BREAKING! Kucinich Introduces 35 Articles of Impeachment Against George W. Bush!


Well-Known Member
I agree ... there are plenty of members of congress that should be tried as well especially Pelosi ...


Well-Known Member
I agree ... there are plenty of members of congress that should be tried as well especially Pelosi ...
impeachment- In the United States the Constitution provides for the impeachment of federal officials charged with ‘Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanours’. The House of Representatives has ‘the sole Power of Impeachment’ and all impeachments are tried in the Senate with the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court presiding. Conviction requires the agreement of two-thirds of the members present.

My question is, what if the senate and the supreme court are as guility.
Then who do the american people turn to for help/answers?

......Just when you thought it couldnt get any worse around here, huh?:cry:


Active Member
You're the fucking joke ... to believe that war crimes don't need to be addressed:spew::-|
its been addressed, over and over again.

my point is that regardless of how you feel about the war crimes... nothing is going to happen and Bush will not be removed from office or even impeached.
Congress's approval ratings are even lower than Bush's.
My gas is going thru the roof. why doesnt congress spend their time REALLY trying to get something done.
Its funnay how Bush makes some people so mad they cant even see straight. But in reality his term is near over.
as far as war crimes, I wish people would direct their attention to africa.


New Member
its been addressed, over and over again.

my point is that regardless of how you feel about the war crimes... nothing is going to happen and Bush will not be removed from office or even impeached.
Congress's approval ratings are even lower than Bush's.
My gas is going thru the roof. why doesnt congress spend their time REALLY trying to get something done.
Its funnay how Bush makes some people so mad they cant even see straight. But in reality his term is near over.
as far as war crimes, I wish people would direct their attention to africa.
You are joking, right?


Active Member
Dumbed down for MediMan. i wasn t fucking joking.

its been addressed, over and over again.
it s just not gaining in popularity because most americans are rational, and their cognitive skillz lead them not to the same conclusions of Kucinch or others of the far left.

my point is that regardless of how you feel about the war crimes... nothing is going to happen and Bush will not be removed from office or even impeached.
pretty much a fact. Congress will not remove bush from office. Congress and the American people are not going to remove the pres from office. Get rid of GWB, then what? Cheney as pres?
Congress's approval ratings are even lower than Bush's.
americans are disgusted with congress too. Google the approval ratings.
My gas is going thru the roof. why doesnt congress spend their time REALLY trying to get something done.
Congress needs to be doing something to advance renewable energy, and exploration for domestic fossil fuels. the housing market needs some help, and attention needs to be paid to medicare.
Its funnay how Bush makes some people so mad they cant even see straight.
Simply my opinion.
But in reality his term is near over.
another fact. he s pretty much a lame duck
as far as war crimes, I wish people would direct their attention to africa.
there is serious genocide, and horrendous things going on parts of africa, but the UN and american haters are more concerned with the atrocities of GWB.:joint:


New Member
Dumbed down for MediMan. i wasn t fucking joking.

it s just not gaining in popularity because most americans are rational, and their cognitive skillz lead them not to the same conclusions of Kucinch or others of the far left.
They just don't understand the importance of doing this. Impeachment would send a message to future presidents to work within the confines of the constitution.

pretty much a fact. Congress will not remove bush from office. Congress and the American people are not going to remove the pres from office. Get rid of GWB, then what? Cheney as pres?
americans are disgusted with congress too. Google the approval ratings.
I agree with this
Congress needs to be doing something to advance renewable energy, and exploration for domestic fossil fuels. the housing market needs some help, and attention needs to be paid to medicare.
I agree with this
Simply my opinion.

another fact. he s pretty much a lame duck
Yes but the need for impeachment isnt to punish Bush as much as it is needed to show the record that sitting presidents cannot get away with what Bush has without consequences.
there is serious genocide, and horrendous things going on parts of africa, but the UN and american haters are more concerned with the atrocities of GWB.
I agree with the Africa part, but still think the atrocities of Bush should be addressed:joint:
As far as dumbed down, that was an unnecessary additive.
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Active Member
Kucinich not a joke? His dumbass claims to have actually seen a(n) UFO:roll:

the impeachment articles aren t going to go very far in congress.


its just another attempt to introduce party politics, when the dems now with the majority should be focusing their attention on the economic and social problems here in the usa.


New Member
The guy is a fawking joke, and so was his presidential bid.

The Dems finally get a hold of Congress and instead of focusing on things such as immigration and renewable/ nuclear energy issues they are making a political stunt against a lame duck pres.:spew:
kind of like what the repukes did with Clinton...and all he did was get some pussy...look what George has done...


New Member
Lots of people have seen UFOs (Unidentified flying objects), I have. I cant tell you if there were little green men inside or if they were even extraterestial, but I couldn't identify them, nor could the people that were with me. Kucinich is not a nut. he is just more honest than political, a trait that should be more expressed in congress.


