Brett Support Therad.

The right wing is about preserving American values. The left wing is about changing or destroying American values. Commie.

sometimes values change and grow with the society that holds them. sometimes people get over the whole "they're different" thing, and learn that "they" aren't that different, really. sometimes a society realizes that women are as intelligent and hard working as men, and deserve the same pay and the same chances for advancement.
sometimes the "values" they hold are archaic and outmoded. sometimes those "values" aren't that valuable. it's not the 1950's anymore, and it never will be again. the values that got us through those years do not work, anymore. the world has moved on, and new values are required.
values should change as a society grows and changes. there's nothing wrong with it, as long as the new values are carefully examined before being embraced....
sometimes values change and grow with the society that holds them. sometimes people get over the whole "they're different" thing, and learn that "they" aren't that different, really. sometimes a society realizes that women are as intelligent and hard working as men, and deserve the same pay and the same chances for advancement.
sometimes the "values" they hold are archaic and outmoded. sometimes those "values" aren't that valuable. it's not the 1950's anymore, and it never will be again. the values that got us through those years do not work, anymore. the world has moved on, and new values are required.
values should change as a society grows and changes. there's nothing wrong with it, as long as the new values are carefully examined before being embraced....
Garbage. We will not submit to a global authority, especially unelected bureaucrats. We will not give up our guns, or any of our bill of rights. These things will not change. That is what makes the US a better country than every other country. Our freedoms will not be given up for some global Marxist utopia.
If you knew trump was gonna win why didn’t you take my $10,000 bet?

He seems to forget that TRUMP LOST THE POPULAR VOTE!
By over a million votes...

Lets see here, Trump was accused by 19 CREDIBLE women of him assaulting them.
He said ON tape that he did it (assaulting women) and that he just "grabs them by the pussy".
He had a lawyer on retainer who's ONLY job it was to pay off women he had "relations" with.

You say he's happily married, and what does his wife think of this...she sighs with relief that Hitler jr. isn't on top of her!

You know what?

Who else in history continually held "rally's", even after taking office? HITLER.

Take a serious look at how he rose to power and compare that with Trump...

In an interview in a national magazine. One of Trump's ex wive's was asked what disturbed her the most about Donald.
She answered that he kept a book of Hitler's speech's on his night stand, next to the bed.

This was reported on during the election. Both on broadcast and print. Trump said and did nothing. He couldn't! It's TRUE.

Brett did it, he knows it, and only the guilty fight back with accusing others of setting them up....

Trump never "Drained the swamp". He only made it deeper...

Any wall is useless and stupid. Mexico paying for it is as stupid as it gets. Not going to happen.