BREAKING! Kucinich Introduces 35 Articles of Impeachment Against George W. Bush!


Active Member
The guy is a fawking joke, and so was his presidential bid.

The Dems finally get a hold of Congress and instead of focusing on things such as immigration and renewable/ nuclear energy issues they are making a political stunt against a lame duck pres.:spew:


Well-Known Member
The guy is a fawking joke, and so was his presidential bid.

The Dems finally get a hold of Congress and instead of focusing on things such as immigration and renewable/ nuclear energy issues they are making a political stunt against a lame duck pres.:spew:
Kucinich/Gravel are stand up guys. If you know how congress works then you already have your answer on the why and why nots.
political stunt, for war crimes? I'll take what I can get at this point!
.....If you didnt win, then all candidate bids can be seen as a joke.
you come of as pro bush :spew:


Well-Known Member
I honestly dont think this is a political stunt, I believe that kucinich honestly believes buch/cheney should be impeached, as do I :hump:


Well-Known Member
not a mention of it on the 5 o'clock news.
talk about media black out huh?
MSNBC- countdown with keith olbermen, his show started with this topic.
Nothing on CNN(it was on the television at work during lunch) or my news radio driving home... not a word :confused:
Speaker of the house will not let this be herd on the floor/up for vote.
So wed kucinich will re'read all 280+mins(going over the head of nacy)to the floor to see if this should even come up for vote.(on c-span)

The dems don't want the spot light on bush, because some of that light will shine on them.
-Felony abetting!
-Accessory to the crime!

It doesnt have a leg to stand on.

These are the same people who vote if they should get a pay raise.
Weds they will vote if it should be herd that bush/them are felons :roll:


Well-Known Member
Personally I think it's pointless since Bush has only 7 months left in office.... Where were the Articles of Impeachment when it would count, like a year or two ago?

As far as the democrats not getting anything done, well if they had more seats in both houses the republicans wouldn't be able to filibuster or block jack shit.


Well-Known Member
Personally I think it's pointless since Bush has only 7 months left in office.... Where were the Articles of Impeachment when it would count, like a year or two ago?

As far as the democrats not getting anything done, well if they had more seats in both houses the republicans wouldn't be able to filibuster or block jack shit.
agreed its pointless since a new pres is takin over soon.they would put a senetor in as a stand in.

bush made turned us into texas mattered when there was statements showin no evidence of mass destruction in iraq,that was the time for impeachment.he is by far the worst president in history with out questioning


Well-Known Member
The guy is a fawking joke, and so was his presidential bid.

The Dems finally get a hold of Congress and instead of focusing on things such as immigration and renewable/ nuclear energy issues they are making a political stunt against a lame duck pres.:spew:
You're the fucking joke ... to believe that war crimes don't need to be addressed:spew::-|


Well-Known Member
Personally I think it's pointless since Bush has only 7 months left in office.... Where were the Articles of Impeachment when it would count, like a year or two ago?

As far as the democrats not getting anything done, well if they had more seats in both houses the republicans wouldn't be able to filibuster or block jack shit.
Addressing war crimes is never pointless ... and the dems actually won 50 seats in 2006 but election fraud dropped it to 29 ... that's a fact I posted this story this morning in my impeachment thread ... :-|


Well-Known Member
War Crimes are taken care of by the World Court at the Hague.
If they have a case I'm sure that sooner or later it will be addressed.


Well-Known Member
Of course they have a case ...but how are they going to get them to trial? They have been so far unable to get Rumsfeld ... and because the congress won't do their job and uphold the constitution they open the door for more corruption ... they are saying it's a o fucking k to commit war crimes ... It's up to the US to stop this ... the congress is not upholding the oath they swore to ... to say it's pointless or drop it is a crime in itself ...


Well-Known Member
Maybe your right, But the World Court at the Hague can put all parties involved on trial in absentia. Remember they did that with Slobodan Milošević, once the indictments are handed down, the minute they step out of the country they will be nabbed.
The just went and got Milošević.


Well-Known Member
They couldn't nab Rumsfeld when he was in France ... in fact they (French government) helped him escape ... the congress has a duty to impeach ... the only reason they haven't is because they are corrupted ...


Well-Known Member
Had they already handed down indictments on Rumsfeld then?
I don't think so, otherwise interpol would have had him.


Well-Known Member
No it was human rights groups that tried to have him arrested ... they were ...

International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) along with the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR), the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR), and the French League for Human Rights (LDH)

Rumsfeld Flees France, Fearing Arrest

If they couldn't get him what makes you think the World Court could? Or would ... ?


Well-Known Member
If Bush is to be tried I submit that all in Congress who voted in favor of the Iraq Resolution be tried as well. They had the documents but they didn't read them. Hillary and McCain both admitted this yet they both voted in favor. Bush couldn't have taken a piss on the sands of Iraq without approval from Congress.