Brett Support Therad.

It's not Obamacare emptying people's wallets.

It's your precious GOP that has gutted it's resources that has.
The resources? Are you kidding me? The resources comes from OUR POCKETS lol. Obama forced people who didn't have healthcare to pay a "fee". That is illegal in a Capitalist Democratic Republic. No one is to be forced to buy a product and also not be punished by not making the purchase.
You mean Obamacare that continues to empty peoples wallets so that the lazy and unemployed are paid for? The deficit balances once the programs that were spent on are in effect. Don't try to play economics with me, trust in that. What's the devil Triangle? A drinking game, he said this and his friends wrote in sworn testimony that is exactly what it means. He answered are you Bart O'Kavanaugh. Because the friend was the one who wrote that, so it is up to his friend to answer that question.
Fyi, Obamacare is more popular than Trump's tax cuts.
Since when was beating and raping women, being a racist prick, stealing money, siding with Russia over the United States, "falling in love" with a fascist dictator, taking money from foreigners, laundering money, lying, and selling your vote to the highest bidder considered American values?
Are you sure you're just smoking weed?
Yes I choose to have it.
I believe you believe you choose to.

Vehicle insurance, in the United States and elsewhere, is designed to cover risk of financial liability or the loss of a motor vehicle the owner may face if their vehicle is involved in a collision resulting in property or physical damages. Most states require a motor vehicle owner to carry some minimum level of liability insurance. States that do not require the vehicle owner to carry car insurance include Virginia, where an uninsured motor vehicle fee may be paid to the state; New Hampshire, and Mississippi which offers vehicle owners the option to post cash bonds (see below). The privileges and immunities clause of Article IV of the U.S. Constitution protects the rights of citizens in each respective state when traveling to another.
They didn't used to be all this worthess. They are fighting an influx of drones and minions just like the rest of us are. The movement is not yet bereft but well on its way to becoming so. It used to be an interesting thought experiment, now it is becoming a bastion of scoundrels.
Worthless because it doesn't help your party?
You aren't worth further responses.
No, I’m not worth responses because you, like most deranged Liberals, can’t argue your way into facts. Facts put a stop to your pathetic attempts to discredit. Are you aware of the #WalkAway movement? I bet you will downplay that as well. Which is another indicator that you live in a bubble.