Brad Parscale: Trump's #1 Domestic Propaganda Troll

The money is drying up and a lot of guys like Parscale are gonna be in the poor house, the whole infrastructure of sleaze that employees hundreds like him is going down with Trump.

Donald paying no taxes hurts him with working class voters, his base, it might peel off another 1% of his support. Almost everybody can say they paid more than $750 in income tax.
This might explain some of it, the battle grounds are the red states now and the big 3 red southern states are in play. It's like the last days of WWII, the allies are now fighting on Nazi territory and heading for the Capital.
New Polling Shows Biden Up In Several Key States | Morning Joe | MSNBC
But, he doesn't have the balls it takes. Do it, Brad. Do it. Go to the light.
Brad is 6'8", a big boy, he'll do ok in prison. Donald must be freaking about the cash he needs to con the public and needs someone to blame, he probably set Barr and the FBI on him. Brad's little breakdown could be just post FBI interview nerves! :D Most of these assholes are shallow people with few emotional resources to cope when things turn bad for them. They have no values or principles, only greed for money, statues and power, like Donald he thinks only losers go to prison and is now staring at the prospect.
maybe Brad's not stupid after all. everyone that lives in florida knows baker act 72 hour hold and then you're in their mental health system- he's ultimately going for insanity of some sort to ease the criminal prosecution.

people who want to commit suicide do.
Hmm. I'll have to research that. I think the "suicide" routine is a ruse. "Please take pity on me." Fuckim, he deserves whatever he gets.
Brad is 6'8", a big boy, he'll do ok in prison. Donald must be freaking about the cash he needs to con the public and needs someone to blame, he probably set Barr and the FBI on him. Brad's little breakdown could be just post FBI interview nerves! :D Most of these assholes are shallow people with few emotional resources to cope when things turn bad for them. They have no values or principles, only greed for money, statues and power, like Donald he thinks only losers go to prison and is now staring at the prospect.
I am of the Mike Tyson mindset of prison. Everyone gets fucked. And if you are famous, everyone wants a piece, and there is not shit you can do about it, they will eventually get you.

I really think there is only one way that he might make it.
Brad is 6'8", a big boy, he'll do ok in prison. Donald must be freaking about the cash he needs to con the public and needs someone to blame, he probably set Barr and the FBI on him. Brad's little breakdown could be just post FBI interview nerves! :D Most of these assholes are shallow people with few emotional resources to cope when things turn bad for them. They have no values or principles, only greed for money, statues and power, like Donald he thinks only losers go to prison and is now staring at the prospect.
He's a nice big target for horny felons.
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Here is how most of the public is going to learn about the NYT story, shows like this and the TV news. It's just getting started, other journalist are going to connect the dots with their work, this story is a seed that will rapidly grow, experts and ex IRS officials are gonna be looking and commenting on TV. The NYT promises more revelations, but others have a lot of information that just needs this missing piece.

No taxes for 10 years and $750 bucks over two years in a row, all while owning planes, houses and servants, Donald is also a poster boy for what is wrong with the US tax system, as well as being a criminal and tax cheat.
Trump Avoided Taxes For Years, Paid $750 In 2016: Report | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The New York Times obtained two decades of President Trump's tax information, reporting Sunday that the president paid only $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency and again during his first year in office.
Brad is 6'8", a big boy, he'll do ok in prison. Donald must be freaking about the cash he needs to con the public and needs someone to blame, he probably set Barr and the FBI on him. Brad's little breakdown could be just post FBI interview nerves! :D Most of these assholes are shallow people with few emotional resources to cope when things turn bad for them. They have no values or principles, only greed for money, statues and power, like Donald he thinks only losers go to prison and is now staring at the prospect.

don't forget popular at the rallies with trumpers* asking for his autograph..must've killed trump* seeing the spotlight on someone else while he had to shake the 'disgusting' hands of his supporters.

at 6'8" brad was a rock star next to dumpy..he has a justin trudeau body-type too.
I am of the Mike Tyson mindset of prison. Everyone gets fucked. And if you are famous, everyone wants a piece, and there is not shit you can do about it, they will eventually get you.

I really think there is only one way that he might make it.

yikes :shock:

with a private plane i don't see trump in jail- he can go to any shithole country he wishes, he knows all the dictators.

he's going to be annoying from some other part of the world then get taken out.
He's a nice big target for horny felons.
He will soon have a lot of support inside, the white nationalist and Nazi's who might cause shit during the election will be joining him there. Brad can run a protection racket and soak Trump's henchmen for cash to prevent cornholing, I can see a real leadership role for brad in the coming years, as the white terrorists and trash fill up the system while the black folks leave. I wonder how long before he gets a swastika tattoo on his forehead, whether he wants one or not...
yikes :shock:

with a private plane i don't see trump in jail- he can go to any shithole country he wishes, he knows all the dictators.

he's going to be annoying from some other part of the world then get taken out.
Except for Russia, they're all dry and dusty. Will he be able to get the makeup necessary? A comedy routine in Las Vegas? Get a rope.
The fuck is toast, and not the good way toast. He's dead man, walking. Barely walking, at that.
Except for Russia, they're all dry and dusty. Will he be able to get the makeup necessary? A comedy routine in Las Vegas? Get a rope.
The fuck is toast, and not the good way toast. He's dead man, walking. Barely walking, at that.

i just want him out of here and just want to be certain he's not taking us with him- he's got nothing to lose and loves to make an impression.
The plot thickens.

Family Values party.
The plot thickens.

those 10 guns cops took? say goodbye'll never get them again or any gun for that matter with a Baker Act..they had crisis cops there? = SWAT and a helicopter you every ft.. lauderdale cop was there yesterday.

i want to hear what tipped him over the edge.
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