known Member
Good to see you got some fresh green to stare at!
I could spend all day watching grass grow... :peace:

i hear ya man! lol
once they start developing nodes, you can almost sit there and watch it grow lol

did u boys say u had the second one pop out or? sry im little lost/high lol


Active Member
yea lanerblaze I'm expecting to see the second one out of the soil tomorrow, and that first one has 8 lil leafs going already so its dam happy in there, just need to get 1 more cfl in there cuz there is a empty socket right now.


Well-Known Member
8 already hey, man those baby's do gorw like weeds lol
are you guys trying anything with these ones or one of them? like LST or topping? maybe try cloning?


Active Member
naw dude cuz if they flower with some beautiful buds i want to just let it grow and do its sexy thing considering it will be my first flowering, so i basically want experience in just letting it do wut it does :D


Active Member
ok so today me and Bquamb went out to good old wallmart and they had some new cfl's in there :D so basically we were able to pick up 2 gigantic 4100K cfl's wich are finnaly proper veg lights so now we have lights to switch between from veg and flowering hopfully it will activate the flowering better this way cant wait too see the diferencess in the next week.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like fun man I would love to see some pics of how they're doing fellas. I'm going to start my next journal here soon I hope and I'll be doing indoor and outdoor in the same journal lol I want to see how yours looks right now though.


Active Member
the second one has sprouted :D and the first one is getting bigger fast too! this growth is way different then what ive seen on my first plant way freaking faster and its actually growing symmetrical for once!

that red circle is the seed that has pushed to the top of the soil and its going to hopefully shed that shell sometime tomorrow



Well-Known Member
Congratulations on the second seed and now you know how it is growing a plant what we like to call "the proper way" using what we like to call "the proper lighting" lol I can't wait to see how they turn out for you guys man I'm hella excited lol


Well-Known Member
thats wicked man!
now the journal begins lol should be exicting! lol

and i wouldnt be worried about the shell too much, mine still had the little peice on it i think lol


Active Member
yea i wasnt to to worried about the shell, ive just never seen it pop out with the sprout too before... but once again not worried cuz it at least sprouted to were i can see it hahaha


Well-Known Member
Yeah guys, I hung around S7evens while he went out and had to check the plant out one more time before I left. I saw the little guy poking and I bet she's a full 2 starter leaves now :D

Joker and Lanerblaze, can't wait to keep you two posted on the progress of this (Supposedly) Super plant :P
Always a pleasure



Well-Known Member
she probably almost has 4 leaves on her now, they grow quick! lol
how long are you planning on vegging these ones?


Well-Known Member
as long as we deem fit. As long as she's growing happily and has space we will probably veg then decide after a bowl or two to finally flower :)


Active Member
well from the page it says ready to flower within 45-50 days so im expecting these babies to explode from this soil


Well-Known Member
If you're only growing 2 I would say let them grow for about 2 months before flowering and you wont be disappointed in the yield.


Well-Known Member
yeaa id say2 month would bve perfect, then maybe just clone for sex instead of waiting two+ months to get the sex.

and just a quick question... when do the nugs plump up on plants?