Active Member
Lots of people have seen UFOs (Unidentified flying objects), I have. I cant tell you if there were little green men inside or if they were even extraterestial, but I couldn't identify them, nor could the people that were with me. Kucinich is not a nut. he is just more honest than political, a trait that should be more expressed in congress.
however, if you want to keep your credibilty (esp. with the american people as a whole)you keep that kind of shit to yourself, or btw close friends. lol

just kidding chief. im torn on the subject as a whole but im getting o/t here now.


New Member
however, if you want to keep your credibilty (esp. with the american people as a whole)you keep that kind of shit to yourself, or btw close friends. lol

just kidding chief. im torn on the subject as a whole but im getting o/t here now.
I wonder if the "founding Fathers" were really concerned with their credibility. After watching John Adams, it seems that revolt against the British really wasn't a popular thing to do in most circles, it took a few years to get the people riled up enough, and barely passed a vote by one dude. It certainly would be refreshing to see more honest men running our government, but it seems that Honesty and politician are oxymorons.


Well-Known Member
For thoes of you who were worried, relax, it's DOA. God bless America!

As they have previously, Democratic leaders staunchly oppose Kucinich's impeachment effort. They expect to table the resolution by referring it to the Judiciary Committee, where they expect it to die.
House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-Md.) suggested yesterday that engaging in a lengthy debate over impeaching Bush in the waning days of his administration is not a productive use of the House's time.
Kucinich tried a similar maneuver last November, bringing an impeachment measure against Cheney to the floor as a privileged resolution. It was referred to the Judiciary Committee.


Well-Known Member
Dennis is nuts. I beleive his biggest support for impeachment will come from republicans. Many of them believe they can slice and dice the Menace, intp shreds. The democrats want to keep their redheaded stepchild, Dennis, locked in the basement. If he comes upstairs Pelosi will fall into a fetal position. All the political hay will benifit McCane and pound Obahma. It could be quite a spectical and cost Obahma the election.


Well-Known Member
I hate bush but it is a little late in the game to bother with impeachment he should have been kicked out a long time ago. it really makes no difference now because we all know nothings going to change with mc"bush or obama in the oval office. well maybe some slight changes if obama wins but i doubt it will be positive.


Well-Known Member
Dennis is nuts. I beleive his biggest support for impeachment will come from republicans. Many of them believe they can slice and dice the Menace, intp shreds. The democrats want to keep their redheaded stepchild, Dennis, locked in the basement. If he comes upstairs Pelosi will fall into a fetal position. All the political hay will benifit McCane and pound Obahma. It could be quite a spectical and cost Obahma the election.
...bullshit ... Dennis is one of the few politicians that actually does he's job ... you're the nut ... Pelosi is a traitor ... any probably a war criminal as well ... that's why impeachment is off the table ... she need to step the fuck down ... I'm hoping someone will take her seat this election ... if they did their jobs ... and uphold their oath those that worked for impeachment would be reelected ... unlike you ... most americans are sick of the war crimes being committed ... and frankly I'm sick of people like you dismissing crimes and accountability ... you are definitely part of the problem ... What is wrong with kicking out and trying war criminals that are literally destroying our system of government ... WTF?
Obama is already going to win ... McSame needs a 10 point difference in order to steal the election and he ain't going to get it ... impeachment would give the dems a clear majority ... election fraud in 2006 kept them from getting the 50 seats they actually won because of 10 point difference ... but with impeachment ... it would be 30 points in favor of the dems ... history has show this to be true ... the party that impeach ... wins ...

I hate bush but it is a little late in the game to bother with impeachment he should have been kicked out a long time ago. it really makes no difference now because we all know nothings going to change with mc"bush or obama in the oval office. well maybe some slight changes if obama wins but i doubt it will be positive.
You don't seem to get it ... and other one of those people that are part of the problem ... if someone kills a child ... people like you want their blood ... but when someone like the war criminals ... that stole the office ... kills tens of thousands of childern ... well it doesn't make any difference now ... that bullshit ... it's up to we the people to keep pounding and pressuring these corporate scum sucking assholes that they must be held accountable ... if we don't they will keep doing it ... wake up why do you think we are paying this outrages gas prices ... because of no accountability or impeachments ... that's why ... :spew:


Well-Known Member
I hate bush but it is a little late in the game to bother with impeachment he should have been kicked out a long time ago. it really makes no difference now because we all know nothings going to change with mc"bush or obama in the oval office. well maybe some slight changes if obama wins but i doubt it will be positive.
I really don't care when.........but he owes.(They owe!)

They are going to just walk away and live wounderful lifes, on our dime?
No, fuck that noise!
I don't care when or how much money or any of that bullshit!

No world court, right here on american soil:Justice paid in full.


Well-Known Member
well maybe some slight changes if obama wins but i doubt it will be positive.
I'll bet my years wages against yours that he doesn't rescind HR 5122 granting the POTUS exclusive rights to deploy the Nat'l Guard without the state governor's approval....blatant disregard for the US Constitution. He'll take the oath to defend it(the Constitution)...but he won't rescind HR 5122. Just words flapping out of his ass. I'll be watching for that to happen, will you?