Let me break translate this into Libtard ( Londonfog's native language).
I was responding to this brah right here:
This is what I told that homie, with my complete WHOLE response.
This is what YOU (the Libtard*), who goes by the forum handle, Londonfog, quoted ME as saying.
That's not what I said. Here I'll break this up into Libtard with annotations.
"Racist for a cause." In logic that's called a premise.
"Only a liberal can get away with that." Since we have another sentence, that's another premise; our second.
"Also leprechauns.**" Our third, and final premise.
For you to have an equivalency of being able to quote me as saying, "Racist for a cause," would mean I'm a liberal. If we take into consideration, premise #1 and premise #2.
I'm not a liberal, therefore what you quoted is a falsehood, otherwise known as a lie.
So I can only assume the one I'm responding to is a libtard.
But if you happen to be a stupid leprechaun***, or just some rogue idiot bot****, well, I apologize in advance.
*Liberals would understand Londonfog's abridged quote of mine was actually a falsehood. Therefore, the quoter is a libtard.
** Are you really a leprechaun?
*** In case you're not too stupid of leprechaun, can you explain this post to the libtard who quoted me?
To those who may respond, be careful, this isn't a Craigslist ad.
****it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests.